Funded by NSF BCS-1917619
Pombero Indian
Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.
Audio for Story #14:
O-nase | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | -ko | peteĩ | mitã’i | indio-kuéra | apyté-pe, |
3Sg-born | Report.Evid | -FOC | one | child | Indian-Pl | middle-Loc |
It is said that a boy was born among the Indians.
Nació, dicen que, un niño de entre los indios.
ha | michĩ | ra’y-mi | n-o-monde-sé-i | voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' | mba’evé-icha-gua | ao. |
Conj | small | son-Dim | Neg-3Sg-put-Des-Neg | FOC | any-type-place | clothes |
And since he was a little kid he never wanted to put clothes on.
Y desde chiquito no quería luego ponerse ninguna clase de ropa.
I-túva | ha | i-sy | o-mondé-va | hese, | ha’e | o-mboi-pa | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | jey. |
3-father | Conj | 3-mother | 3Pl-put-Hab | 3.Pron.Obl | 3.Pron | 3Sg-remove-Compl | 3.Pron.DO | again |
Whatever his dad and mom put on him, he would take (it) off again.
Su papá y su mamá lo que le ponían se quitaba (todo) él otra vez.
Ha’e | nd-oi-kutú-i | voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' | chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun | ñuatĩ, | ku | tapiti | ra’ý-icha. |
3.Pron | Neg-3Sg-pinch-Neg | FOC | 3.Pron.DO | thorns | Dem | rabbit | son-similar |
No thorn pricked him ever, just like those little rabbits.
A él no le hincaba luego espinas, igual que a un conejito.
o-dipara | oi-ke | pe | karaguata-tý-re, | ha | upéi-nte | o-sẽ | jey. |
3Sg-run | | Dem | plant-pile-Obl | Conj | Dem-only | 3Sg-go.out | again |
He would go in running among the karaguata (plants) and then could come out again.
Entraba corriendo entre los karaguatáses y después salía nomás otra vez.
Sapy’á-nte | o-ho | mombyry | mbyry | umi | otro | toldería-rupi |
Some.time-only | 3Sg-go | far | far | Dem | another | camps-around |
Sometimes he would go very far close to the (Indian) camps.
A veces se iba lejos muy lejos cerca de los otros campamentos.
Ha | do | tre | dia | hagué-peLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | i-sy | umía | o-gueru | jey | chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
Conj | two | three | days | Sub.TermAsp-Loc | 3-mother | those | 3Pl-bring | again | 3.Pron.DO |
And after two or three days his parents would bring him back again.
Y dos tres días después su mamá y esos [y otros] le traían otra vez.
7 | año | o-guereko | rire | ha’e, |
7 | year | 3Sg-have | after | 3.Pron |
After he turned 7 years old,
Después de cumplir 7 años,
o-ñe-mboi-pa-ite | o-pívo | vera | hóga | renondé-pe, |
3Sg-Refl-remove-Compl-Max | 3Sg-naked | completely | | front-Loc |
he undressed entirely in front of his house
se desnudó todito frente a su casa.
Ha | upe-guive | nd-o-je-hecha-vé-i. |
Conj | Dem-Prep | Neg-3Sg-Refl-see-more-Neg |
And from then on no one saw him again.
Y desde ahí ya no se le vio más.
Upéi | o-juhu | jeý-rõ | jepe | chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun | la | i-sy | ha | i-túva |
Then | 3Pl-find | again-Cond | again | 3.Pron.DO | Det.Det | 3.Poss-mother | Conj | 3.Poss-father |
After whenever his parents found him again
Después si su mama y su papá le encontraban a él nuevamente
pe | oiko | -haLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | rupi, | nd-oi-kuaa-vé-i | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | chupe | hikuái. |
Dem | 3Sg-exist | -Rel.Loc | around | Neg-3Pl-know-more-Neg | -Asp | 3.Pron.IO | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
around there, they did not recognize him.
allí por donde andaba, ya ellos no lo reconocían.
