USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

Story #13

Pláta yvy-guy jára o-ñe-ñandu-ka

Money earth-under owner 3Sg-Refl-feel-Caus

'The Owner of the Buried Treasure Reveals Himself'

'El dueño del tesoro enterrado se hace sentir'

Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.

Audio for Story #13:

O-ñe-mbyatý-mi vaerã ningo yma heta arriéro la ore róga-pe.
3Pl-Refl-get.togeter-Dim Mod FOC time.ago many men Def.Det 1Pl.Excl.Poss house-Loc

Many men used to get together in our house a long time ago.

Se solían juntar hace tiempo muchos hombres en nuestra casa.

Heta voíngoFocalizer Particle 'voi' che chekyvy va'ekue.Distal Perfect Aspect
Many FOC 1Sg.Pron brothers Asp.Distal

I had many brothers.

Yo tenía luego muchos hermanos.

Umía la heta i-júnta -va.Relativizer 'va'
Those Def.Det many 3.Poss-friend -Rel

Those did have many friends.

Esos sí que tenían muchos amigos (yunta).

Ha óga-gui o-ho jepi hikuái o-jo’ó-vo pláta-yvy-guy
Conj house-Prep 3Pl-go frequently 3Pl.Pron.Subj 3Pl-dig-Asp.Goal treasure

And they used to leave the house to go dig for treasure...

Y de casa solían salir ellos para ir a cavar tesoro...

la vía kósta-re, márte kue ha viérne kue.
Def.Det road side-Obl Tuesday former Conj Friday former

at the side of the road last Tuesday and Friday.

al costado de la vía, martes pasado y viernes pasado.

Ha Agui la o-ñembo’árte -va.Relativizer 'va'
Conj Agustin Def.Det -Rel

And Agustin was the one who made art out of it.

Y Agustín fue el que hizo de esto un arte.

Ha’e oi-kuaa aipo tataindy karai re-myendy vaerã -haSubordinate 'ha' pono
3.Pron 3Sg-know Dem fire blessed 2Sg-light Mod -Sub so.that

He knew that you must light a blessed candle so that neither the owner

Él sabía que debe encenderse una vela bendita para que el dueño

la pláta jára ni demonio o-guahẽ o-ñe-mo-tie’ỹ.
Def.Det money owner nor devil 3Sg-arrive 3Sg-Refl-Caus-fright

of the treasure nor the devil appears to frighten.

del tesoro ni el demonio aparezcan a asustar.

O-ñe-mo-arandu la otro kuéra-pe Agui,
3Sg-Refl-Caus-knowledge Def.Det other Pl-Loc Agustin

Agustin was the know-all for the others,

Era Agustín el sabelotodo para los otros,

ha o-ho jepi o-myendy ha’e la tataindy la yvy.kua kósta-re.
Conj 3Sg-go frequently 3Sg-light 3.Pron Def.Det candle Def.Det hole side-Obl

and frequently he went to light the candle near the hole.

y solía ir él a encender las velas cerca del hoyo.

Siéte tataindy o-myendy la umi otro o-sonda ha o-jo’o aja.
Seven candles 3Sg-light Def.Det Dem others 3Pl-search Conj 3Pl-dig while

He lit seven candles while the others searched and dug.

Siete velas encendía mientras los demás buscaban y cavaban.

Ha Agui o-ñembo’e la tataindy rendý-pe hína,Continuative, independently of 'hína', puts emphasis on 'tataindy rendý-pe' mombyry-mi la viá-gui.
Conj Agustin 3Sg-pray Def.Det candle lit-Loc Emph far-Dim Def.Det road-Prep

And Agustin was praying with the lit candles, a little away from the road.

Y Agustín estaba rezando con las velas encendidas, un poco lejos de la vía.

Upéi nimbo o-u hínaContinuative ra'eMatrix, narrator (speaker) oriented heta
After Part 3Pl-come Cont Evid many

Then it turns out many were coming

Después había sido que estaban viniendo muchos

kavaju ari-gua la pueblo-gui, la vía yké-pe.
horses on-Source Def.Det town-Prep Def.Det train.rail side-Loc

on horse-back from the town, at the side of the road.

montando a caballo del pueblo, al costado de la vía.

