USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

Story #1

Snake Rel.Distal 3.Poss-save-Nom-Pst-DOM

'The Snake Who Wanted to Eat His Savior.'

'La vibora que quiso comer a su salvador.'

Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.

Audio for Story #1:

O-ho peteĩ karia’y hínaEmphasis on 'peteĩ karia’y’ - Does not add temporary information. peteĩ ñú-re.
3Sg-go one Cont one field-Prep

A young man was going on/across a field.

Iba un joven por el campo.

Upéi o-maña o-hó-vo i-jyké-pe ha hesa [o-]ho sapy’a
Then 3Sg-saw 3Pl-go-Conj.Simult 3.Poss-side-Loc Conj 3.Poss.sight [3Sg-]go suddenly

Then he was looking at his side and his sight went [saw] towards

Después fue mirando a su costado y vio [su mirada fue hacia]

peteĩ mbói guasú-re. Hesa sẽmba hínaContinuative/Emphasis on verb la mbói,
one snake big-Prep Eyes protrude Cont Def.Det snake

a big snake. The snake's eyes were protruding

una víbora grande. Ojo saltones tenía la víbora

ha la karia’y nd-oi-kuaá-i mba’é-pa o-jehu chupe.
Conj Def.Det Neg-3Sg-know-Neg what-Q 3Sg-happen 3Sg.Pron.IO

and the young man did not know what was happening.

y el joven no supo qué le pasaba.

Upéi o-jave ha o-hecha nimbo peteĩ ita guasu o-jopy
Then 3Sg-get.closer Conj 3Sg-saw Part one rock big 3Sg-squeeze

Then he got closer and he saw that a large rock was squeezing

Después se acercó más y vio que una piedra grande le apretaba

ra'eEmbedded speaker-oriented evidential, slight surprise/ra'e scope over. Possible insertion of Sub 'ha': ...o-jopy ha ra'e la mbó-ipe ha nd-oi-katu-vé-i o-sẽ iguý-gui.
Evid Def.Det snake-DOM Conj Neg-3Sg-can-more-Neg 3Sg-go.out under-from

the snake [he realized] and he could not get out from under it.

a la víbora [había sido que] y no podía salir de debajo de ella.

O-hechá-vo la mbói la karia’y-pe, o-sapukái voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle [i]chupe:
3Sg-see-Conj.Simult Def.Det snake Def.Det lad-DOM 3Sg-scream Emph 3Sg.Pron.IO

When the snake saw the young man, he screamed at him:

Al ver la víbora al muchacho, le gritó:

——Che-[gue]ronohẽ-mí-na-ko ai-me- há-gui!Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' ——he’i, i-juku’a pepe.
——1Sg.DO-take-out-Dim-Rog 1Sg-be- Rel-Prep ——3Sg-say 3Sg-agitated palpitate

"Please take me out of this place," he said, very agitated.

"Sácame por favor de este lugar," dijo, demasiado agitado.

Ha tuicha iterei la mbói,
Conj big too.much Def.Det snake

And [since] the snake was so big,

Y [como] la víbora [era] muy grande,

o-kyhyje chu-gui la karia’y.
3Sg-fear 3Sg.Pron-Prep Def.Det

the young man was afraid of it.

le tuvo miedo el muchacho.

——Nd-ai-katu mo’ã-iNegative Prospective Aspect ai-pe’a ndéve, Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun
—— Prosp-Neg 1Pl-take.out 2Sg.Pron.DO

"I will not be able to take you out,

"No podré sacarte,

pórke nde che-apeligra ——he’i chupe la típo.
because 2Sg.Pron.Subj 1Sg.DO-endanger ——3Sg-say 3.Pron.IO Def.Det guy

because you put me in danger," the guy said to him [snake].

porque vos me ponés en peligro," le dijo el tipo.

——Mba’éicha piko nde re-japó-rõ che-rehe peteĩ favor,
——How Q 2Pl.Subj 2Sg-do-Cond 1Sg-Prep.Obl one favor

"How if you do me a favor,

"Como si me hacés un favor,

che a-pu’ã -taProspective Aspect nde-rehe? Ne-ñembyahýi-ko reína?Emphasis on state
1Sg.Pron 1Sg-get.up -Prosp 2Sg-Prep.Obl 2Sg-hungry-FOC 2Sg-Cont

I'm going to jump on you? Are you hungry?

te voy a saltar? ¿Estás hambriento?

