Funded by NSF BCS-1917619
Money earth-under
Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.
Audio for Story #12:
Oi-ko | va'ekuéDistal Perfect Aspect | -ngo | karai | Leokádio, | pláta | yvy-guy | reka | -haNominalizer 'ha' | tuja. |
3Sg-exist | Asp.Distal | -FOC | Mr. | Leokadio | money | ground-under | search | -Nom | old |
There was an old treasure hunter, called Mr. Leokadio.
Existía un viejo buscador de tesoro, el señor llamado Leokádio.
Peteĩ | diá-pe (árape) | o-u | che | rendá-pe | ha | he’i | chéve: |
One | day-Loc | 3Sg-come | 1Sg.Poss | place-Loc | Conj | 3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO |
One day he came to my place and said to me:
Un dia vino junto a mí y me dijo:
——Ja-ha-mí-na | ta-hecha[u]ka-mi | ndé-ve | peteĩ | mba’e |
——1Pl.Incl-go-Dim-Rog | Imp-see-Caus-Dim | 2Sg-with | one | thing |
"Let’s go, I will show you something
"Vamos, un poquito te voy a mostrar algo
a-nohẽ | va'ekueRelativizer/Distal | che | konpádre | Vito | ndí-ve. |
1Sg-take.out | Rel.Distal | 1Sg.Poss | friend | Vito | 2Sg-with |
that I found with my friend, Vito."
que había sacado con mi compadre, Vito."
Ha | a-je-prepara | la | ka’aru | ha | ro-ho | la | i-konpádre | róga-pe. |
Conj | 1Sg-Refl-prepare | Def.Det | lunch | Conj | 1Pl.Excl-go | Def.Det | 3.Poss-friend | house-Loc |
And I got ready in the afternoon and we went to his friend’s house.
Y me preparé a la tarde y fuimos a la casa de su compadre.
O-sẽ | ore-reciví-vo [ore-mo-guahẽ-vo] | karai | Vito, | ha | ro-ñe’ẽ | ñe’ẽ-nte, |
3Sg-go.out | 2Pl.Obj-receive-Asp.Goal | mister | Vito | Conj | 1Pl.Excl-speak | speak-only |
Mr. Vito came out to receive us, and we just chatted,
Salió a recibirnos el Señor Vito, y hablábamos nomás [charlamos],
ha | Leokádio | o-porandú | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | chupe |
Conj | Leokadio | 3Sg-ask | -Asp | 3.Pron.IO |
and Leokadio already asked
y Leokádio ya le preguntó
mba’e-pa | o-japo | ra’eEmbedded, wh-complement of 'o-porandú', matrix subject oriented | ha’e | la | mba’e | o-guenohẽ | va'ekueRelativizer/Distal | hikuái-gui. |
thing-Q | 3Pl-do | Evid | 3.Pron | Def.Det | thing | 3Pl-take.out | Rel.Distal | 3Pl.Pron.Subj-Prep |
what they had done with the things they had dug out.
qué habían hecho de las cosas que habían sacado ellos.
——A-mombo-pa | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | [pórke] | che | rembirekó-pe | ndo-gustái-gui [ndoipotái-gui] | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun |
——1Sg-throw.out-Compl | 3.Pron.DO | [because] | 1Sg.Poss | wife-IO | 2Sg-like-Prep | 3.Pron.DO |
"I threw it all out because my wife did not like it:
"Tiré todo porque a mi esposa no le gustó:
'E-mo-mbo | chéve | pe | sonseráhe, |
Imp-Caus-throw.out | 1Sg.Pron.IO | Dem | trinkets |
'Throw me out all those trinkets,
'Tirame todo esa tontería,
pe | kosina | tihéra | punta-re | re-hupi | va'ekue.'Relativizer/Distal |
Dem | kitchen | beam | end-Obl | 2Sg-lift | Rel.Distal |
which you had lifted on the end of the beam.' [Vito’s wife quoted]
que habías alzado en lo alto de la cocina [en la punta de la tijera del techo]' [la esposa de Vito citada]
'Che-mo-ngyhyje,' | he’i | chéve | peteĩ | diá-pe." |
1Sg-Caus-fear | 3Sg.say | 1Sg.Pron.IO | one | day-Loc |
'It scares me,' she told me one day."
'Me da miedo,' me dijo un día."
Ha | ha’e-té-pe | upe | jave | o-sẽ | Vito | rembireko |
Conj | Cop-Superl-Loc | Dem | moment | 3Sg-go.out | Vito | wife |
And at that moment Vito’s wife came out,
Y en ese mismo momento salió la esposa de Vito,
ha | o-porandu | chupe | Leokádio, | che-rovake: |
Conj | 3Sg-ask | 3.Pron.IO | Leokádio | 1Sg-front |
and Leokadio asked her, in front of me:
y Leokadio le preguntó, delante mío [en mi presencia]:
——Ha | mba’é-re-pa | ne-mo-ngyhyje | la | ore | rembire-nohẽ-ngue? |
——Conj | thing-Obl-Q | 2Sg-Caus-fear | Def.Det | 1Pl.Poss | thing-dig-former |
"And why are you afraid of the thing that we dug out?"
"¿Y porque le tienes miedo a lo que habíamos extraído [desenterrado]?"
Ha | ha’e | ningo | o-gueru | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | kuriRetrospective Aspect 'kuri' | o-jokua | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | trápo-pe |
Conj | 3.Pron | FOC | 3Sg-bring | 3.Pron.DO | Retrosp.Asp | 3Sg-tie | 3.Pron.DO | cloth-Loc |
And he brought [it = what they had dug out] [and] he [it to] tied a piece of cloth
Y el trajo [lo desenterrado] [y] [lo] ató en un trapo
ha | o-hupi | pe | yvate, | tihéra | punta-re. |
Conj | 3Sg-lift | Dem | high | beam | end-Obl |
and he raised up high on the ceiling beam.
y alzó allá en lo alto de la tijera [del techo].
