USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619 (2019-2024)

Funded by USC Emeritus Center 2024-2025

6 Year Old Children's Narratives

First Graders

The following list of narratives comes from a group of first graders in Paraguay collected from the narration of two books "Frog Where Are You?" and "A boy, a dog, and a frog" by Mercer Meyer. You may select from the list below one of the children's narratives from the 6 year old group:

Narrative C1
Narrative C2
Narrative C3
Narrative C4
Narrative C5
Narrative C6
Narrative C7
Narrative C8
Narrative C9
Narrative C10

The following list of narratives comes from a group of first graders in Paraguay collected from the narration of of the book "Pini ha Kuri'i" by Feliciano Acosta. You may select from the list below one of the children's narratives from the 6 year old group:

Narrative C15
Narrative C16
Narrative C17
Narrative C18
Narrative C19

Narrative C32
Narrative C33
Narrative C34

Narrative C49
Narrative C50