Ha Agui o-hendu la kavaju py-ambu ha la o-ñe’ẽ -vaRelativizer 'va' o-ú-vo.
Conj Agustin 3Sg-hear Def.Det horse foot-noise Conj Def.Det 3Pl-say -Rel 3Pl-come-Conj.Simult

And Agustin heard the horse’s hoof and some that were talking as they came.

Y Agustín escuchó el ruido de los pasos de los caballos y de algunos que venían hablando.

Ha’e o-kyhyje-terei-ve umi otro-gui.
3.Pron 3Sg-fear-Superl-more Dem other-Prep

He was much more afraid than the others.

Él tenía mucho más miedo que los demás [que esos otros].

Upé-pe ha’e hatã-ve o-ñembo’e pórke oi-mo’ã
There-Loc 3.Pron strong-more 3Sg-pray because 3Sg-believe

There he prayed more strongly because he thought that

Allí él rezó más fuerte porque creyó que

la Mariskal Lópe ehérsito -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' la o-ñe-mbojá -vaRelativizer 'va' hese o-hó-vo.
Def.Det Mariscal Lopez troop -Asp Def.Det 3Pl-Refl-get.close -Rel 3.Pron.Obl 3Pl-go-Conj.Simult

the troops of Mariscal Lopez were getting close to them.

era el ejército del Mariscal López era lo que ya se le acercaba.

Heta la kavaju ari-gua o-u o-pyta peteĩ ráha atýra rovái,
Many Def.Det horse on-Source 3Pl-come 3Pl-stay one slits pile front

Many riders came to stop in front of the firewood pile.

Muchos jinetes venían a quedarse frente de un montículo de rajas.

o-kirirĩ-mba ha o-maña hikuái la tataindy hendy joá -vaRelativizer 'va' hínaContinuative rehe.
3Pl-silent-all Conj 3Pl-look 3Pl.Pron.Subj Def.Det fire light together -Rel Cont Prep.Obl

Everyone kept silent and looked at the bunch of lit candles.

Todos guardaron silencio y miraron por el montón de velas que estaban encendidas.

Nd-oi-kuaá-i mba’é-pa la oi-kó -vaRelativizer 'va' upé-pe.
Neg-3Pl-know-Neg what-Q Def.Det 3Sg-exist -Rel Dem-Loc

They did not know what was happening there.

No sabían lo que estaba pasando allí.

O-hecha la karai’i-mi o-ñesũ -vaRelativizer 'va' hínaContinuative la tataindy kuéra renondé-pe.
3Pl-saw Def.Det men-Dim 3Sg-kneel -Rel Cont Def.Det candle Pl in.front.of-Loc

They saw a guy that was kneeling in front of the candles.

Vieron a un señorcito que estaba arrodillado frente a las velas.

O-kyhyje avei hikuái la o-hechá -vaRelativizer 'va' -gui;
3Pl-fear also 3Pl.Pron.Subj Def.Det 3Pl-see -Rel -Prep

They were also very afraid of what they saw;

Tenían miedo también ellos de lo que vieron;

oi-mo’ã hikuái pláta-yvy-guy ra'e.Embedded, matrix subject oriented (hikuái 'they') - implicit copular structure (with no overt copula)
3Pl-believe 3Pl.Pron.Subj money-earth-under Evid

they believed that it was the hidden treasure (they realized).

creyeron ellos que era tesoro escondido.

Ha upéi pe ijapyté-gui-kuéra o-sẽ peteĩ
Conj then Dem middle-Prep-Pl 3Sg-come.out one

And from among them one came out

Y luego de entre ellos salió uno

o-jagarra la ráha pehẽ-ngue guasu,
3Sg-grab Def.Det log piece-former big

and grabbed a big piece of log,

a agarrar un pedazo grande de raja,

ha o-poi la tataindy hendy -ha gotyoLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' Ple! [sound]
Conj 3Sg-threw Def.Det candle lit -Loc.Rel towards Ple! [sound]

and he threw it towards where the lit candles were: ple!

y tiró hacia donde estaban las velas encendidas: ple!

NdajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' peteĩ garróte o-poi José Domingo
Report.Evid one big.stick 3Sg-throw José Domingo

It is said that José Domingo threw a big stick

Se dice que tiro un garrote José Domingo

-upéicha héra peteĩ -vaRelativizer 'va' la kavaju ari-gua ra'e-Matrix, narrator oriented
that.way name one -Rel Def.Det horse on-Loc Evid

-that was the name of one of those coming on horseback, it turns out-

-así se llamaba uno de los que venían a caballo, había sido que-

la Agui -haLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' ypy-eté -pe.Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha'
Def.Det Agustin 3Sg.exist -Rel close-Superl -Loc

right next to where Agui was.

cerquita de donde estaba Agustín.

Ha upé-pe ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Agui ho’a-ite vera voi,Focalizer Particle 'voi' i-j-atáke.
Conj Dem-Loc Report.Evid Agustin 3Sg.fall-Superl suddenly FOC 3Sg-Pass-attack

And there it is said that Augustin suddenly fell; he had an attack.

Y allí se dice que Agustín se cayó súbitamente; le dio su ataque.

Ha la kavaju ari-gua-kuéra o-hasa-pa.
Conj Def.Det horse on-Source-Pl 3Pl-pass-Compl

And those on horseback all passed on.

Y los de a caballo pasaron todos.

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la Agui irũ-nguéra o-u
Then Report.Evid Def.Det Agustin friend-Pl 3Pl-come

And then it is said that Augustin’s friends came

Después se dice que los amigos de Augustin llegaron

o-juhu chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun o-jepyso hínaContinuative la tataindy kuéra renondé-pe.
3Pl-find 3.Pron.DO 3Sg-extended Cont Def.Det candle Pl front.of-Loc

and found him lying down in front of the candles.

y lo encontraron que estaba tendido frente a todas las velas.

I-j-atake ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' sin poder o-gueru-ve la i-pytu ni mba’eve.
3.Poss-Refl-attack Report.Evid without Mod 3Sg-bring-more Def.Det breath nor nothing

With his attack, they say, without being able to recover his breath or anything.

Con su ataque, dicen que, sin poder recuperar el aliento, ni nada.

Ha upé-pe o-poi-pa mante i-ñirũ-nguéra la pláta je-heká-gui,
Conj Dem-Loc 3Pl-let.go-Compl after.all 3.Poss-friend-Pl Def.Det money Pass-search-Prep

And there his friends stopped looking for the treasure,

Y allí dejaron únicamente sus amigos de buscar el tesoro,

ha o-hupi hikuái Aguí-pe o-gueraha chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun la mama róga-pe.
Conj 3Pl-pick.up 3Pl.Pron.Subj Agustin-DOM 3Pl-take 3.Pron.DO Def.Det mother house-Loc

and they picked Agustin up and they took him to his mother’s house. [narrator’s mother’s house]

y le alzaron ellos a Agustín lo llevaron la casa de mama.

Ha nimbo ha’e nd-o-ké-i voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' hínaContinuative ra'e.Matrix, narrator oriented
Conj Part 3.Pron Neg-3Sg-sleep-Neg FOC Cont Evid

And it turns out that he wasn’t sleeping.

Había sido que no estaba durmiendo luego.

O-hendu la o-ñe’ẽ-joá -vaRelativizer 'va' portón-pe:
3Sg-hear Def.Det -Rel gate-Loc

She heard those that were speaking (all at the same time) by the gate:

Escuchó a los que estaban hablando cerca del portón:

——Pe-avrí-ke i-ja haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' ——o-hendu he’í-rõ peteĩ.
——Imp.2Pl-open-Imp 3.Poss-enter Sub.Irr ——3Sg-hear 3Sg.say-Cond one

"Open up so we can go in," she heard when one (of them) say.

"Abran para entrar," escuchó que dijo uno [de ellos].