Ha | yvytu | hatã | ramo, | o-va | -vaRelativizer 'va' | upé-pe | la | trápo-pe | je-jokuapy, |
Conj | wind | strong | Cond | 3Sg-move | -Rel | Dem-Loc | Def.Det | cloth-Loc | Refl-tie |
And if there is a lot of wind, that thing tied with the cloth moves [back and forth],
Y si hay mucho viento, se mueve [de un lado a otro] lo que está atado por el trapo,
ha | pyhare | ramo | o-va-vá-nte | avei. |
Conj | night | Cond | 3Sg-move-Hab-FOC | also |
and at night it also moves.
y por la noche se mueve también.
Ha | re-pu’ã | ha | re-maña | ha’óra | hesé-nte | o-va-va | hína.Continuative |
Conj | 2Sg-get.up | Conj | 2Sg-look | time | 3.Obl-FOC | 3Sg-move-Hab | Cont |
And whatever time you get up and you look at it, it is moving (back and forth).
Y la hora que te levantas y miras por él, se está moviendo.
O-ky | ha | o-pí-rõ | ha’e | nd-o-pytá-i. |
3Sg-rain | Conj | 3Sg-stop.rain-Cond | 3.Pron | Neg-3Sg-stay-Neg |
And whether it rains or not, it is still moving.
Si llueve o si escampa [el bulto] no se queda.
Ha | upéa | la | kangue-kue | o-guenohẽ | va'ekue.'Relativizer/Distal | hikuái |
Conj | those | Def.Det | bone-former | 3Sg-take.out | Rel.Distal | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
And those were the [former] bones that he had dug out
Y esos [eran] los huesos [former bones] que habían sacado ellos
yvy-guý-gui | ra'e,Ra'e narrator/speaker oriented, part of matrix (edge of Rel clause) | la | entierro | reka | há-pe.Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' |
earth-under-Prep | Evid | Def.Det | dug | search | Rel-Loc |
from under the ground, it turns out, searching for the treasure.
de debajo de la tierra, había sido que, buscando lo enterrado [=tesoro].
Ha | la | hembireko | upéicha | o-kyhyjé | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | ramo | la | kangue-kue | je-jokuapý-gui, |
Conj | Def.Det | wife | that.way | 3Sg-afraid | -Asp | Cond | Def.Det | bone-former | Refl-tie-Prep |
And given that the wife was already afraid of the tied up bones,
Y así como la esposa ya estaba atemorizada de los restos de huesos atados,
karai | Vito | o-mombo | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | peteĩ | akuare’ẽ-ndý-pe. |
Mr. | Vito | 3Sg-throw.out | 3.Pron.DO | one | reedbed-in-Loc |
Mr. Vito threw [them] out in a reedbed.
el señor Victor [los] tiró en un cañaveral.
N-o-mombó-i | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | sementério-pe | pórke | o-dekonfía | hese |
Neg-3Sg-throw.out-Neg | 3.Pron.DO | cemetery-Loc | because | | 3.Pron.Obl |
He did not throw [them] in the cemetery because he suspected
No [los] tiró en el cementerio porque desconfía de él
nda-há’e-i | -haSubordinate 'ha' | vautisádo | kangue-kue. |
Neg-Cop-Neg | -Sub | baptize | bone-former |
that it had not been baptized.
que no fue bautizado.
O-ĩ-py-pe | la | o-ĩ | -va.Relativizer 'va' |
3Sg-exist-inside-Loc | Def.Det | 3Sg-exist | -Rel |
That it has something, it does.
De tener algo lo tiene/Dentro hay lo que hay.
Upéi | che | a-sẽ-vo | karai | Vito | róga-gui |
Then | 1Sg.Pron | 1Sg-go.out-Conj.Simult | Mr. | Vito | house-Prep |
Then when I left Mr. Victor's house
Después al salir yo de la casa del Señor Victor
a-ha | haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | jey | óga-pe, | karai | Leokádio | o-sẽ | che-ndive. |
1Sg-go | Sub.Irr | again | house-Loc | Mr. | Leokadio | 3Sg-go.out | 1Sg-with |
to go back to my house, Mr. Locadio went out with me.
para ir de vuelta a mi casa, el señor Locadio salió conmigo.
——Ro-sẽ | mbuku-mí-vo | upé-gui | ——he’i | chéve: |
——1Pl-go.out | stretch-Dim-Conj.Simult | Dem-Prep | ——3Sg.say | 1Sg.Pron.IO |
"When we had gone a stretch from there," he said to me.
"Cuando salimos de ahí un trecho," me dijo.
——Ja-ha-mí-na | óga-pe | ta-hendu-ka-mi | ndéve | la | che | músika. |
——1Pl-go-Dim-Rog | house-Loc | Rog-listen-Caus-Dim | 2Sg.Pron.IO | Def.Det | 1Sg.Poss | music |
"Let’s go to my house to have you listen to some of my music."
"Vamos un poco a mi casa para hacerte escuchar mi música."
——Mba’éicha-gua-piko | la | ne | músika | ——ha’e | chupe. |
——What.kind-source-Q | Def.Det | 2Sg.Poss | music | ——1Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO |
"What type [of music] is your music?" I said.
"Qué clase es tu música?" le dije.
——Ha | ja-ha-mí-na | [r]ei-kauaa-mi. |
——Conj | 1Pl-go-Dim-Rog | 2Sg-know-Dim |
"Let’s go so you get to know."
"Y vamos para que sepas."
