Funded by NSF BCS-1917619
Snake Rel.Distal 3.Poss-save-Nom-Pst-DOM
Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.
Audio for Story #1:
O-ho | peteĩ | karia’y | hínaEmphasis on 'peteĩ karia’y’ - Does not add temporary information. | peteĩ | ñú-re. |
3Sg-go | one | | Cont | one | field-Prep |
A young man was going on/across a field.
Iba un joven por el campo.
Upéi | o-maña | o-hó-vo | i-jyké-pe | ha | hesa | [o-]ho | sapy’a |
Then | 3Sg-saw | 3Pl-go-Conj.Simult | 3.Poss-side-Loc | Conj | 3.Poss.sight | [3Sg-]go | suddenly |
Then he was looking at his side and his sight went [saw] towards
Después fue mirando a su costado y vio [su mirada fue hacia]
peteĩ | mbói | guasú-re. | Hesa | sẽmba | hínaContinuative/Emphasis on verb | la | mbói, |
one | snake | big-Prep | Eyes | protrude | Cont | Def.Det | snake |
a big snake. The snake's eyes were protruding
una víbora grande. Ojo saltones tenía la víbora
ha | la | karia’y | nd-oi-kuaá-i | mba’é-pa | o-jehu | chupe. |
Conj | Def.Det | | Neg-3Sg-know-Neg | what-Q | 3Sg-happen | 3Sg.Pron.IO |
and the young man did not know what was happening.
y el joven no supo qué le pasaba.
Upéi | o-jave | ha | o-hecha | nimbo | peteĩ | ita | guasu | o-jopy |
Then | 3Sg-get.closer | Conj | 3Sg-saw | Part | one | rock | big | 3Sg-squeeze |
Then he got closer and he saw that a large rock was squeezing
Después se acercó más y vio que una piedra grande le apretaba
ra'eEmbedded speaker-oriented evidential, slight surprise/ra'e scope over. Possible insertion of Sub 'ha': ...o-jopy ha ra'e | la | mbó-ipe | ha | nd-oi-katu-vé-i | o-sẽ | iguý-gui. |
Evid | Def.Det | snake-DOM | Conj | Neg-3Sg-can-more-Neg | 3Sg-go.out | under-from |
the snake [he realized] and he could not get out from under it.
a la víbora [había sido que] y no podía salir de debajo de ella.
O-hechá-vo | la | mbói | la | karia’y-pe, | o-sapukái | voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | [i]chupe: |
3Sg-see-Conj.Simult | Def.Det | snake | Def.Det | lad-DOM | 3Sg-scream | Emph | 3Sg.Pron.IO |
When the snake saw the young man, he screamed at him:
Al ver la víbora al muchacho, le gritó:
——Che-[gue]ronohẽ-mí-na-ko | ai-me- | há-gui!Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | ——he’i, | i-juku’a | pepe. |
——1Sg.DO-take-out-Dim-Rog | 1Sg-be- | Rel-Prep | ——3Sg-say | 3Sg-agitated | palpitate |
"Please take me out of this place," he said, very agitated.
"Sácame por favor de este lugar," dijo, demasiado agitado.
Ha | tuicha | iterei | la | mbói, |
Conj | big | too.much | Def.Det | snake |
And [since] the snake was so big,
Y [como] la víbora [era] muy grande,
o-kyhyje | chu-gui | la | karia’y. |
3Sg-fear | 3Sg.Pron-Prep | Def.Det | |
the young man was afraid of it.
le tuvo miedo el muchacho.
——Nd-ai-katu | mo’ã-iNegative Prospective Aspect | ai-pe’a | ndéve, Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
—— | Prosp-Neg | 1Pl-take.out | 2Sg.Pron.DO |
"I will not be able to take you out,
"No podré sacarte,
pórke | nde | che-apeligra | ——he’i | chupe | la | típo. |
because | 2Sg.Pron.Subj | 1Sg.DO-endanger | ——3Sg-say | 3.Pron.IO | Def.Det | guy |
because you put me in danger," the guy said to him [snake].
porque vos me ponés en peligro," le dijo el tipo.