Nd-a-japo moã-i nde-rehe mba’eve.
Neg-1Sg-do Fut-Neg 2Sg-Prep.Obl nothing

I will not do anything to you.

No te voy a hacer nada.

Ndé-ngo re-mboguý -taProspective Aspect -nte ko ita ha che-salvá -ma.Aspect/Focalizer '-ma'
2Sg-only 2Sg-raise -Prosp -only this rock Conj 1Sg.Obj-save-Perf -Asp

You only have to raise this rock and you will have saved me already."

Tú solo [tienes que] levantar esta piedra y ya me habrás salvado."

Are upéicha o-ño-mongeta hikuái,
[long] time that.way 3Pl-Rec-converse 3Pl.Pron.Subj

They talked a long time,

Mucho tiempo estuvieron conversando ellos,

ha upéi hasý-pe la karai’y o-guenohẽ chupeOvert Direct Object Pronoun ra'e.Matrix, speaker oriented evidentiality/slight surprise
Conj then fatigue-Loc Def.Det 3Sg-remove 3.Pron.DO Evid

and then in the end the young man took him out, it turns out.

y después a la cansada el muchacho lo sacó.

Ha o-sẽ-re[he] upé-gui voi, 'Voi' Focalizer Particle
Conj 3Sg-out-at-cause there-Prep Emph

And having got out of that place,

Y por haber salido de ahí,

o-ú -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' la mbói ho’u haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' chupe.Overt Direct Object Pronoun
3Sg-eat -Asp Def.Det snake 3Sg-eat Sub.Irr 3.Pron.DO

the snake came to eat him.

ya vino la víbora para comerle.

Upépe la karia’y he’i la mbói-pe:
At.that.moment Def.Det lad 3Sg-say Def.Det snake-IO

At that moment, the young man said to the snake:

En ese momento el muchacho le dijo a la víbora:

——La che’u-se katu-eté-rõ-na,
——Def.Det 1Sg-eat-Des Mod-Superl-Cond-Rog

"If you want to eat me so much,

"Si demasiado quieres comerme,

ja-ha ja-heka mi tetígo.
1Sg.Pl.Incl-go 1Pl.Incl-look-for my witness

let’s go find a witness.

vamos a buscar un testigo.

Ja-hechá-ke mba’é-pa he’i ñandé-va -vaRelativizer 'va' hikuái.
1Pl-Incl-see-Imp what-Q 3Sg-say 1Pl.Incl.Pron.IO -Rel 3Pl.Pron.Subj

Let’s see what they say to us."

Véamos qué nos dicen ellos."

Ha o-ho oñondive la tetígo reka.
Conj 3Sg-go together Def.Det witness find

And they went together to find a witness.

Y se fueron juntos a buscar el testigo.

O-ho o-guahẽ hikuái peteĩ yvyra guý-pe
3Pl-go 3Pl-arrive 3Pl.Pron.Subj one tree under-Loc

They arrived under a tree

Fueron a llegar ellos debajo de un árbol

ha o-hecha peteĩ kavaju o-karu hína.Past Continuative
Conj 3Pl-saw one horse 3Sg-eat Cont

and found a horse that was eating.

y vieron un caballo [que] estaba comiendo.

O-ñemboja ijypý-pe hikuái
3Pl-approach close-Loc 3Pl.Pron.Subj

They got up close [to the horse]

Se acercaron juntos [al caballo] ellos

ha o-mombe’u chupe mba’éicha-pa la mbói o-ĩ ra'eRa'e is goal oriented. Element of surprise. hínaDoes not contribute to the temporality.
Conj 3Pl-tell 3Sg.Pron.IO manner-Q Def.Det snake Evid Emph/Assert

and told him how the snake was/had been (ra’e progessive)

y [ellos] le contaron [al caballo] como [la manera en que] estaba la víbora

ha mba’é-pa la karia’y o-japo hese ra'e.Ra'e is goal oriented
Conj what-Q Def.Det lad 3Sg-do 3Sg.Pron.Obl Evid

and told him what the young man had done for him ra’e.

y lo que el muchacho le hizo.

——Mba’e-pa nde ere ——he’i chupe la mbói,
——What-Q 2Sg.Pron.Subj 2Sg.say ——3Sg.say 3Sg.Pron.IO Def.Det snake

"What do you say," the snake told him,

"Qué decís," le dijo la víbora,

——ha’ú-pa Covert Direct Object Pronoun térã a-hejá-nte o-ho ∅?Covert Direct Object Pronoun
—— 3.Pron.DO or 1Sg-let-just 3Sg-go 3.Pron.DO

"do I eat him up or do I just let him go?"