Upéi-ngo | a-ju | he-ndive | la | hóga-pe. | Roi-me | hína.Present Continuative (lengthens duration of event) |
Then-FOC | 1Sg-come | 3Pl-with | Def.Det | | 1Pl.Excl-Loc | 2Pl.Excl-Cont |
And then I came with him to his house. We were there.
Y después vine con él a su casa. Estábamos [ahí].
Upéi | che-avisa: | ——La | ónse | ramo |
Then | 1Sg.Obj-tell | ——Def.Det | eleven | Cond |
Then he tells me: "At eleven o’clock
Y después me avisa: "Cuando sean las once
o-ñepyrũ | -taProspective Aspect | hínaEmphasis on prospective event | la | músika | a-hendu-ka-sé | -vaRelativizer 'va' | ndéve. |
3Sg-begin | -Prosp | Emph | Def.Det | music | 1Sg-listen-Caus-Des | -Rel | 2Sg.Pron.IO |
the music that I want to make you listen to will begin."
va a empezar la música que te quiero hacer escuchar."
Upéi-ngo | ro-kay’u, | are | ro-kay’u | ha | ro-ñẽ’ẽ | ro-ína.Continuative (lengthens the events) |
Then-FOC | 1Pl-drink.mate | some.time | 1Pl.Excl-drink.mate | Conj | 1Pl.Excl-talk | 1Pl.Excl-Cont |
Then we drank mate; for some time we drank mate and talked (for a long time).
Y después tomamos mate; durante un tiempo largo tomamos mate y conversamos (por mucho tiempo).
Upéi | katu | ro-je-deha | la | kay’ú-gui, |
Then | Emph | 1Pl-Refl-leave | Def.Det | drink.mate-Prep |
Then we stopped drinking mate,
Después sí que nos dejamos del mate,
ha | no-ro-sená-i, | ro-ha’arõ | hínaContinuative | la | músika. |
Conj | Neg-1Pl.Excl-have.dinner-Neg | 1Pl-wait | Cont | Def.Det | music |
and we didn’t have dinner; we were waiting for the music.
y no cenamos, estábamos esperando la música.
Hasý-pe-ngo | la | ónse | sapý’a. |
Tired-Loc-FOC | Def.Det | eleven | suddenly |
And finally, it was suddenly eleven o’clock.
Y a las cansadas, finalmente llegó las once.
Ro-pu’ã | ha | che-gueraha | peteĩ | kahõ | oĩ | -há-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' |
1Pl-get.up | Conj | 1Sg.Obj-take | one | [funerary.]urn | 3Sg-exist | -Rel-Loc |
We got up and he took me where there was a funerary urn,
Nos levantamos y me llevó donde estaba un cajón,
nimbo | upéa | la | o-guenohẽ | va’ekue | ra'eMatrix clause, to the right of relative clause, narrator oriented | la | i-konpádre | Vito | ndíve: |
Part | that | Def.Det | 3Sg-arrive | Rel.Distal | Evid | Def.Det | 3.Poss-friend | Vito | with |
It turns out that it was what he had taken out with his friend Victor [narrator discovers]:
Había sido eso era lo que había sacado con su compadre Vito:
henyhẽ-te-pype | la | kritiáno | kangue-kue. |
full-Superl-inside | Def.Det | Christian | bone-former |
it was full of former Christian bones.
estaba llenito de huesos de cristianos.
Upéi | ro-ñe-mboja | mbegue | katu | la | i-máta-pe. |
Then | 1Pl-Refl-get.close | slowly | FOC | Def.Det | 3.Poss-shrub-Loc |
Then we slowly got closer to the shrub.
Después nos acercamos lentamente al arbusto [al lugar].
A-j-apysa-ka | porã | ha | a-hendu | "chĩi!" | he’i | -vaRelativizer 'va' | peteĩ | hendá-pe. |
1Sg-Refl-ear-Caus | well | Conj | 1Sg-hear | chii! | 3Sg.say | -Rel | one | place-Loc |
I listened well and heard "chii!", it said in one place.
Presté bien oído y oí "chĩi!", decía en un lugar.
Ha | upéi | la | ótro | kahõ | ekína-pe | "chĩi!" | he’i | jey. |
Conj | then | Def.Det | another | urn | corner-Loc | chii! | 3Sg.say | again |
And then in the other corner of the urn "chii!", it said again.
Y luego en la otra esquina del cajón "chĩi!", decía de nuevo.
O-ñe-pyrũ | o-ño-mbohovái | la | upéicha | he’í | -va:Relativizer 'va' |
3Pl-Refl-begin | 3Pl-Rec-reciprocate | Def.Det | that.way | 3Pl.say | -Rel |
They began to echo one another, the ones saying
Empezó a corresponderse los que decían
"chĩi!" | ápe, | "chĩi!" | amo, | pe | mbyté-pe. |
chii! | here | chii! | there | Det.Det | middle-Loc |
"chĩi!" here, there, and in between.
"chĩi!" acá, "chĩi!" allá, en el medio.
Heta-ve, | heta-ve | o-hó-vo | la | káva | o-ñe’ẽ-joá-va | upéicha. |
Lots-more | lots-more | 3Pl-go-Conj.Simult | Def.Det | wasp | 3Pl-Refl-together-Hab | that.way |
Each time lots more and more were buzzing all together in that way.
Cada vez más y más avispas que iban zumbando juntas así.
Ha’e-te | ku | o-sẽ-se-tereí | -va:Relativizer 'va' | hikuái. |
3Pl.Cop-Superl | Dem | 3Pl-go.out-Des-excess | -Rel | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
It seemed that those were the ones that wanted so much to get out.
Parecía esas [not visible] que demasiado querían salir.