——Mba’éicha | piko | nde | re-japó-rõ | che-rehe | peteĩ | favor, |
——How | Q | 2Pl.Subj | 2Sg-do-Cond | 1Sg-Prep.Obl | one | favor |
"How if you do me a favor,
"Como si me hacés un favor,
che | a-pu’ã | -taProspective Aspect | nde-rehe? | Ne-ñembyahýi-ko | reína?Emphasis on state |
1Sg.Pron | 1Sg-get.up | -Prosp | 2Sg-Prep.Obl | 2Sg-hungry-FOC | 2Sg-Cont |
I'm going to jump on you? Are you hungry?
te voy a saltar? ¿Estás hambriento?
Nd-a-japo | moã-i | nde-rehe | mba’eve. |
Neg-1Sg-do | Fut-Neg | 2Sg-Prep.Obl | nothing |
I will not do anything to you.
No te voy a hacer nada.
Ndé-ngo | re-mboguý | -taProspective Aspect | -nte | ko | ita | ha | che-salvá | -ma.Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' |
2Sg-only | 2Sg-raise | -Prosp | -only | this | rock | Conj | 1Sg.Obj-save-Perf | -Asp |
You only have to raise this rock and you will have saved me already."
Tú solo [tienes que] levantar esta piedra y ya me habrás salvado."
Are | upéicha | o-ño-mongeta | hikuái, |
[long] time | that.way | 3Pl-Rec-converse | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
They talked a long time,
Mucho tiempo estuvieron conversando ellos,
ha | upéi | hasý-pe | la | karai’y | o-guenohẽ | chupeOvert Direct Object Pronoun | ra'e.Matrix, speaker oriented evidentiality/slight surprise |
Conj | then | fatigue-Loc | Def.Det | | 3Sg-remove | 3.Pron.DO | Evid |
and then in the end the young man took him out, it turns out.
y después a la cansada el muchacho lo sacó.
Ha | o-sẽ-re[he] | upé-gui | voi, 'Voi' Focalizer Particle |
Conj | 3Sg-out-at-cause | there-Prep | Emph |
And having got out of that place,
Y por haber salido de ahí,
o-ú | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | la | mbói | ho’u | haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | chupe.Overt Direct Object Pronoun |
3Sg-eat | -Asp | Def.Det | snake | 3Sg-eat | Sub.Irr | 3.Pron.DO |
the snake came to eat him.
ya vino la víbora para comerle.
Upépe | la | karia’y | he’i | la | mbói-pe: |
At.that.moment | Def.Det | lad | 3Sg-say | Def.Det | snake-IO |
At that moment, the young man said to the snake:
En ese momento el muchacho le dijo a la víbora:
——La | che’u-se | katu-eté-rõ-na, |
——Def.Det | 1Sg-eat-Des | Mod-Superl-Cond-Rog |
"If you want to eat me so much,
"Si demasiado quieres comerme,
ja-ha | ja-heka | mi | tetígo. |
1Sg.Pl.Incl-go | 1Pl.Incl-look-for | my | witness |
let’s go find a witness.
vamos a buscar un testigo.
Ja-hechá-ke | mba’é-pa | he’i | ñandé-va | -vaRelativizer 'va' | hikuái. |
1Pl-Incl-see-Imp | what-Q | 3Sg-say | 1Pl.Incl.Pron.IO | -Rel | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
Let’s see what they say to us."
Véamos qué nos dicen ellos."
Ha | o-ho | oñondive | la | tetígo | reka. |
Conj | 3Sg-go | together | Def.Det | witness | find |
And they went together to find a witness.
Y se fueron juntos a buscar el testigo.