"le como o le dejo ir?"

Kavaju nda-hesa pirĩri voi: 'Voi' Focalizer Particle
Horse Neg-sight thin FOC

The horse without blinking [said]:

El caballo sin pestañear [dijo]:

——He'u Covert Direct Object Pronoun katu ——he’i,
——3Sg-eat 3.Pron.DO FOC ——3Sg-say

"Eat him," he said,

"Comele sique," le dijo,

——ko’ãva nd-oi-kuaa-sé-i ñande-hegui mba’eve, na-i-korasõi-ri.
——these [men] Neg-3Sg-know-Des-Neg 1Pl.Incl-Pl.Obl nothing Neg-3.Poss-heart-Neg

"these men do not want to know anything about us, they do not have a heart.

"estos hombres no quieren saber nada de nosotros, no tienen corazón.

Péa oréveOvert Direct Object Pronoun ore-jagarra, ore-mosã, o-jupi ore ári,
Dem.Pron-This 1Pl.Excl.Pron.DO 1Pl.Excl.DO-grab 1Pl.Excl.DO-rope 3Pl-get.on 1Pl.Excl-on

Those ones grab us, rope us, get on us,

Esos a nosotros nos agarran, nos enlazan,

ore-nupã ore-ajúrape, ore-kutu, ore-ruguái mopẽ-mba,
1Pl.Excl.DO-spank 1Pl.Excl.DO-mount 1Pl.Excl.DO-prick 1Pl.Excl.Poss-tail twist-all

they spank and mount us, they prick us, [and] twist our tails,

nos pegan y se suben sobre nosotros, nos incan, nos tuercen la cola,

ha o-moinge ore jurú-pe fiérro.
Conj 3Pl-put 1Pl.Excl.Poss mouth-Loc iron

and they put an iron in our mouth."

y nos meten en nuestra boca un hierro."

O-hasa-ve upégui hikuái ha o-juhu peteĩ guéi.
3Pl-pass-more there.Prep 3Pl.Pron.Subj Conj 3Pl-find one ox

They went further and found an ox.

Pasaron más de ahí [pasaron de largo] ellos y encontraron un buey.

O-mombe’u chupe hikuái mba’ére-pa o-ja’yvere hína.Continuative Present. Prolongs/enhances the duration of state.
3Pl-tell 3Pl.Pron.IO 3Pl.Pron.Subj reason-Q 3Pl-be in litigation Cont

They told him why they were arguing.

Le contaron ellos porque están en litigio.

La guéi avei, ñe’ẽ peteĩ-me,
Def.Det ox also word one-Loc

The ox also, said in one word,

El buey también, dijo en una palabra,

ni n-o-hendu-pá-i voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle la h-e’í -vaRelativizer 'va' chupe umi mokõi:
not-even Neg-3Sg-hear-Compl-Neg Emph Def.Det 3Pl-say -Rel 3Sg.Pron.IO those two

not even hearing all of what those two were saying:

ni escuchó todo luego lo que le decían esos dos:

——He'u katu Covert Direct Object Pronoun ——he’i mbói-pe.
——3Sg-eat Emph 3.Pron.DO ——3Sg-say snake-IO

"Eat him," he said to the snake.

"Comele sique," le dijo a la víbora.

——Péa oréveOvert Direct Object Pronoun" ore-jokua ore akã-gui yvyrá-re,
——Dem.Pron-This 1Pl.Excl.Pron.DO 1Pl.Excl.DO-tie 1Pl.Excl.Poss head-Prep wood-Pl.Obl

"This one ties our head to the wood,

"Este nos ata nuestra cabeza por la madera,

ore-juru jokua ha ore ape,
1Pl.Excl.Poss-mouth tie Conj 1Pl.Excl.Poss back

ties our mouth and our back,

ata nuestra boca y nuestra espalda,

ha ore rumby o-mbohuguypa yvyra akuá-pe, ha upéi no-ñe-kontentá-i,
Conj 1Pl.Excl.Poss buttock 3Sg-bleed stick pointy-Loc Conj then Neg.3-Refl.content-Neg

and makes our buttock bleed with a pointy stick, and then not content,

y nuestra nalga nos hace sangrar con un palo puntiagudo, y después no se contentan,

ha ore-juka rire,
Conj 1Pl.Excl.DO-kill after

and after they kill us,

y después de matarnos,

ho’u terere ore ratĩ-ngué-pe ——he’i voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle la guéi.
3Pl-drink terere 1Pl.Excl.Poss horn-former-Loc 3Sg-say Emph Def.Det ox

they drink ‘terere’ from our horn."

toman terere con nuestro cuerno."