O-ĩ | o-ñe’ẽ | po’i-mí | -va,Relativizer 'va' | po’i rusú | -va,Relativizer 'va' |
3Pl-exist | 3Pl-talk | narrow-Dim | -Rel | narrow-medium | -Rel |
There were those that buzzed low-pitch, those that buzzed medium-pitch,
Hay de las que zumbaban finito, otras mediano,
o-ñe’ẽ | pyrusú | -va,Relativizer 'va' | opáicha-gua | o-ĩ. |
3Pl-talk | acute | -Rel | all.types-Source | 3Pl-exist |
those that buzzed high-pitch, there were all types.
otras [que zumbaban] agudo, de toda clase había.
Ha’e-te | la | o-farrea | mba’e | -vaRelativizer 'va' | la | i-káva | kuéra |
3Pl.Cop-Superl | Def.Det | 3Pl-party | thing | -Rel | Def.Det | 3-wasp | Pl |
It appears that there were very many of the wasps that were partying
Parecía que eran muchas las avispas que farreaban
la | kahõ | guasu | ryepý-pe. |
Def.Det | urn | big | inside-Loc |
inside the big urn.
dentro del cajón grande.
Are | upe | hagué-peLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | ningo | peteĩ | ka’arú-pe |
Some.time | Dem | Sub.TermAsp-Loc | FOC | one | afternoon-Loc |
It was much after that one afternoon
Desde ese tiempo lejano una tarde
a-ha | a-ínaPresent Continuative | peteĩ | anhelíto | ñeñotỹ-háme, |
1Sg-go | 1Sg.Cont | one | angel | burial-place |
I was going to the funeral of an angel,
me iba al entierro de un angelito,
ha | o-sẽ | karai | Leokádio | che rendá-pe |
Conj | 3Sg-go.out | Mr. | Leokádio | 1Sg-place-Loc |
and Mr. Leokadio came out with me
y salió el señor Leokadio junto a mí
(ñai-mo’ã | ku | oi-ko’í-va, | hova | cha’ĩ-mba) | ha | he’i | chéve: |
1Pl-believe | Dem | 3Sg-exist-Hab | face | wrinkle-all | Conj | 3Sg.say | 1Sg.Pron.IO |
(we think that he lives badly, with a wrinkled face), and he said:
(creemos que ese vive mal, con la cara arrugada), y me dijo:
——Ja-’e | va'ekueDistal Perfect Aspect | ningo | la | che | róga | a-vendé | -taProspective Aspect | ha’óra, |
——1Pl-say | Asp.Distal | FOC | Def.Det | 1Sg.Poss | house | 1Sg-sell | -Prosp | time |
"We said long ago that when the time comes to sell my house,
"Dijimos hace tiempo, que a la hora de vender mi casa,
ndéve | a-ofrese | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | raẽ | va’erã | -haSubordinate 'ha' |
2Sg.Pron.IO | 1Sg-offer | 3.Pron.DO | first | Mod | -Sub |
I should offer [it] to you first."
a vos te [la] tenía que ofrecer primero."
——Hẽe, | upéicha | va'ekue.Distal Perfect Aspect |
——Yes | that.way | Asp.Distal |
"Yes, it was that way then."
"Sí, así fué."
——Ha | mba’eicha-pa | rei-me? |
——Conj | how-Q | 2Sg-exist |
"And how are you?"
"Y cómo estás?"
——Che-rasy | ningo | ha | che | reindy | che-gueraha-se | hóga-pe |
——1Sg-ill | FOC | Conj | 1Sg.Poss | sister | 1Sg.Obj-take-Des | |
"I am sick and my sister wants to take me to her house
"Estoy enfermo y mi hermana quiere llevarme a su casa
o-ñatende [oñangareko] | haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | che-rehe. | | Sub.Irr | 1Sg-Prep.Obl |
to take care of me."
para cuidarme."
——A-jú | -taProspective Aspect | ne | rendá-pe | ãga | ña-ñe’ẽ | haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | ——ha’e | chupe. |
——1Sg-come | -Prosp | 2Sg.Poss | place-Loc | now | 1Pl.Incl-talk | Sub.Irr | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO |
"I will come to your place to talk," he said to him.
"Voy a venir junto a vos ahora para conversar," le dijo.
Ha | upe | rire | a-ha | jey | la | hóga-pe |
Conj | then | after | 1Sg-go | again | Def.Det | |
And then I went back again to his house
Y después fui otra vez a su casa
ha | o-mombe’u-pa | chéve | la | o-jehu | va’ekue | chupe. |
Conj | 3Sg-tell-Compl | 1Sg.Pron.IO | Def.Det | 3Sg-happen | Rel.Distal | 3.Pron.IO |
and he told me everything that had happened to him.
y me contó todo lo que le había pasado.
Ijypy-(gua)rã | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | o-guenohẽ | hikuái | i-konpádre | ndive | ra'eMatrix clause, narrator oriented |
3Sg.start-Irr | Report.Evid | 3Pl-take.out | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | 3.Poss-friend | with | Evid |
It is said that, to start with, they had taken out with his friend
Se dice que, para comenzar, habían sacado con su compadre, había sido que,
pe | kahõ | o-hecha-ka | va’ekue | chéve, | tenyhẽ-te-pype | kritiáno | kangue. |
Dem | urn | 3Sg-see-Caus | Rel.Distal | 1Sg.Pron.IO | full-Superl-inside | Christian | bones |
that urn that he had shown me, full of Christian bones.
ese cajón que me había mostrado, muy lleno de huesos humanos.
O-ño-mboja’o | hese | hikuái | mbyte | rupi. |
3Pl-Rec-get.together | 3.Pron.Obl | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | half | Prep |
They split [the bones] in two.
Se repartieron [esos huesos] por la mitad.