O-ho | o-guahẽ | hikuái | peteĩ | yvyra | guý-pe |
3Pl-go | 3Pl-arrive | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | one | tree | under-Loc |
They arrived under a tree
Fueron a llegar ellos debajo de un árbol
ha | o-hecha | peteĩ | kavaju | o-karu | hína.Past Continuative |
Conj | 3Pl-saw | one | horse | 3Sg-eat | Cont |
and found a horse that was eating.
y vieron un caballo [que] estaba comiendo.
O-ñemboja | ijypý-pe | hikuái |
3Pl-approach | close-Loc | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
They got up close [to the horse]
Se acercaron juntos [al caballo] ellos
ha | o-mombe’u | chupe | mba’éicha-pa | la | mbói | o-ĩ | ra'eRa'e is goal oriented. Element of surprise. | hínaDoes not contribute to the temporality. |
Conj | 3Pl-tell | 3Sg.Pron.IO | manner-Q | Def.Det | snake | | Evid | Emph/Assert |
and told him how the snake was/had been (ra’e progessive)
y [ellos] le contaron [al caballo] como [la manera en que] estaba la víbora
ha | mba’é-pa | la | karia’y | o-japo | hese | ra'e.Ra'e is goal oriented |
Conj | what-Q | Def.Det | lad | 3Sg-do | 3Sg.Pron.Obl | Evid |
and told him what the young man had done for him ra’e.
y lo que el muchacho le hizo.
——Mba’e-pa | nde | ere | ——he’i | chupe | la | mbói, |
——What-Q | 2Sg.Pron.Subj | 2Sg.say | ——3Sg.say | 3Sg.Pron.IO | Def.Det | snake |
"What do you say," the snake told him,
"Qué decís," le dijo la víbora,
——ha’ú-pa | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | térã | a-hejá-nte | o-ho | ∅?Covert Direct Object Pronoun |
—— | 3.Pron.DO | or | 1Sg-let-just | 3Sg-go | 3.Pron.DO |
"do I eat him up or do I just let him go?"
"le como o le dejo ir?"
Kavaju | nda-hesa | pirĩri | voi: 'Voi' Focalizer Particle |
Horse | Neg-sight | thin | FOC |
The horse without blinking [said]:
El caballo sin pestañear [dijo]:
——He'u | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | katu | ——he’i, |
——3Sg-eat | 3.Pron.DO | FOC | ——3Sg-say |
"Eat him," he said,
"Comele sique," le dijo,
——ko’ãva | nd-oi-kuaa-sé-i | ñande-hegui | mba’eve, | na-i-korasõi-ri. |
——these [men] | Neg-3Sg-know-Des-Neg | 1Pl.Incl-Pl.Obl | nothing | Neg-3.Poss-heart-Neg |
"these men do not want to know anything about us, they do not have a heart.
"estos hombres no quieren saber nada de nosotros, no tienen corazón.
Péa | oréveOvert Direct Object Pronoun | ore-jagarra, | ore-mosã, | o-jupi | ore ári, |
Dem.Pron-This | 1Pl.Excl.Pron.DO | 1Pl.Excl.DO-grab | 1Pl.Excl.DO-rope | 3Pl-get.on | 1Pl.Excl-on |
Those ones grab us, rope us, get on us,
Esos a nosotros nos agarran, nos enlazan,
ore-nupã | ore-ajúrape, | ore-kutu, | ore-ruguái | mopẽ-mba, |
1Pl.Excl.DO-spank | 1Pl.Excl.DO-mount | 1Pl.Excl.DO-prick | 1Pl.Excl.Poss-tail | twist-all |
they spank and mount us, they prick us, [and] twist our tails,
nos pegan y se suben sobre nosotros, nos incan, nos tuercen la cola,
ha | o-moinge | ore | jurú-pe | fiérro. |
Conj | 3Pl-put | 1Pl.Excl.Poss | mouth-Loc | iron |
and they put an iron in our mouth."
y nos meten en nuestra boca un hierro."
O-hasa-ve | upégui | hikuái | ha | o-juhu | peteĩ | guéi. |
3Pl-pass-more | there.Prep | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | Conj | 3Pl-find | one | ox |
They went further and found an ox.
