USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

Story #3

Ka’i o-jerure ramo guare posada jaguareté róga-pe

Monkey 3Sg-ask Temp.Conj Distal lodging tiger house-Loc

'When the Monkey Asked for Lodgings at the Tiger’s House'

'Cuando pidió el mono posada en la casa del jaguareté'

Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.

Audio for Story #3:

Oguahẽ ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ka’i karai jaguarete róga-pe, o-jerure haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' posáda.
3Sg-arrive Report.Evid monkey man tiger house-Loc 3Sg-ask Sub.Irr lodging

It is said that the monkey arrived at the tiger’s house to ask for lodgings.

Dicen que llega el mono a la casa del señor jaguareté, para pedir posada.

Ha he’i chupe jaguarete rembireko
Conj 3Sg-say 3Sg.Pron.IO tiger wife

And the wife’s tiger said to him

Y le dijo la mujer del jaguarete

nd-aipo-ri- haSubordinate 'ha' i-ména hína.Emphasis on 'mena'. Event is continuative independently of 'hina'
Neg-exist-Neg- Sub 3.Poss-husband Cont

that her husband is not there.

que su marido no estaba.

——Nd-aipó-ri elviého, nd-ai-katu-mo’ã-i a-me’ẽ ndéve la posáda.
——Neg-exist-Neg the.old(man) Neg-1Sg-can-Neg.Irrealis 1Sg-give 2Sg.Pron.IO Def.Det lodging

The old man is not here, I cannot give you lodgings.

No está el viejo, no puedo darte la posada.

——Ape-mí-nte, ko nde róga okárape ——he’i chupe ka’i.
——Here-Dim-only Dem 2Sg.Poss house outside ——3Sg.say 3Sg.Pron.IO monkey

"Just here, outside your house," the monkey said to her.

"Acá nomás, fuera de tu casa," le dijo el mono.

Upéi ka’aru-vé -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' ramo,
After afternoon-more -Asp Conj.Temp

When later,

Después cuando más tarde,

o-ike-sé -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' ka’i la óga guý-pe aveí.
3Sg-enter-Des -Asp monkey Def.Det house under-Loc [roof] also

the monkey also wanted to enter inside [under the house’s roof].

ya quiso entrar también bajo [el techo de] la casa.

——Cháke nde-ú-ne che ména
——Watch.out 2Sg.Pron.DO-eat-Modal 1Sg.Poss husband

"Watch out, my husband can eat you,"

"Cuidado te puede comer mi marido,"

——he’i chupe la jaguarete kuña.
——3Sg.say 3Sg.Pron.IO Def.Det tiger woman

the tiger’s wife said to him.

le dije la mujer del jaguareté.

——Ha ndé-[p]iko, na-che-defende-mo’ã-i voi? 'Voi' Focalizer Particle
——Conj 2Sg-Pron.Subj-Q Neg-1Sg.Pron.DO-defend-Neg.Irrealis -FOC

"And you will not defend me?"

"¿Y vos, no vas a defenderme luego?"

——he’i chupe ka’i.
——3Sg.say 3Sg.Pron.IO monkey

she said to the monkey.

le dijo el mono.

——Ha re-ikuaa vo-íngo,
——Conj 2Sg-know of.course-FOC

"And of course

"Y vos sabés luego,

che ména-ngo nde-u mante arã [va’erã]
1Sg.Poss husband-FOC 2Sg.Pron.DO-eat hopelessly Mod

my husband will undoubtedly eat you

mi marido te comerá sin falta

nde-juhú-ramo ápe.
2Sg.Pron.DO-find-Temp.Conj here

when he finds you here."

cuando te encuentre acá."

——Nahániri ——he’i ka’i, ——ape-mí-nte.
——No ——3Sg.say monkey ——here-Dim-only

"No," said the monkey, "just here."

"No," dijo el mono, "acá nomás."

(Nd-o-kyhyjé-i ha o-kyhyje avei.)
Neg-3Sg-be.afraid-Neg Conj 3Sg-be.afraid also

(He is afraid and not afraid also.)

(No tiene miedo y tiene miedo también.)

Upéi amáke ka’aru, ka’i i-ro’ý -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma'
Then [a más que] afternoon monkey 3Sg-be.cold -Asp

Then close to the afternoon, the monkey is already cold

Después se acerca la tarde, el mono ya tiene frío

ha o-iké -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' óga gúy-pe.
Conj -Asp house under-Loc

when he enters inside the house.

y ya entra dentro de la casa.

Upéi kuñakarai o-hó -taProspective Aspect -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' o-jepe’e.
Then woman 3Sg-go -Prosp -Asp 3Sg-get.warm

Then the female tiger had already gone to warm herself up.