Vito | o-gueraha | la | alamitã-re | hóga-pe, |
Vito | 3Sg-take | Def.Det | half-Obl | |
Vito took half to his house,
Vito llevó a su casa la mitad,
ha | karai | Leokádio | la | alamitã | avei | hóga-pe, | la | kahõ | reheve. |
Conj | Mister | Leokádio | Def.Det | half | also | | Def.Det | urn | Prep.Obl |
and Mr. Leokádio also [took] the other half to his house, with the [funeral] urn.
y el señor Leokadio la otra mitad llevó también a su casa, con el cajón.
O-guereko | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | are | hóga-pe, |
3Sg-have | 3.Pron.DO | Report.Evid | long.time | |
It is said that he had [them = the bones] a long time in his house,
Se dice que [los] tuvo mucho tiempo en su casa [= los huesos],
ha | oi-ko | pype | la | káva | o-ñe’ẽ | -vaRelativizer 'va' | la | ónse-rõ, | káda | pyhare. |
Conj | 3Sg-exist | inside | Def.Det | urn | 3Pl-talk | -Rel | Def.Det | eleven-Cond | each | evening |
and the wasps buzzed inside the urn each evening.
y estaban dentro del cajón las avispas que zumbaban a las once, cada noche.
Ha | peteĩ | pyharé-pe | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | n-o-ñe’ẽi | la | i-káva |
Conj | one | evening-Loc | Report.Evid | Neg-3Pl-talk-Neg | Def.Det | 3.Poss-urn |
And one night it is said that the wasps were no longer buzzing
Y una noche se dice que no zumbaron las avispas
ha | upé | ko’ẽrõ-icha | na-i-ko’ẽ-i | la | kahõ | guasu, | kangue-kue | ryru. |
Conj | then | | Neg-3Sg-dawn-Neg | Def.Det | urn | big | bones-former | container |
and then like the next day, the big urn, the container of what had been bones, was no longer there.
y después como al día siguiente no amaneció el gran cajón, recipiente que fueron de los huesos.
Are | o-heka | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | ha | upéi | o-je-deha. |
long.time | 3Sg-search | 3.Pron.DO | Conj | then | 3Sg-Refl-leave |
He looked for [it] for a long time and then he stopped looking.
Mucho tiempo [lo] buscó y después dejó [de buscar].
Ha | peteĩ | sávado | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | o-u | hendá-pe | i-konpádre, |
Conj | one | Saturday | Report.Evid | 3Sg-come | place-Loc | 3.Poss-friend |
And one Saturday, it is said, his friend came to his place,
Y un sábado, se dice que, vino junto a él su compadre,
o-mombe’u | chupe | o-hecha | -haSubordinate 'ha' | jepi | peteĩ | yvy | kandú-pe | la | hendý | -vaRelativizer 'va' |
3Sg-tell | 3.Pron.IO | 3Sg-see | -Sub | frequently | one | earth | mount-Loc | Def.Det | light | -Rel |
and he told him that he frequently sees something that lightens up on a mount of earth.
y le contó que ve siempre en un montículo de tierra lo que se enciende (llamas de fuego).
O-ho | mokõi-vé | -vaRelativizer 'va' | oi-ty-[u]ka | la | préva, |
3Pl-go | twice-more | -Rel | 3Pl-throw-Caus | Def.Det | proofs |
And they both went to have their cards thrown,
Se fueron los para hacer echar la prueba (las cartas),
ha | o-sẽ | o-jupe | hikuái: | i-katú | -taProspective Aspect | o-ho | o-ño-ndive | o-jo’o. |
Conj | 3Sg-go.out | 3Sg-find | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | 3Pl-can | -Prosp | 3Pl-go | 3Pl-Rec-with | 3Pl-dig |
and it came out for both: they can go dig together.
y le salió a los dos: pueden ir juntos a cavar.
O-ho | o-sonda | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' |
3Pl-go | 3Pl-explore | Report.Evid |
It is said they went to explore
Se fueron para sondear [explorar]
ha | peteĩ | ñuatĩ | chyryry | guý-pe | o-juhu | la | o-juhú | -va.Relativizer 'va' |
Conj | one | thorn | dry | under-Loc | 3Pl-find | Def.Det | 3Pl-find | -Rel |
and under a dry thorn they found what they found.
y debajo de una espina seca encontraron lo que encontraron.
O-ñe-moĩ | o-jo-pyru | hikuái | ha | o-jo’o. |
3Pl-Refl-put | 3Pl-dig-succeed | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | Conj | 3Pl-dig |
And they dug taking turns.
Se pusieron por turno y cavaron.
O-jo’o-vé-rõ | o-jo’o-ve | ha | nd-o-juhú-i | mba’e-ve. |
3Pl-dig-more-Cond | 3Pl-dig | Conj | Neg-3Pl-find-Neg | thing-more |
When they dug and dug, they did not find anything.
Cavaron y cavaron más y no encontraron nada.
Upéi | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | pe | yvykuá-pe | o-hetũ | Leokádio | la | i-né | -va.Relativizer 'va' |
Then | Report.Evid | Dem | well-Loc | 3Sg-smell | Leokádio | Def.Det | 3.Poss-bad.smell | -Rel |
And then it is said Leokádio smelled something that smelled bad.
Y después se dice que en el pozo olió Leokadio lo que olía mal.
Upépe | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | i-serrado-ve | ha’e. |
There.Loc | Report.Evid | 3Sg-persistent-more | 3.Pron |
It is said that at that point he got more persistent.
Ahí, se dice que se puso más persistente él.
Ha | i-konpádre | o-guenohẽ | hínaPast Continuative | la | yvy | rondána-pe. |
Conj | 3.Poss-friend | 3Sg-take.out | Cont | Def.Det | earth | sheave-Loc |
And his friend was taking out the earth with a sheave.
Y su compadre estaba sacando la tierra con la roldana.