Pasaron más de ahí [pasaron de largo] ellos y encontraron un buey.
O-mombe’u | chupe | hikuái | mba’ére-pa | o-ja’yvere | hína.Continuative Present. Prolongs/enhances the duration of state. |
3Pl-tell | 3Pl.Pron.IO | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | reason-Q | 3Pl-be in litigation | Cont |
They told him why they were arguing.
Le contaron ellos porque están en litigio.
La | guéi | avei, | ñe’ẽ | peteĩ-me, |
Def.Det | ox | also | word | one-Loc |
The ox also, said in one word,
El buey también, dijo en una palabra,
ni | n-o-hendu-pá-i | voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | la | h-e’í | -vaRelativizer 'va' | chupe | umi | mokõi: |
not-even | Neg-3Sg-hear-Compl-Neg | Emph | Def.Det | 3Pl-say | -Rel | 3Sg.Pron.IO | those | two |
not even hearing all of what those two were saying:
ni escuchó todo luego lo que le decían esos dos:
——He'u | katu | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | ——he’i | mbói-pe. |
——3Sg-eat | Emph | 3.Pron.DO | ——3Sg-say | snake-IO |
"Eat him," he said to the snake.
"Comele sique," le dijo a la víbora.
——Péa | oréveOvert Direct Object Pronoun" | ore-jokua | ore | akã-gui | yvyrá-re, |
——Dem.Pron-This | 1Pl.Excl.Pron.DO | 1Pl.Excl.DO-tie | 1Pl.Excl.Poss | head-Prep | wood-Pl.Obl |
"This one ties our head to the wood,
"Este nos ata nuestra cabeza por la madera,
ore-juru | jokua | ha | ore | ape, |
1Pl.Excl.Poss-mouth | tie | Conj | 1Pl.Excl.Poss | back |
ties our mouth and our back,
ata nuestra boca y nuestra espalda,
ha | ore | rumby | o-mbohuguypa | yvyra | akuá-pe, | ha | upéi | no-ñe-kontentá-i, |
Conj | 1Pl.Excl.Poss | buttock | 3Sg-bleed | stick | pointy-Loc | Conj | then | Neg.3-Refl.content-Neg |
and makes our buttock bleed with a pointy stick, and then not content,
y nuestra nalga nos hace sangrar con un palo puntiagudo, y después no se contentan,
ha | ore-juka | rire, |
Conj | 1Pl.Excl.DO-kill | after |
and after they kill us,
y después de matarnos,
ho’u | terere | ore | ratĩ-ngué-pe | ——he’i | voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | la | guéi. |
3Pl-drink | terere | 1Pl.Excl.Poss | horn-former-Loc | 3Sg-say | Emph | Def.Det | ox |
they drink ‘terere’ from our horn."
toman terere con nuestro cuerno."
Mokõi | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | o-ĩ | la | mbói | ndive | o-ĩ | -va.Relativizer 'va' |
Two-already | -Asp | 3Sg-be.Loc | Def.Det | snake | with | | -Rel |
Two already are with the snake.
Dos ya son los que están con la vibora.
Ha | o-ho | o-heka | hikuái | la | mbohapy-ha. |
Conj | 3Pl-go | 3Pl-look | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | Def.Det | third-Nom |
And they went to look for a third one.
Y se fueron a buscar los dos a la tercera.
O-juhu | peteĩ | aguara, | takuru | ári, | o-maña | mombyry | hína,Emphasis on Adv ‘mombyry’ (no temporal contribution) | ka’aguy | rembe’ý-pe. |
3Pl-find | one | fox | anthill | on | 3Pl-look | far.away | Cont | forest | edge-Loc |
They found a fox on an anthill. He was looking far away to the edge of the forest.
Encontraron un zorro, sobre un hormiguero, estaba mirando lejos, a la orilla del bosque.