Upéi-ngo | peteĩ | karai, | pueblo | Valenzuela-gua, | Médico | Pombéro | o-je-’e | -ha,Nominalizer 'ha' |
After-FOC | one | man | town | Valenzuela-place | doctor | Pombéro | 3Pl-Refl-say | -Nom |
After a man from the town Valenzuela, Doctor Pombero, they called him,
Después un señor, del pueblo de Valenzuela, Médico Pombero le decían,
o-ĩ-va | Sapukái-pe, | o-mombe’u | i-túva |
3Sg-exist-Hab | Sapukái-Loc | 3Sg-tell | 3.Poss-father |
who was in Sapukai, said that his father
que estaba en Sapukai, contó que su papá
o-poro-juka | hagueTerminative Subordinator | Valenzuela | táva-pe | upe | jave. |
3.Sg-Indef-kill | Sub.TermAsp | Valenzuela | town-Loc | Dem | then |
had killed someone in the town of Valenzuela long ago.
le había matado a alguien en el pueblo de Valenzuela cuando eso.
(ha | ymá-ngo | nde | rei-kuaa, | ñane retã-me | rei-ké-rõ | peteĩ | ka’aguý-pe |
Conj | time.ago-FOC | 2Sg.Pron.Subj | 2Sg-know | 1Pl.Incl-country-Loc | | one | forest-Loc |
(and you know that for long time in our country, if you go into the forest,
(y vos sabes que desde hace tiempo en nuestro país si entras a un monte,
nde-rei-kuaá-i | moõ-pa | re-hó | -taProspective Aspect | re-sẽ | reína.)Not continuative. Emphasis on moõ-pa. |
Neg-2Sg-know-Neg | where-Q | 2Sg-go | -Prosp | 2Sg-go.out | 2Sg.Emph |
you don’t know where you would go out)
ya no sabes donde irás a salir)
O-poro-juka | la | karai | upéa | ha | oi-ke | la | ka’aguý-pe | ra'e.Matrix Evid, narrator oriented |
3Sg-Indef-kill | Def.Det | man | Dem | Conj | | Def.Det | forest-Loc | Evid |
This man killed someone and entered the forest again, it appears.
El señor este asesinó y entró en el monte, había sido.
Upéi | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | o-ho | oi-ke | peteĩ | tolderia | tuichá | -vaRelativizer 'va' | -pe, |
Then | Report.Evid | 3Sg-go | | one | camp | big | -Rel | -Loc |
Then it is said that he went to enter a large camp.
Después dice que se fue a entrar a un campamento grande
Ha | ha’e | nd-oi-kuaá-i-va | upe | tolderia | o-ĩ-va | -haSubordinate 'ha' | upé-pe. |
Conj | 3.Pron | Neg-3Sg-know-Neg-Hab | Dem | camp | 3Sg-exist-Hab | -Sub | Dem-Loc |
And he did not know that there was a camp there.
Y él no sabía que ese campamento se encontraba allí.
O-ho | o-ñe’ẽ | la | kasíke | ndive: |
3Sg-go | 3Sg-speak | Def.Det | Indian.chief | with |
He went to speak to the Indian chief:
Se fue a hablar con el cacique:
——Péa-ngo | la | che | káso, | ha | nd-ai-katú-i | piko | ai-ko | pene-ndive. |
——that-FOC | Def.Def | 1Sg.Poss | case | Conj | Neg-1Sg-can-Neg | Q | 1Sg-live | 2Pl-with |
"This is my case and I couldn’t live with you all."
"Este es mi caso, y no podría vivir con ustedes."
——Guéno | ——he’i | chupe | la | kasíke, | ha | o-pyta | oi-ko | hendive-kuéra. |
——Okay | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | Def.Det | chief | Conj | 3Sg-stay | 3Sg-live | 3Pl.with-Pl |
"Okay," the chief said to him, and he stayed to live with them.
"Bueno," le dijo el cacique, y se quedó a vivir con ellos.
O-juka | la | guyra’-i, | opáicha-gua | tymba | ka’aguy. |
3Sg-kill | Def.Det | bird-Dim | variety-source | animal | forest |
They killed small birds, (and) all kinds of forest animals.
Mataban pajaritos, muchas clases de animales del monte.