O-sonda | jey | ha | o-juhu | jey | la | hatã | -va,Relativizer 'va' | la | kambuchi. |
3Pl-attempt | again | Conj | 3Pl-find | again | Def.Det | hard | -Rel | Def.Det | container |
And then they attempted again, and they found something hard again, the container.
Sondearon otra vez y encontraron devuelta lo duro, el cántaro.
Ha | upéi | ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' | hasý-pe, | pe | ónse | metroha | rupi, |
Conj | then | Report.Evid | difficult-Loc | Dem | eleven | meters | around |
And then, it is said, finally, about around eleven meters,
Y después, se dice que, a las cansadas, a unos once metros por ahí,
O-mboape | vera | Leokádio | la | kambuchi | tuicha-itereí | -va,Relativizer 'va' | peteĩ, | la | yvykuá-pe. |
3Sg-cover | bright | Leokádio | Def.Det | container | big-Superl | -Rel | one | Def.Det | well-Loc |
Leokádio visualizes one biggest container, in the well.
Visualiza Leokádio un enorme cántaro, en el pozo.
Ha | o-mongu’e | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | ha’e |
Conj | 3Sg-move | Report.Evid | 3.Pron |
And it is said that he moved the container
Y se dice que movió él [el cántaro]
ha | he’i | i-ñi-rũ-me | o-hupi | haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
Conj | 3Sg.say | 3.Poss-Pref-friend-Loc | 3Sg-raise | Sub.Irr | 3.Pron.DO |
and told his friend to raise [the container].
y le dijo a su compañero para que le alze (el cántaro).
Ha | o-jupi | la | kambuchi | i-pó-pe | o-ú-vo, |
Conj | 3Sg-go.up | Def.Det | container | 3.Poss-hand-Loc | 3Sg-come-Asp.Goal |
And he was coming up with the container in his hand,
Y venía subiendo el cántaro en su mano,
ha | pe | o-sẽ-vo | ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' | o-mombo | la | kambuchi | oká-pe, |
Conj | Dem | 3Sg-go.out-Conj.Simult | Report.Evid | 3Sg-throw.out | Def.Det | container | out-Loc |
and it is said that when he came out, he threw out the container.
y al salir, dice que, tiró el cántaro afuera.
ha | upe-vo | o-ú-mi | hese | peteĩ | ára |
Conj | Dem-Conj.Simult | 3Sg-come-Dim | 3.Pron.Obl | one | day |
And at that point one day came
Y en ese punto un día le vino
vera | tuicha | itereí | -va,Relativizer 'va' | pe | yvy | guio. |
bright | big | Superl | -Rel | Loc | earth | towards |
very big lightning towards the earth
un enorme relámpago desde hacia la tierra.
Pytũ-mby-eté-pe | o-pyta, | oi-ty | chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun | ovayvávo, |
Dark-middle-Superl-Loc | 3Pl-stay | 3Sg-throw | 3.Pron.DO | face.up |
They remained completely in the dark, [the lightning] threw Leokádio backwards,
Se quedaron totalmente en la oscuridad, [el rayo] le echó [a Leokadio] de espalda,
ha | o-mbota | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | la | i-núnka | peteĩ | válde | rembé-re. |
Conj | 3Sg-hit | Report.Evid | Def.Det | 3.Poss-neck | one | bucket | rim-Obl |
and he hit his neck on the rim of the bucket.
y se dice que se golpeó la nuca por el borde del balde.
Ha | la | kambuchi | o-jeka | la | pytũ-mbý-pe, | la | yvy | apyté-pe. |
Conj | Def.Det | container | 3Sg-break | Def.Det | dark-middle-Loc | Def.Det | earth | middle-Loc |
And the container broke in the darkness, inside the earth.
Y el cántaro se quebró en la oscuridad, dentro de la tierra.
Upé-gui | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | Vito | nd-oi-kuaa-vé-i | la | o-japo | va’erã |
Dem-Prep | Report.Evid | Vito | Neg-3Sg-know-more-Neg | Def.Det | 3Sg-do | Mod |
And it is said that thereof, Vito did not know what he should do
Y se dice que de ahí Vito no supo que tenía que hacer
ha | o-gueraha | i-konpádre-pe | hóga-pe, |
Conj | 3Sg-take | 3.Poss-friend-DOM | 3.Poss-house-Loc |
and he took his friend to his house,
y le llevó a su compadre a su casa,
ha | hesarái | upé-pe | la | kambuchi | jeka-kué-gui. |
Conj | 3Sg.forget | Dem-Loc | Def.Det | container | break-former-Prep |
and there he forgot about the broken container.
y se olvidó allí del cántaro roto.
(Nda-ha’é-i | ra'eMatrix Clause, narrator oriented | Leokádio | mba’e-rã, | ha | ha’e | o-guenohẽ-se | katu-ete.) |
(Neg-Cop-Neg | Evid | Leokádio | thing-Irr | Conj | 3.Pron | 3Sg-take-Des | Mod-Superl) |
It turns out that it was not for Leokádio, and he very much wanted to take it out.
No era, había sido, para Leokádio, y él demasiado quería sacarlo.
Upé | -vaRelativizer 'va' | oi-ko | sávado | pyhare. |
Dem | -Rel | 3Sg-exist | Saturday | evening |
That happened on Saturday evening.
Eso pasó el sábado a la noche.
Ha | upe | domíngo | pyhareve | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' |
Conj | Dem | Sunday | morning | Report.Evid |
And that Sunday morning, it is said,
Y ese domingo a la mañana, se dice que,
o-hasa | o-hó-vo | upé-rupi | peteĩ | varáha | huga | -haNominalizer 'ha' | tuja. |
3Sg-pass | 3Sg-go-Conj.Simult | Dem-around | one | cards | play | -Nom | old |
an old card player was passing through around there.
iba pasando por ahí un viejo jugador de naipes.