O-mombe’u | chupe | hikuái | la | oi-ko | va’ekue:Relativizer/Distal |
3Pl-tell | 3Sg.Pron.IO | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | Def.Det | 3Sg-live | Rel.Term.Asp |
They told him what had happened:
Le contaron los dos lo que pasó:
Mba’eicha-pa | la | karia’y | o-guenohẽ | mbói-pe | la | ita | guýgui, |
How-Q | Def.Det | lad | 3Sg-took.out | snake-DOM | Def.Det | rock | under.Prep |
How is it that the young man had taken the snake out from under the rock,
Cómo es que el muchacho le sacó a la víbora de debajo de la piedra,
ha | ko’ãga | ha’e | ho’u-se | chupeOvert Direct Object Pronoun | hína?Emphasis on the pronoun ‘chupe’. No temporal contribution. |
Conj | now | 3.Pron | 3Sg-eat-Des | 3.Pron.DO | Emph |
and now he wants to eat him?
y ahora él le quiere comer a él?
La | karia’y | o-jaivy | gua’u | ha | pe | aguara | apysa | ypyeté-pe | he’i: |
Def.Det | lad | 3Sg-bend.down | pretend | Conj | that | fox | ear | close-Loc | 3Sg-say |
The young man pretended to bend down and said very close to the fox’s ear:
El hombre disimuló agacharse y muy cerca del oído del zorro dijo:
——Heta | a-reko | la | ipýre | o-ké | -va!Relativizer 'va' |
——Many | 1Sg-have | Def.Det | standing.up | 3Pl-sleep | -Rel |
"I have many hens that are sleeping!" [standing up]
"¡Tengo muchas gallinas que duermen!" [duerme parado]
O-hendu-pa | aguara | la | o-mombe’ú | -vaRelativizer 'va' | chupe | hikuái, | ha | upé-pe | o-sẽ: |
3Sg-hear-Compl | fox | Def.Det | 3Pl-tell | -Rel | 3Sg.Pron.IO | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | Conj | Dem-Loc | 3Sg-go.out |
The fox heard all that they were telling him, and came out to say:
Escuchó todo el zorro lo que le contaron los dos, y ahí salió [a decir]:
——Che-piko | moõ-pa | ai-kuaá-ta | -taProspective Aspect |
——1Sg.Pron.Subj-Q | where-Q | 1Sg-know | -Prosp |
"How [from-where] am I going to know
"Acaso de dónde voy a saber
añeté-pa | la | pe | mombe’ú | -vaRelativizer 'va' | chéve? | ——he’i | voi. 'Voi' Focalizer Particle |
truly-Compl | Def.Det | Dem | 2Pl-tell | -Rel | 1Sg.Pron.IO | ——3Sg-say | Emph |
if it is the truth that which they tell me?" said he.
[si es] la verdad eso que me cuentan?" le dijo [luego].
——A-hecha-rire | ae | che | ikatu | ha’e |
——1Sg-see-Pst.Cond | really | 1Sg.Pron.Subj | 3Sg-Mod | 1Sg-say |
"If I had really seen it I could say
"Si hubiera visto yo realmente podría decir
'he’u-ke' | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | térã | 'anike re’u' | ∅.Covert Direct Object Pronoun |
eat-Imp | 3.Pron.DO | Prep | Neg.Imp-eat | 3.Pron.DO |
'eat him' or 'do not eat him.'
'comele' o 'no le comas.'
Ha | upea-rã [upeguarã] | ja-ha | mante | vaerã | ja-hecha | la | pende | apykuere, |
Conj | that-Irrealis | 1Pl.Incl-go | FOC | | 1Pl.Incl-see | Def.Det | 2Pl.Poss | facts |
And for that we must at least go see your facts,
Y para eso tenemos que irnos solamente a ver los hechos,
ani[ke] | che-mbotavy. | Ja-hechá | -taProspective Aspect | moõ-pa | la | reime | ra'e,Ra'e goal oriented - Ra'e puts emphasis on the locative predicate. |
Neg.Imp | 1Sg-trick | 1Pl-see | -Prosp | where-Q | Def.Det | 2Sg-be.Loc | Evid |
don’t trick me. Let’s go see where you have been,"
no me vayan a enganãr. Vamos a ver donde es lo que estuviste,"
——he’i | la | mbói-pe. |
——3Sg-say | Def.Det | snake-DOM |
he said to the snake.
le dijo a la víbora.