——Pe-ñe-prende-porã-ke, háke che -taProspective Aspect chu-gui! ——he’i otro.
——Imp.2Pl-Refl-catch-well-Imp watch.out 1Sg.Pron 1Sg-let.go-Prosp 3.Pron-Prep ——3Sg.say another

"Catch him well, watch out, I am about to let him go," said another.

"Agárrenle bien, chake (cuidado) yo estoy por soltarle," dijo otro.

Ha mama oi-mo’ã la pláta tuicha-itereí -vaRelativizer 'va' ryru ra'eEmbedded, matrix, subject oriented
Conj mother 3Sg-believe Def.Det money big-too.much -Rel container Evid

And mother believed that it was the very big container

Y mamá creyó que era el recipiente muy grande

la o-guerahá -vaRelativizer 'va' hínaContinuative hikuái.
Def.Det 3Pl-take -Rel Cont 3Pl.Pron.Subj

that was the thing they were carrying.

que contenía el tesoro lo que estaban llevando ellos.

Ha o-gueru la o-guerú -vaRelativizer 'va' o-moinge Covert Direct Object Pronoun hikuái
Conj 3Pl-bring Def.Det 3Pl-bring -Rel 3.Pron.DO 3Pl.Pron.Subj

And they brought what they had, they put (it) in

Y traían lo que tenían, (lo) metieron

ha o-mboguejy Covert Direct Object Pronoun peteĩ vánko puku ári.
Conj 3Pl-put.down 3.Pron.DO one bench long on

and lowered (it) onto a long bench.

y (lo) bajaron sobre un banco largo.

——Visshh! ——he’i, i-kane’õ hikuái.
——Shh! ——3Pl.say 3Pl-tire 3Pl.Pron.Subj

"Shh!" they said, tired.

"Visshh!" dijeron cansados ellos.

——Pe-rú-iko ∅!Covert Direct Object Pronoun ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' chupe-kuéra mama.
——2Pl-bring-Imp 3.Pron.DO ——3Sg.say Report.Evid 3.Pron.IO-Pl mother

"You brought (it)," it is said that mother said.

"(Lo) trajeron!" les dijo mamá, dicen que.

Ha lo mitakaria’y oi-mo’ã oi-kuaá -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' mama ra'eEmbedded, matrix subject oriented
Conj Def.Det guys 3Pl-believe 3Sg-know -Asp mother Evid

And the guys suspected that mother already knew

Y los muchachos creyeron que mamá ya sabía

la o-jehu va'ekueRelativizer/Distal Aguí-pe.
Def.Det 3Sg-happen Rel.Distal Agustin-DOM

what had happened to Agustin.

lo que le pasó a Agustín.

——Ro-gueru ∅,Covert Direct Object Pronoun apéna ite ore-pu’aka hese! ——he’i chupe hikuái.
——1Pl.Excl-bring 3.Pron.DO as.soon Superl 1Pl.Excl.Poss-strength 3.Pron.Obl ——3Pl.say 3.Pron.IO 3Pl.Pron.Subj

"We brought (him), as soon as we had strength for him," they said (to her).

"¡(Lo) trajimos, apenas tuvimos fuerza por él!" les dijeron ellos.

——Imposívle! ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' mama ——hasy-peve piko pe-sẽ chupe.
——Impossible ——3Sg.say Report.Evid mother ——difficult-after Expr 2Pl-go.out 3.Pron.IO

"Impossible!" it is said that mother said, "finally you got it out."

"¡Imposible!" dice que les dijo mamá, "al fin lo encontraron."

Ha o-pu’ã o-myendy la lámpara,
Conj 3Sg-got.up 3Sg-light Def.Det lamp

And she got up to light the lamp,

Y se levanto a encender la lampara,

ha o-sẽ-vo la okẽ-me o-topa Agui
Conj 3Sg-go.out-Conj.Simult Def.Det door-Loc 3Sg-found Agui

and as she went to the door she found Agustin

y al salir a la puerta le encontró a Agustín

morotĩ sakã la hova hínaEmphasis on NP 'la hova'. Event is not continuative. la vánko ári-pe.
white transparent Def.Det face Emph Def.Det bench on-Loc

with a pale face on the bench.

con la cara pálida (blanca) sobre el banco.