Mokõi -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' o-ĩ la mbói ndive o-ĩ -va.Relativizer 'va'
Two-already -Asp 3Sg-be.Loc Def.Det snake with -Rel

Two already are with the snake.

Dos ya son los que están con la vibora.

Ha o-ho o-heka hikuái la mbohapy-ha.
Conj 3Pl-go 3Pl-look 3Pl.Pron.Subj Def.Det third-Nom

And they went to look for a third one.

Y se fueron a buscar los dos a la tercera.

O-juhu peteĩ aguara, takuru ári, o-maña mombyry hína,Emphasis on Adv ‘mombyry’ (no temporal contribution) ka’aguy rembe’ý-pe.
3Pl-find one fox anthill on 3Pl-look far.away Cont forest edge-Loc

They found a fox on an anthill. He was looking far away to the edge of the forest.

Encontraron un zorro, sobre un hormiguero, estaba mirando lejos, a la orilla del bosque.

O-mombe’u chupe hikuái la oi-ko va’ekue:Relativizer/Distal
3Pl-tell 3Sg.Pron.IO 3Pl.Pron.Subj Def.Det 3Sg-live Rel.Term.Asp

They told him what had happened:

Le contaron los dos lo que pasó:

Mba’eicha-pa la karia’y o-guenohẽ mbói-pe la ita guýgui,
How-Q Def.Det lad 3Sg-took.out snake-DOM Def.Det rock under.Prep

How is it that the young man had taken the snake out from under the rock,

Cómo es que el muchacho le sacó a la víbora de debajo de la piedra,

ha ko’ãga ha’e ho’u-se chupeOvert Direct Object Pronoun hína?Emphasis on the pronoun ‘chupe’. No temporal contribution.
Conj now 3.Pron 3Sg-eat-Des 3.Pron.DO Emph

and now he wants to eat him?

y ahora él le quiere comer a él?

La karia’y o-jaivy gua’u ha pe aguara apysa ypyeté-pe he’i:
Def.Det lad 3Sg-bend.down pretend Conj that fox ear close-Loc 3Sg-say

The young man pretended to bend down and said very close to the fox’s ear:

El hombre disimuló agacharse y muy cerca del oído del zorro dijo:

——Heta a-reko la ipýre o-ké -va!Relativizer 'va'
——Many 1Sg-have Def.Det standing.up 3Pl-sleep -Rel

"I have many hens that are sleeping!" [standing up]

"¡Tengo muchas gallinas que duermen!" [duerme parado]

O-hendu-pa aguara la o-mombe’ú -vaRelativizer 'va' chupe hikuái, ha upé-pe o-sẽ:
3Sg-hear-Compl fox Def.Det 3Pl-tell -Rel 3Sg.Pron.IO 3Pl.Pron.Subj Conj Dem-Loc 3Sg-go.out

The fox heard all that they were telling him, and came out to say:

Escuchó todo el zorro lo que le contaron los dos, y ahí salió [a decir]:

——Che-piko moõ-pa ai-kuaá-ta -taProspective Aspect
——1Sg.Pron.Subj-Q where-Q 1Sg-know -Prosp

"How [from-where] am I going to know

"Acaso de dónde voy a saber

añeté-pa la pe mombe’ú -vaRelativizer 'va' chéve? ——he’i voi. 'Voi' Focalizer Particle
truly-Compl Def.Det Dem 2Pl-tell -Rel 1Sg.Pron.IO ——3Sg-say Emph

if it is the truth that which they tell me?" said he.

[si es] la verdad eso que me cuentan?" le dijo [luego].

——A-hecha-rire ae che ikatu ha’e
——1Sg-see-Pst.Cond really 1Sg.Pron.Subj 3Sg-Mod 1Sg-say

"If I had really seen it I could say

"Si hubiera visto yo realmente podría decir

'he’u-ke' Covert Direct Object Pronoun térã 'anike re’u' ∅.Covert Direct Object Pronoun
eat-Imp 3.Pron.DO Prep Neg.Imp-eat 3.Pron.DO

'eat him' or 'do not eat him.'