Y después la mujer [tigre] ya estaba por irse [para] calentarse.

Ha o-jepe’e-se-te avei ka’i.
Conj 3Sg-get.warm.Des-Superl also monkey

And the monkey very much desired to warm himself up also.

Y el mono también demasiado quiso calentarse.

Ha o-mbo-jepe’e chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun la kuñakarai.
Conj 3Sg-let.get.warm 3.Pron.DO Def.Det woman

And then the female (tiger) let him warm up.

Y la mujer le dejó calentarse.

O-sena-mba la óga jára
3Sg-have-dinner-completed Def.Det house mistress

The mistress of the house finished dinner

Terminó de cenar la dueña de casa

ha o-ho-sé -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' o-ñenó-vo.
Conj 3Sg-go-Des -Asp 3Sg-sleep-Asp.Goal

and wanted to go to sleep already.

y ya quiso ir a acostarse.

——Che-ko a-ha-sé -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' a-ñenó-vo
——1Sg.Pron.Subj-FOC 1Sg-go-Des -Asp 1Sg-lie.down-Asp.Goal

"I already want to go lie down (rest),"

"Yo luego ya quiero ir a acostarme,"

——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' chupe,
——3Sg.say Report.Evid 3.Pron.IO

it is said that she said to him,

dice que le dijo,

——ãga ite o-u vaerã el viého, ha tereho katu nde.
——but soon 3Sg-come Mod Def.Det Conj Imp.go FOC 2Sg.Pron.Subj

"but soon the old man must/will come, and you go away."

"pero enseguida tiene que llegar el viejo, y andate si que vos."

——Ha nd-ai-katú-i piko
——Conj Neg-1Sg-can-Neg Q

"And it cannot be

"Y no puede ser

pe nde koty-pe-mí-nte jepe che-mo-nge?
Dem 2Sg.Poss room-Loc-Dim-FOC also 1Sg.Pron.DO-let-sleep

that you don’t let me also sleep in your room at least?"

que por lo menos en tu pieza no me dejes dormir?"

——he’i ka'i.
——3Sg.say monkey

said the monkey.

le dijo el mono.

——Nahániri. Upéi o-ovliga-iterei kuñakaraí-pe.
——No Then 3Sg-insisted-Superl-so.much woman-IO

"No." Then he insisted so much to the female.tiger.

"No." Y después demasiado le insistió a la señora.

——Ha guéno, re-ké -taProspective Aspect la che kotý-pe upéicharõ.
——Conj ok 2Sg-sleep -Prosp Def.Det 1Sg.Poss room-Loc then

"Oh, then you will sleep in my room."

"Y bueno, vas a dormir en mi pieza entonces."

Ha o-ké -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' -rõ la i-kotý-pe katu,
Conj 3Sg-sleep -Asp -Cond Def.Det 3.Poss-room-Loc Emph

And when he was already sleeping in her room,

Y cuando ya dormía en su pieza,

he’i chupe ka’i:
3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO monkey

the monkey said to her:

le dijo el mono:

——Sokórro, péro che-ro’y eterei ningo.
——Help but 1Sg-be.cold too.much FOC

"Help, but I am too cold.

"Socorro, pero yo tengo demasiado frío.

Pe nde rupa guy-pe-mi a-ké -ta.Prospective Aspect
Dem 2Sg.Poss bed under-Loc-Dim 1Sg-sleep -Prosp

Under your bed I will sleep."

Debajo de tu cama voy a dormir."

Ha o-mo-nge chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun
Conj 3Sg-let-sleep 3.Pron.DO

And she let him sleep.

Y le dejó dormir.

——Péro aní-nte-ke el viého nde-pilla;
——But Neg-Imp-FOC-Imp Def.Det 2Sg.Pron.DO-find

"But do not let the old man find you;

"Pero que no te pille el viejo;

háke nde-ú va’erã.
be.careful 2Sg.Pron.Obj-eat Mod

be careful, he will eat you."

cuidado que te va a comer."

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' he’i jey chupe ka’i:
Then Report.Evid 3Sg.say again 3Sg.Pron.IO monkey

Then, it is said, the monkey said to her again:

Después, se dice que el mono le volvió a decir:

——Che ro’y eterei-ve ningo,
——1Sg.Pron.Subj be.cold Superl-too.much-more FOC

"I am too (much/more) cold,

"Tengo mucho más frío,

pe nde py gotyo-mí-na,
this 2Sg.Poss feet towards-Dim-Rog

towards your feet,

hacia tus pies nomas,

pende rupá-pe, ta-ke-mi.
2Pl.Poss bed-Loc Imp-sleep-Dim

in your bed I will sleep a bit."

en tu cama, voy a dormir un poco."