Ho’ú | -vaRelativizer 'va' | la | indio-kuéra | ho’u | hendive-kuéra. | O-ke | hendive-kuéra. | | -Rel | Def.Det | Indian-Pl | | 3Pl.with-Pl | 3Sg-sleep | 3Pl.with-Pl |
What the Indians ate, he ate with them. He slept with them.
Lo que comían los indios, él comía con ellos. Dormía con ellos.
Upéi-ngo | pe | un | me, | o-mboty | pota | rupi | hína,Emphasis on the temporal adverb | he’i | chupe | la | kasíke: |
after-FOC | Dem | Indef | month | 3Sg-close | Asp | around | Emph | 3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | Def.Det | chief |
Then after almost a month, the chief said to him:
Luego, después un poco antes de cumplir un mes, le dijo el cacique:
——Nde-re-ho-sé-i | piko | nde | róga-pe | re-visita | nde | roga-ygua-kuéra? |
——Neg-2Sg-go-Des-Neg | Q | 2Sg.Poss | house-Loc | 2Sg-visit | 2Sg.Poss | house-place-Pl |
"Don’t you want to go to visit your family?"
"¿No querés irte a tu casa a visitarle a tus familiares?"
——A-ha-se, | áça katu | a-kyhyjé-ngo. |
——1Sg-go-Des | Conj | 1Sg-afraid-FOC |
"I want to, but I am afraid."
"Me quiero ir pero tengo miedo."
——Ani | re-kyhyje-te-i | ——he’i | chupe; |
——Neg | 2Sg-afraid-Superl-Neg | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO |
"Don’t be afraid," he said to him;
"No tengas miedo," le dijo;
——che | a-mondó | -taProspective Aspect | nendive | peteĩ | che | ra’y. |
——1Sg.Pron | 1Sg-send | -Prosp | 2Sg.with | one | 1Sg.Poss | son |
"I will send my son with you."
"yo le voy a mandar contigo a un hijo mío."
O-ñangareko | -va’erã | nde | rehe. | | -Mod | 2Sg.Pron.IO | Prep.Obl |
He can take care of you,
Que te pueda cuidar a vos,
ha | upéi | o-sẽ | la | tóldo | guý-gui | la | indio-i | peteĩ | i-jao’-ỹ | -va,Relativizer 'va' |
Conj | then | 3Sg-go.out | Def.Det | tent | under-Prep | Def.Det | Indian-Dim | one | 3.Poss-clothes-Neg | -Rel |
and then a little Indian without clothes came from under the tent,
y después salió de debajo del toldo un indiecito sin ropa,
áça katu | ndo-hechá-i | la | i-pire; | o-ñe-moĩ | la | karai | yké-re. |
Conj | Neg-see-Neg | Def.Det | 3.Poss-skin | 3Sg-Refl-put | Def.Det | man | next-Obl |
but he did not see [the color of] his skin; he put himself next to the man.
pero no le vio su [color de] piel; se puso al lado del señor.
Ha | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | o-sẽ-vo | la | tolderiá-gui | la | karai, |
Conj | Report.Evid | 3Sg-go.out-Conj.Simult | Def.Det | tent-Prep | Def.Det | man |
And it is said that when the man came out of the tent,
Y se dice que al salir del campamento el señor,
no-ñe-ñandu-vé-i. |
Neg-Refl-remember-more-Neg |
he did not remember anything anymore.
ya no se acordaba de nada.
——Nd-ai-kuaá-iko | che | a-ké-pa | ra'eEmbedded, wh-complement, matrix subject (speaker) oriented |
——Neg-1Sg-know-FOC | 1Sg.Pron | 1Sg-sleep-Q | Evid |
"I didn’t know whether I was sleeping
"No sabía si yo estaba durmiendo había sido
térã-pa | mba’e | la | oi-kó | -va,Relativizer 'va' | ——he’i. |
Conj-Q | thing | Def.Det | 3Sg-happen | -Rel | ——3Sg.say |
or what was happening," he said.
o que lo que estaba pasando," dijo.