O-hecha | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | la | yvykua | tuichá | -vaRelativizer 'va' | ha | o-ñe-mboja | o-maña | upé-pe. |
3Sg-see | Report.Evid | Def.Det | well | big | -Rel | Conj | 3Sg-Refl-get.close | 3Sg-look | Dem-Loc |
It is said that he saw a big well and he got close to look at it.
Vio, se dice que, el gran pozo y se acercó para mirar allí.
O-hecha | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | pe | hembére |
3Sg-see | Report.Evid | Dem | border |
It is said that he saw that on the border
Vio, se dice que, en el borde
heta | o-ĩ | kavaju | kangue, | kuátro | rupi, | i-puku | pukú | -va.Relativizer 'va' |
lots | 3Pl-exist | horse | bone | four | around | 3Pl-long | long | -Rel |
there were many horse bones, around four, that were long, very long.
había mucho de huesos de caballo, cuatro por ahí, que eran largos, muy largos.
O-jagarra | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | ha’e | peteĩ | o-gueraha |
3Sg-grab | Report.Evid | 3.Pron | one | 3Sg-take |
It is said that he [the card player] grabbed one
Se dice que agarró él [el jugador de naipes] uno
ha | o-ho | la | trúko | ra’ã-vo, | la | volícho | gotyo. |
Conj | 3Sg-go | Def.Det | cards | play-Asp.Goal | Def.Det | store | towards |
and went towards the store where they play cards.
y se fue donde juega el truco, hacía el boliche.
O-puka-pa | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | hese | hapicha | kuéra | la | almacén-pe. |
3Pl-laugh-Compl | Report.Evid | 3.Pron.Obl | 3.Poss.peers | Pl | Def.Det | store-Loc |
It is said that his peers in the store laughed at him.
Todos, se dice que, se rieron de él sus amigos en el almacén.
Ha | o-ĩ | mokõi | o-hugá | -vaRelativizer 'va' | hínaPast Continuative | la | varáha. |
Conj | 3Pl-exist | two | 3Pl-play | -Rel | Cont | Def.Det | card |
And two were playing cards.
Y estaban dos jugando a las cartas.
Ha | ——e-jú-py | ja-huga, | e-jú-py | ja-huga! |
Conj | ——Imp-come-Part | 1Pl.Incl-play | Imp-come-Part | 1Pl.Incl-play |
And "Come, we will play cards, come, we will play cards!"
Y "Vení pués vamos a jugar, vení vamos a jugar!"
——he’í | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' | chupe | peteĩ, |
——3Sg.say | -Asp | FOC | 3.Pron.IO | one.Subj |
one (of them) said to him.
le dijo uno de ellos.
O-ho | ha’e | o-huga. |
3Sg-go | 3.Pron | 3Sg-play |
And he went to play.
Y él se fue a jugar.
Ha | o-mboguejy | la | mesa | ári | la | i-kavaju | kangue. |
Conj | 3Sg-put.down | Def.Det | table | on | Def.Det | 3.Poss-horse | bone |
And he put down on the table his horse bone.
Y bajo encima de la mesa su hueso del caballo.
Upéi | káda | huégo | o-perde, | ha | o-só | -ma.Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' |
Then | each | game | 3Sg-lose | Conj | | -Asp |
Then he lost each game, and he ended with no money.
Después perdió cada juego, y ya se quedó sin plata.
Nd-oi-kuaa-vé-i | -ma.Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' | mba’ére-pa | o-hugá | -ta.Prospective Aspect | Ha: |
Neg-3Sg-know-more-Neg | -Asp | thing-Compl | 3Sg-play | -Prosp | Conj |
He no longer knew what to play for. And:
Ya no sabía por qué cosa jugar. Y:
——Ja-huga | ko | che | kavaju | kangué-re | ——he’i | la | i-ñ-iru-me. |
——1Pl.Incl-play | Dem | 1Sg.Poss | horse | bone-Obl | ——3Sg.say | Def.Det | 3.Poss-Pref-friend |
"Let’s play for this horse bone," he said to his friend.
"Vamos a jugar por este mi hueso de caballo," le dijo a su amigo.
——Péa-re | ja-hugá | -taProspective Aspect | -rõ | mante | ja-huga-vé | -ta.Prospective Aspect |
——Dem-Obl | 1Pl.Incl-play | -Prosp | -Cond | FOC | 1Pl.Incl-more | -Prosp |
"If we are going to bet on this, then we can keep playing."
"Si vamos a jugar por éste vamos a seguir jugando."
——Ja-huga | ——he’i | chupe | la | ótro. |
——1Pl.Incl-play | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | Def.Det | other |
"Let’s play," the other [guy] said to him.
"Vamos a jugar," le dijo el otro.
——Mboy | huégo-pe-pa? |
——How.many | game-Loc-Q |
"How many games?"
"Cuántos juegos?"
——Ha | tanto | píka-pe. |
——Conj | as.many | win-Loc |
"And as many as [I] win."
"Y tanto como gane"
Ha | la | karia’y | o-ñe-moĩ | o-perde, | o-perde | voi.Focalizer Particle 'voi' |
Conj | Def.Det | guy | 3Sg-Refl-put | 3Sg-lose | 3Sg-lose | FOC |
And the guy started to lose and lose.
Y el muchacho se puso a perder y perder.
Ha | pe | o-perde-pa | pota-ite | jave, | o-ñe-mono’õ | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | jey. |
Conj | Dem | 3Sg-lose-Compl | about-Superl | at.moment | 3Sg-Refl-gather | 3.Pron.DO | again |
And when he was about to lose, he gathered [them = the cards] again.
Y como cuando ya estaba por [a punto de] perder todo, [las] juntó otra vez.
