Funded by NSF BCS-1917619 (2019-2024)
Funded by USC Emeritus Center 2024-2025
Now lion
Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.
Audio for Story #9:
Peteĩ | ka’i | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | o-sena | hínaContinuative | tatay-pýpe, |
One | monkey | Report.Evid | 3Sg-dinner | Cont | fire-close |
It is said that a monkey was having dinner close to the fire,
Dicen que un mono estaba cenando cerca del fuego,
i-ñirũ | ovecha | he-ndive, | la | pyhare. |
3.Poss-friend | sheep | 3.Pron.Prep | Def.Det | night |
his friend the sheep with him, at night.
su amigo la oveja con él, a la noche.
Ka’i | nimbo | oho | ojuhu | ra'eMatrix clause, speaker-oriented, nimbo introduces some uncertainty | peteĩ | leõ | akãngue |
Monkey | Part | 3Sg-go | 3Sg-find | Evid | one | lion | head |
It is said that the monkey went to find [go find] a lion’s head
El mono había sido que se fue a encontrar una cabeza de león
ha | o-u | o-hesy | ho’u | [haguã]Irrealis Subordinator 'ha' | hína.Emphasis on purpose |
Conj | 3Sg-come | 3Sg-bbq | | [Sub.Irr] | Cont |
and came [back] and barbequed it to eat it.
y vino a asar [para] comer.
Ha | jaguarete | o-ñe-tĩ | rupi | jepi | ha | o-ñe-mbope | o-ú | -vo,Simultaneous Conjunction |
Conj | tiger | 3Sg-Refl-nose | around | occasionally | Conj | 3Sg-Refl-drag | 3Sg-come | -Conj.Simult |
And the tiger sniffed around occasionally, dragging himself,
Y el tigre husmeaba en tanto en tanto y arrastrándose vino,
h-o’u-se | mokõi-ve | umi | o-jepe’é | -vaRelativizer 'va' | [-pe] | hína.Emphasis on the Obj of 'ho’use’ |
3Sg-eat-Des | two-more | Dem | 3Sg-close | -Rel | [-DOM] | Cont |
he wanted to eat both of those that were close to the fire.
quería comer a los dos que estaban cerca [del fuego].
Mbegue-katú-pe | o-ñe-mo’aguĩ | o-hó | -vo,Simultaneous Conjunction | ichu-gui | kuéra. |
Slow-Mod-Loc | 3Sg-Refl-approach | 3Sg-go | -Conj.Simult | 3.Pron-Prep | Pl |
Slowly, he was getting close to them.
Lentamente iba acercándose a ellos.
O-hechá | -jeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | ka’i | la | jaguarete | o-u | -haSubordinator 'ha' | [i]chupe | kuéra | hína,Emphasis on 'chupe kuera' |
3Sg-see | -Report.Evid | monkey | Def.Det | tiger | 3Sg-come | -Sub | 3.Pron.IO | Pl | Cont |
It is said that the monkey saw the tiger that was coming towards them.
Dicen que le vio el mono al tigre que venía [hacia] ellos.
ha | upé | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -rõ | o-jagarra | la | leõ | akãngue |
Conj | Dem | -Asp | -Cond | 3Sg-grab | Def.Det | lion | head |
And then he grabbed the lion’s head
Y entonces ya agarró la cabeza de león
ha | o-ho | o-moĩ | la | haity | rokẽ-me | peteĩ | yvyra | púnta-re. |
Conj | 3Sg-go | 3Sg-put | Def.Det | nest | door-Loc | one | wood | point-Obl |
and went to put it on the point of a stick on the door of his cave.
y se fue a poner en la puerta de su cueva por la punta de una madera.
O-je-juru-hýi | ka’i | ha | he’i: |
3Sg-Refl-mouth-clean | monkey | Conj | 3Sg.say |
The monkey cleaned his mouth and said:
El mono se limpió la boca y dijo:
——Ko’ãga | ña-sena | leõ | ha | ko’ẽrõ |
Now | 3Pl.Incl-dinner | lion | Conj | tomorrow |
"Now we have a lion for dinner and tomorrow
"Ahora cenamos león y mañana
ja-’ú | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -ne | jaguarete! | ——he’i | ndaje.Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' |
1Pl.Excl-eat | -Asp | -Mod | tiger | 3Sg.say | Report.Evid |
we will probably already have a tiger for dinner," it is said that he said.
ya cenaríamos tigre," se dice que dijo.
Ha | o-hendú | -vo,Simultaneous Conjunction | upéa, | o-mongyhyje | jaguareté-pe | ha | o-jevy. |
Conj | 3Sg-hear | -Conj.Simult | Dem | 3Sg-frighten | tiger-DOM | Conj | 3Sg-go.back |
And when he heard that, the tiger got frightened and went back.
Y cuando escuchó eso, le dio miedo al tigre y se volvió.