——Ãga o-ú -taProspective Aspect el viého,
——Conj 3Sg-came -Prosp Def.Det

"Soon the old man will come,

"Enseguida vendrá el viejo,

a-mombe’u porã ndéve, pórke che no-ro-defende -mo’ã-i.Negative Prospective Aspect
1Sg-tell well 2Sg.Pron.IO because 1Sg.Pron.Subj Neg-Port-defend -Neg.Prosp

and I clearly tell you, because I will not defend you."

y te digo bien, porque yo no te voy a defender."

——Nda-che-rupytý-i chéne, ha’e-ko i-pohýi
——Neg-1Sg.Pron.Subj-reach-Neg Mod 3.Pron-FOC 3.Poss-heavy

"He will probably not reach me, he is heavy

"No me ha de alcanzar, él.emp es pesado

ha che pe yvyra gáho
Conj 1Sg.Pron.Subj Dem tree branch

and I least on the branch of this plant

y yo por lo menos por esa rama de la planta

i-kangy-vé -vaRelativizer 'va' -re jepe ahá -ta,Prospective Aspect
3.Poss-weak-more -Rel -Obl at.least 1Sg-go -Prosp

which is weak, will hang on to,

que es más débil me voy a prender,

ha jaguarete -mo’ã-i.Negative Prospective Aspect [nda-che-rupyty-mo’ã-i].
Conj tiger Prosp.Neg [not-1Sg-reach-Prosp-Neg]

and the tiger will not [reach me]."

y el jaguareté no podrá [alcanzarme]."

Ha o-ké -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' -ramo i-py gotyo, i-ro’y-ete-ve jey ka’i.
Conj 3Sg-sleep -Asp -Cond 3.Poss-feet towards 3.Poss-cold-Superl again monkey

And when he was already sleeping towards her feet, the monkey got much colder again.

Y cuando ya dormía hacia sus pies, tuvo más frío otra vez el mono.

——A-ñe-prendé -taProspective Aspect -ko nde pý-re,
——1Sg-Refl-hold.on -Prosp -FOC 2Sg.Poss foot-Obl

"I will hold on to your foot,

"Me voy a prender por tu pié,

che mbyaku-mi ché-ko na-che-póncho-i.
1Sg.Pron.Subj get.warm-Dim 1Sg.Pron.Subj-FOC Neg-1Sg.Poss-poncho-Neg

warm me up a bit [because] I do not have a poncho."

calentame por favor porque no tengo poncho."

Upéi i-ro’y-ete-ve jey ha o-mo-poncho-guy-mi-[v]e.
Then 3.Poss-cold-Superl-more again Conj 3Sg-put-poncho-under-Dim-more

Then he was much more cold again and he got a bit more under the poncho.

Después tuvo más frío otra vez y se metió un poco más bajo el poncho.

——Ne-formal-eterei nde, te-reho mba’e.
——Neg-formal-Superl 2Sg.Pron.Subj Imp-2Sg-go [or] what

"You are too informal, [so] go away or what."

"Sos muy informal, andate sique."

——Nahíniri, pe ne-lomo-re-mí-nte a-ke-se,
——No Dem 2Sg.Poss-back-Obl-Dim-only 1Sg-sleep-Des

"No, only next to your back I want to sleep,

"No, por tu espalda nomas quiero dormir,

pe che lómo haku-mi haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' chéve, pórke che-ratã -taProspective Aspect -ma.Aspect/Focalizer '-ma'
Dem 1Sg.Poss back warm-Dim Sub.Irr 1Sg.IO because 1Sg.Poss-freeze -Prosp -Asp

to get my back warm up a bit, because I am already about to freeze."

para que mi espalda se caliente un poco, porque ya me voy a congelar."

Upéi katu la i-lómo
Then Emph Def.Det 3.Poss-back

Then, when [those] their backs

Después, cuando sus espaldas

umí[v]a haku-pa porã -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' ramo [=porá.ma.rõ],
Dem.Pron 3.Poss.warm-Compl well -Asp -Cond

were already very warmed-up,

ya estuvieron bien calientes,

o-jere ka’i jaguarete rembirekó-pe, humby ládo-pe.
3Sg-turn.around monkey tiger wife-Loc buttock side-Loc

the monkey turned around towards the buttock of the tiger’s wife.

se dio vuelta el mono hacia la nalga de la mujer del jaguareté.