Ha | áçaite-rante | ha | ha’e-te | ku | o-páy | -va:Relativizer 'va' |
Conj | soon-FOC | Conj | | Dem | 3Sg-wake.up | -Rel |
And soon, it seemed like he was waking up:
Y enseguida parecía que ya se despertaba:
——Ha | péa-ngo | che | róga | ——he’i | la | karai. |
——Conj | Dem-FOC | 1Sg.Poss | house | ——3Sg.say | Def.Det | man |
"And that is my house," said the man.
"y esa es mi casa," dijo el señor.
O-ñe-ñandu | hóga | portón-pe | -ma.Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' |
3Sg-Refl-feel | | gate-Loc | -Asp |
He felt like he was at the gate of his house.
Se sintió en el portón de su casa.
O-guahẽ | pyhare-reí | -ma,Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' |
3Sg-arrive | night-mid | -Asp |
It was midnight already when he arrived,
Llegó ya en medio de la noche,
Ha | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | hembireko | oi-kutu | ryguasu | o-ke | -há-guiLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | hína,Continuative |
Conj | Report.Evid | 3.Poss.wife | 3Sg-stick | chicken | 3Sg-sleep | -Rel-Prep | Cont |
And it is said that his wife stuck a knife where a chicken was sleeping,
y dicen que su señora clavo una gallina en donde estaba dormida,
O-juka, | o-mbochyryry | chupe | ha | o-sena | ha’e |
3Sg-kill | 3Sg-fried | 3.Pron.IO | Conj | 3Sg-dine | 3.Pron |
She killed and fried for him, and he had dinner,
Mató, fritó para él y cenó el,
la | indio | karape-mi | avei, | i-mesá-pe. |
Def.Det | Indian | small-Dim | also | 3.Poss-table-Loc |
with the little Indian also, at his table.
con el indio bajito también, en su mesa.
O-sena-mba | porã | upé-pe | hikuái, |
3Pl-dine-all | well | Dem-Loc | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
They all dined well there,
Cenaron todos bien allí ellos,
ha | ——aní-ke | ne-ko’ẽ, | háke | akói | re-je-heka |
Conj | ——Neg-Imp | 2Sg-dawn | watch.out | always | 2Sg-Refl-search |
and, "Don’t stay up until dawn, watch out that they are always looking for you,"
y, "no vayas a amanecer, cuidado que siempre te están buscando,"
——he’i | chupe | la | hembireko, |
——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | Def.Det | 3.Poss.wife |
said his wife,
le dijo su señora,
——o-je-peka | nde-rehe | hína.Continuative |
——3Pl-Refl-fish | 2Sg-Prep.Obl | Cont |
"They are out fishing for you."
"Están pescando por vos."
Upéi | o-sẽ | o-je-depedi | la | hembirekó-gui, |
Then | 3Sg-go.out | 3Sg-Refl-goodbye | Def.Det | 3.Poss.wife-Prep |
Then he came out to say goodbye to his wife,
Después salió a despedirse de su esposa,
ha | o-sẽ-vo | pe | portón-pe | ha’e, | no-ñe-ñandu-vé-i | jey. |
Conj | 3Sg-go.out-Conj.Simult | Dem | gate-Loc | 3.Pron | Neg-Refl-feel-more-Neg | again |
and when he went out to the gate, again he did not feel anything.
y al salir al portón él, ya no se sintió más otra vez.
Ha | o-ke | vaicha | jey - | nd-oi-kuaá-i | mboy | aravó-pa |
Conj | 3Sg-sleep | seem | again - | Neg-3Sg-know-Neg | how.much | time-Q |
And it seemed like he was sleeping again – he did not know how long.
Y pareciera que dormía otra vez - no sabía cuánto tiempo.
Ha | upéi | ha’e-te | ku | o-páy | jeý | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -vaRelativizer 'va' |
Conj | then | be-Superl | Dem | 3Sg-wake.up | again | -Asp | -Rel |
And then it seemed that he woke up again
Y después parecía que ya se despertó otra vez
ha | o-je-juhú | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | la | te’ýi | reko | -há-peLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | jey. |
Conj | 3Sg-Refl-find | -Asp | Def.Det | people | live | -Rel-Loc | again. |
and found himself again where people [of the camp] lived.
y se encontraba donde viven las personas [de la toldería] otra vez.