Ha | o-ño-npata | hikuái, | ha | ka’arú | -ma,Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' | i-ñembyahýi | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | hikuái. |
Conj | 3Pl-Rec-tie | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | Conj | afternoon | -Asp | 3.Poss-hunger | -Asp | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
And they were tied, and it was already afternoon, and they were hungry.
Y se empataron ellos, y ya era de tarde, ya tuvieron hambre ellos.
Upé | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -rõ | opi | la | varáha-gui. |
Dem | -Asp | -Cond | stop | Def.Det | card-Prep |
Then when they stopped [playing] cards.
Cuando entonces cesaron [escamparon] de la baraja.
——la | nde | kavaju | kangué-ngo | ña-mombo | vaerã | mante | o-vale |
——Def.Det | 2Sg.Poss | horse | bone-FOC | 1Pl-throw | Mod | FOC | 3Pl-worth |
"Your horse bones are useful only to throw them away,"
"Los huesos de tu caballo para tirar solamente sirven,"
——he’i | chupe | hikuái. |
——3Pl.say | 3.Pron.IO | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
they told him.
le dijeron ellos.
O-pa | la | huégo, | o-jagarra | ha’e | la | i-kavaju | kangue, |
3Sg-finish | Def.Det | game | 3Sg-grab | 3.Pron | Def.Det | 3.Poss-horse | bone |
He finished the game, he grabbed his horse’s bone,
Terminó el juego, agarró su hueso de caballo,
ha | o-ho | hóga-pe | i-patrõ | róga-pe | nga’u; |
Conj | 3Sg-go | | 3.Poss-boss | house-Loc | supposedly |
and went to his house, or his boss’s house, supposedly;
y se fue a su casa, o sea en la casa de su patrón;
ha’e | oi-ko | i-patrõ | róga-pe-nte | voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' | ra'e.Matrix Clause, narrator's realization |
3.Pron | 3Sg-exist | 3.Poss-boss | house-Loc-only | FOC | Evid |
he actually lives in his boss’s house, it turns out.
él vive en la casa de su patrón luego, había sido.
O-guahẽ | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | la | óga-pe, | ha | o-mombó-vo | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | la | kosina | ekína-pe, |
3Sg-arrive | Report.Evid | Def.Det | house-Loc | Conj | 3Sg-throw-Conj.Simult | 3.Pron.DO | Def.Det | kitchen | corner-Loc |
He arrived, it is said, at the house, and he threw [it = the bone] in a corner of the kitchen;
Llegó, se dice que, a la casa, y al tirar[lo = el hueso] en una esquina de la cocina;
o-hendu | "mbrim!" | i-pu | la | i-kavaju | kangue. |
3Sg-hear | mbrim! | 3.Poss-sound | Def.Det | 3.Poss-horse | bone |
he heard "mbrim!", the horse’s bone’s sound.
escuchó "mbrim!", el sonido del hueso de su caballo.
O-ñe-mondýi, | o-ho | o-gueru | machete, | oi-karãi | pype | ha | o-juhu | o-mimbi: |
3Sg-Refl-fear | 3Sg-go | 3Sg-bring | machete | 3Sg-scratch | Instrument | Conj | 3Sg-find | 3Sg-shine |
He was frightened, he went to bring a machete, he scratched with it and found [something] shining:
Se asustó, se fue a traer un machete, raspó y encontró que brillaba:
[nimbo] | óro | meme-te | nimbo | ra'eMatrix, declarative, narrator oriented | la | i-kavaju | kangue! |
[Part] | gold | habitually-Superl | Part | Evid | Def.Det | 3.Poss-horse | bone |
It was all gold, it turns out, the horse’s bone!
Era todo oro, había sido, el hueso del caballo!
Upé-pe | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | la | i-patrõ | o-u | avei | o-hecha |
Dem-Loc | Report.Evid | Def.Det | 3.Poss-boss | 3Sg-come | also | 3Sg-see |
And there, it is said, the boss also came to see
Y ahí, se dice que, el patrón vino también a ver
ha | o-porandu | chupe | moõ-pa | o-juhu | ∅:Covert Direct Object Pronoun |
Conj | 3Sg-ask | 3.Pron.IO | where-Q | 3Sg-find | 3.Pron.DO |
and asked him where he had found [it = the horse’s bone].
y le preguntó dónde [lo] había encontrado [= el hueso].
——Kuátro | a-juhu | kuriRetrospective Aspect 'kuri' | peteĩ | yvy-kua | rembé-re | ——he’i | chupe | la | karia’y. |
——Four | 1Sg-find | Retrosp.Asp | one | well | border-Obl | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | Def.Det | guy |
"Four I found on the border [edge] of the well," the guy told him.
"Cuatro encontré en el borde de un pozo," le dijo el muchacho.
——Te-re-ho | pya’e | [t]e-ru-pa | ñandéve | umi | re-heja | va’ekue! |
——Imp-2Sg-go | fast | Imp-bring-Compl | 1Pl.Pron.IO | that | 2Sg-leave | Rel.Distal |
"Go fast to bring us all that you left!"
"Vete rápido a traernos todo eso que dejaste!"
——he’i | chupe | la | i-patrõ. |
——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | Def.Det | 3.Poss-boss |
his boss said to him.
le dijo su patrón.
Ha | o-ho | jeý-rõ | guarã | la | o-gueru-pa | haguã,Irrealis Subordinator 'ha' |
Conj | 3Sg-go | again-Cond | purpose.Sub | Def.Det | 3Sg-bring-Compl | Sub.Irr |
And when he went back to bring it all back,
Y cuando se fue de vuelta para traer todo,
nd-o-juhu-vé-i | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | ni | peteĩ | la | kavaju | kangue. |
Neg-3Sg-find-more-Neg | -Asp | not.even | one | Def.Det | horse | bone |
he no longer found anything, not even one horse’s bone.
ya no encontró ningún hueso del caballo.