Ha upe rire-mí-nte ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-guahẽ o-ú-vo la ména,
Conj then after-Dim-only Report.Evid 3Sg-arrive 3Sg-come-Asp.Goal Def.Det husband

Then after a while, it is said, the husband was arriving,

Al rato nomás se dice que vino llegando el marido,

[ág̃a] katu ningo ha’e-pa pyre-pe -ma.Aspect/Focalizer '-ma'
Emph FOC 3Sg.say-Compl Part-Loc -Asp

[but] all was already said.

[pero] todo estaba dicho ya.

——Hyakuã ka’i ningo ko ñande koty nde!
——3.Poss.smell monkey FOC Dem 1Pl.Incl.Poss room Excl.Expr

"This room smells of monkey!"

"¡Esta nuestra pieza huele a mono!"

——he’i karai jaguarete.
——3Sg.say mister tiger

said Mister Tiger.

dijo el señor jaguareté.

Ha ka’i o-kañy hínaPast continuative, independently of 'hina'. Assertive. tupa guý-pe.
Conj monkey 3Sg-hide Cont bed under-Loc

And the monkey was hidden under the bed.

Y el mono estaba escondido bajo la cama.

Upéi jaguarete o-ñeno hembireko pohéi, ha he’i jey:
Then tiger 3Sg-lie.down 3.Poss.wife side Conj 3Sg.say again

Then the tiger laid down next to his wife and said again:

Después el jaguareté se acostó al lado de su esposa, y le dijo de vuelta:

——Hyakuã ka’i ko ñane ñuãha, nde la víéha.
——3.Poss.smell monkey Dem 1Pl.Incl.Poss blanket 2Sg.Pron Def.Det old.woman

"Our blanket smells of monkey, you old woman."

"Tiene olor a mono esta nuestra cobija, vos la vieja."

——Hẽe ——he’i upé-pe hembireko,
——Yes ——3Sg.say Dem-Loc 3.Poss.wife

"Yeah," said the wife at that moment,

"Hẽe," dijo en ese momento la esposa,

——a-hecha kuriRetrospective Aspect 'kuri' che képe o-ú-rõ peteĩ ka’i-mi,
——1Sg-see Retrosp.Asp 1Sg.Poss dream 3Sg-come-Cond one monkey-Dim

"I saw in my dreams when a monkey came,

"vi en mi sueño cuando vino un mono,

i-ro’y eteri gua’ú-ko ha o-u oi-ke ñande rupá-pe
3.Poss-cold Superl supposedly-FOC Conj 3Sg-come 3Sg-sleep 1Pl.Incl.Poss bed-Loc

[he] was very cold supposedly and came to sleep in our bed

con mucho frío supuestamente y vino a dormir en nuestra cama

ha heta che-mo-kyrỹi ha upéi reju nde kuri.Retrospective Aspect 'kuri'
Conj much 1Sg-cause-tickle Conj then 2Sg-come 2Sg.Pron.Subj Retrosp.Asp

and tickled me much and then you came."

y me hizo mucha cosquilla y después viniste vos."

——He’ẽ ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' jaguarete,
——Yeah ——3Sg.say Report.Evid Tiger

"Yeah," it is said that the tiger said,

"He’ẽ," se dice que dijo el jaguareté,

i-ke-guy-pe-mí -ma,Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' o-ké -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' o-hó-vo.
3.Poss-sleep-under-Loc-Dim -Asp 3Sg-sleep -Asp 3Sg-go-Asp.Goal

in his sleep [stupor], already falling asleep.

bajo el sueño, ya durmiéndose.

——I-gústo-ité[re]i-ko añete
——3.Poss-pleasant-Superl-FOC truly

"It is truly very pleasant

"Da gusto de verdad

la ka’i-mi ñane-mo-kyrỹi-rõ ra'eEmbedded in conditional. Speaker-oriented, indirect discourse. ——he’i.
Def.Det monkey-Dim 1Pl.Incl-Caus-tickle-when Evid ——3Sg.say [the tiger]

when the little monkey tickles us," said [the tiger].

cuando el mono nos hace cosquilla había sido," dijo [el tigre].

Ha’e oi-mo’ã o-soña hínaContinuative ra'e;Embedded ra'e, narrator/speaker oriented
3.Pron 3Pl-think 3Pl-dream Cont Evid

He thought he was dreaming;

El creyó que estaba soñando;

nimbo ka’i o-pokó -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' avei
Part monkey 3Sg-touch -Asp also

the monkey was already in the process of touching

el mono ya iba tocándo-

hese o-hó-vo ra'eMatrix ra'e, speaker oriented la pytũmbý-pe.
3.Pron.Dat 3Sg-go-Asp.Goal Evid Def.Det dark-Loc

him in the darkness.

-le en la oscuridad.