'comele' o 'no le comas.'

Ha upea-rã [upeguarã] ja-ha mante vaerã ja-hecha la pende apykuere,
Conj that-Irrealis 1Pl.Incl-go FOC 1Pl.Incl-see Def.Det 2Pl.Poss facts

And for that we must at least go see your facts,

Y para eso tenemos que irnos solamente a ver los hechos,

ani[ke] che-mbotavy. Ja-hechá -taProspective Aspect moõ-pa la reime ra'e,Ra'e goal oriented - Ra'e puts emphasis on the locative predicate.
Neg.Imp 1Sg-trick 1Pl-see -Prosp where-Q Def.Det 2Sg-be.Loc Evid

don’t trick me. Let’s go see where you have been,"

no me vayan a enganãr. Vamos a ver donde es lo que estuviste,"

——he’i la mbói-pe.
——3Sg-say Def.Det snake-DOM

he said to the snake.

le dijo a la víbora.

——Ha añeté-ramo-nte che a-ñe-komprometé -ta.Prospective Aspect
——Conj true-Cond.Pres-only 1Sg.Pron.Subj 1Sg-Refl-commit -Prosp

"And only it is the truth I will commit myself."

"Y solamente si es la verdad voy a comprometerme."

——Ja-ha ja-hecha ——he’i voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle la karia’y, ha o-jo-gueraha hikuái.
——1Pl.Incl-go 1Pl.Incl-see ——3Sg-say Emph Def.Det lad Conj 3Sg-Rec-take 3Pl.Pron.Subj

"Let’s go see," he told the lad, and they went together all of them.

"Vamos a ver," le dijo [énfasis] el muchacho, y se acompañaron [se fueron juntos] todos ellos.

Mombyry o-ho la karia’y ha la mbói rapykuerévo hikuái,
Far 3Sg-go Def.Det lad Conj Def.Det snake on.their.footsteps 3Pl.Pron.Subj

Far went the lad and the snake back on their footsteps,

Lejos se fueron el muchacho y la víbora [sobre sus pasos/por sus huellas],

ha o-ho o-sẽ la ita guasu, mbói renda-gué-pe.
Conj 3Sg-go 3Pl-got.out Def.Det rock big snake place-former-Loc

and they arrived at the place of the big rock, the snake’s former place.

y fueron a salir al lugar de la piedra grande, el lugar de la víbora.

O-maña aguara hínaEmphasis on subject ‘aguara’. Event is not continuative. la itá-re, ha he’i mbói-pe:
3Sg-look fox Emph Def.Det rock-at Conj 3Sg-say snake-IO

The fox looked at the rock, and he said to the snake:

Miró el zorro a la piedra, y le dijo a la víbora:

——E-ñe-moĩ-mi jey Covert Direct Object Pronoun pe rei-me hagué-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha'
——Imp-Refl-put-Dim again 2Sg.Pron.DO Dem 2Sg-be.Loc Sub.TermAsp-Loc

"Please put yourself again at the place where you were,

"Ponete otra vez en el lugar donde estabas,

ja-hecha añeté-pa la rei-me asy ra'e.Matrix subject oriented
1Pl.Incl-see true-Compl Def.Det 2Sg-be.Loc suffer Evid

let us truly see the place where you were suffering."

vamos a ver de verdad el lugar [donde] estuviste sufriente."

Oi-ke jey mbói ogueví-vo la o-ĩ- hagué-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' again snake 3Sg-backwards-Conj.Simult Def.Det 3Sg-be.Loc Sub.TermAsp-Loc

The snake went in backwards into the place where he had been,

Entró otra vez la víbora reculando en el lugar donde estuvo,

ha la karia’y aguara-ndive o-ño-pytyvõ
Conj Def.Det lad fox-with 3Sg-Refl-help

and the lad with the fox helped each other

y el muchacho con el zorro se ayudaron

ha o-mboguapy jey mbói ári la ita hikuái.
Conj 3-Caus.sit again snake on Def.Det rock 3Pl.Pron.Subj

and placed the rock on the snake again.

y sentaron ellos la piedra sobre la víbora otra vez.

Ha mbói o-pyta jey henda-gue-té-pe.
Conj snake 3Sg-stay again

And the snake stayed again in its place.

Y la víbora se quedó otra vez en su lugar.