——Ha | añeté-ramo-nte | che | a-ñe-komprometé | -ta.Prospective Aspect |
——Conj | true-Cond.Pres-only | 1Sg.Pron.Subj | 1Sg-Refl-commit | -Prosp |
"And only it is the truth I will commit myself."
"Y solamente si es la verdad voy a comprometerme."
——Ja-ha | ja-hecha | ——he’i | voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | la | karia’y, | ha | o-jo-gueraha | hikuái. |
——1Pl.Incl-go | 1Pl.Incl-see | ——3Sg-say | Emph | Def.Det | lad | Conj | 3Sg-Rec-take | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
"Let’s go see," he told the lad, and they went together all of them.
"Vamos a ver," le dijo [énfasis] el muchacho, y se acompañaron [se fueron juntos] todos ellos.
Mombyry | o-ho | la | karia’y | ha | la | mbói | rapykuerévo | hikuái, |
Far | 3Sg-go | Def.Det | lad | Conj | Def.Det | snake | on.their.footsteps | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
Far went the lad and the snake back on their footsteps,
Lejos se fueron el muchacho y la víbora [sobre sus pasos/por sus huellas],
ha | o-ho | o-sẽ | la | ita | guasu, | mbói | renda-gué-pe. |
Conj | 3Sg-go | 3Pl-got.out | Def.Det | rock | big | snake | place-former-Loc |
and they arrived at the place of the big rock, the snake’s former place.
y fueron a salir al lugar de la piedra grande, el lugar de la víbora.
O-maña | aguara | hínaEmphasis on subject ‘aguara’. Event is not continuative. | la | itá-re, | ha | he’i | mbói-pe: |
3Sg-look | fox | Emph | Def.Det | rock-at | Conj | 3Sg-say | snake-IO |
The fox looked at the rock, and he said to the snake:
Miró el zorro a la piedra, y le dijo a la víbora:
——E-ñe-moĩ-mi | jey | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | pe | rei-me | hagué-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' |
——Imp-Refl-put-Dim | again | 2Sg.Pron.DO | Dem | 2Sg-be.Loc | Sub.TermAsp-Loc |
"Please put yourself again at the place where you were,
"Ponete otra vez en el lugar donde estabas,
ja-hecha | añeté-pa | la | rei-me | asy | ra'e.Matrix subject oriented |
1Pl.Incl-see | true-Compl | Def.Det | 2Sg-be.Loc | suffer | Evid |
let us truly see the place where you were suffering."
vamos a ver de verdad el lugar [donde] estuviste sufriente."
Oi-ke | jey | mbói | ogueví-vo | la | o-ĩ- | hagué-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | | again | snake | 3Sg-backwards-Conj.Simult | Def.Det | 3Sg-be.Loc | Sub.TermAsp-Loc |
The snake went in backwards into the place where he had been,
Entró otra vez la víbora reculando en el lugar donde estuvo,
ha | la | karia’y | aguara-ndive | o-ño-pytyvõ |
Conj | Def.Det | lad | fox-with | 3Sg-Refl-help |
and the lad with the fox helped each other
y el muchacho con el zorro se ayudaron
ha | o-mboguapy | jey | mbói | ári | la | ita | hikuái. |
Conj | 3-Caus.sit | again | snake | on | Def.Det | rock | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
and placed the rock on the snake again.
y sentaron ellos la piedra sobre la víbora otra vez.
Ha | mbói | o-pyta | jey | henda-gue-té-pe. |
Conj | snake | 3Sg-stay | again | |
And the snake stayed again in its place.
Y la víbora se quedó otra vez en su lugar.