Story #2

USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

Story #2

Guasu’i ha jatevu o-ha’ã ramo guare karréra

Wild.deer Conj tick 3Pl-compete Temp.Conj Distal race

'When the Wild Deer and the Tick Ran a Race'

'Cuando el venado y la garrapata jugaron a la carrera'

Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.

Audio for Story #2:

Peteĩ ára-pe ningo o-ha’ã-mi karréra guasu ha jatevu.
One day-Loc FOC 3Pl-play-Dim race deer Conj tick

One day the deer and the tick played a little race.

Un día jugaron un poco a la carrera el venado y la garrapata.

Iñepyrῦ-rã guasu oi-mo’ã jatevu o-ñe’ẽ reínte ra'e.Embedded matrix subject oriented
At the beginning deer 3Sg-believe tick 3Sg.-speak in-vain Evid

At first, the deer thought that the tick was speaking in vain.

Al comienzo, el venado pensó que la garratapa hablaba en balde.

Si máva-iko oi-mo’ã -taProspective Aspect o-ñemoĩ -ta-Prospective Aspect haSubordinator 'ha' hese ko ahẽ karape?
Si who-Q 3Sg-believe -Prosp 3Sg-put -Prosp Sub 3Sg.Pron.Obl that devil small

[As if] who was going to believe that the little devil was going [to race] with him?

Quien iba a creer que se iba a poner [a jugar con él] ese diablito petizo?

——Nde rehé-nte -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' o-pa’ã, a-ñaní-ta ndéve,
——You -Asp 3Sg-block [the race] 1Sg-run-TA 2Sg.Pron

"Only because of you [the race] is blocked, I'm going to run you,

"Por vos nomás [la carrera], está trancada [la carrera], te voy a correr,

térã-piko re-mbopo’i che-hegui? ——he’i voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle chupe jatevu.
or-Q 2Sg-be.afraid 1Sg-of ——3Sg.say Emph 3Sg.Pron.IO tick

or are you afraid of me?" the tick said to him.

o me tienes miedo?" le dijo la garrapata.

Upémarõ guasu ombojo’a mante parada.
Then deer Asp-FOC bet

Then the deer already raised the bet.

Entonces el venado ya encimó la apuesta.

Nd-oi-ko-sé-i niko o-kyhyjé -vaRelativizer 'va' ramo jatevú-gui.
Neg-3Sg-be-Des-Neg FOC 3Sg-be.afraid -Rel Conj tick-Prep

He does not want to be like the one who is afraid of the tick, he is the fastest.

No quiere ser como el que le tiene miedo de la garrapata, él es el más veloz.

Ko ha’e huvicha-'ỹ -vaRelativizer 'va' akuã-me.
This superior-Neg Rel velocity-Loc

There are none that can surpass him in speed.

No hay quien le supere en velocidad.

——Mamó -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' piko jatevu o-ñemoĩ -taProspective Aspect guasu rehe?
——Prep.where -Asp Q tick 3Sg-Refl-put -Prosp deer Prep.Obl

"How come the tick is going to get [in competition] with the deer?"

"De donde ya la garrapata va a ponerse [en competición] con el venado?"

——he’i umi i-vesíno.
——3Sg.say those 3.Poss-neighbor

said their neighbors.

dijeron esos sus vecinos.

——Máva piko o-hó -taProspective Aspect kóa vyrorei- há-pe?Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha'
——Who-Q 3Sg-go -Prosp those nonsense -Rel-Loc

"Who will go into such nonsense?"

"Quién irá en esas tontería?"

——he’i hikuái, hapicha kuéra ka’aguy-guá -vaRelativizer 'va'
——3Sg.say 3Pl.Pron.Subj 3.Poss.fellow.creature 3Pl forest-source -Rel

they say, their fellow men [who are] from the forest.

dicen ellos, sus semejantes [que son] del bosque.

Katu o-guahẽ-vo ára o-ñani haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' hikuái,
Conj 3Sg-arrive-Conj.Simult day 3Pl-run Sub.Irr 3Pl.Pron.Subj

However, when the day comes for them to run [race day],

Sin embargo, al llegar el día para que ellos corran [el día de la carrera],

o-u joa vícho
3Pl-come together animals

all the animals came

venían todos los animales

kuéra o-hecha-sé-gui mba’é-pa o-pa la karréra.
3Pl 3Pl-see-Des-because what-Q 3Sg-finish def.det race

because they wanted to see how the race would end.

porque querían ver en qué terminaría la carrera.

Pe ka’aguy-pa’ũ-eté-pe o-ĩ peteĩ ñu porã
That forest-middle-Superl-Loc 3Sg-be.Loc one field nice

In the very center of the forest there was a beautiful field

En el centro mismo del bosque había un lindo campo

ha upé-pe o-ñaní -taProspective Aspect hikuái.
Conj Dem-Loc 3Pl-run -Prosp 3Pl.Pron.Subj

and there they were going to run.

y ahí iban a correr ellos.

Mokõi hue o-moĩ hikuái:
Two judges 3Pl-put 3Pl.Pron.Subj

Two judges situated themselves:

Dos jueces se colocaron:

Mokõi hue o-moĩ hikuái:
Two judges 3Pl-put 3Pl.Pron.Subj

at the head [of the field] the monkey will look at them,

en la punta inicial va a mirar por ellos el mono,

ha huã-me o-py -taProspective Aspect aguara.
Conj high.point-Loc 3Sg-stay -Prosp fox

and at the end [of the field] the fox will remain.

y en la punta final quedará el zorro.

Amo ñu pahá-pe o-ĩ peteĩ yvyra py-kue poguasu,
That field end-Loc 3Sg-be.Loc one tree foot-former thick

At the end of the field there was what was the foot of a thick tree [trunk],

Al final del campo había lo que fue el pié de un árbol [tronco] grueso,

ha ——kóa ári o-guapy raẽ -vaRelativizer 'va' o-ganá -ma,Aspect/Focalizer '-ma'
Conj ——here on 3Sg-sit first -Rel 3Sg-win -Asp

and "whoever sits here first wins,"

y "el que se sienta aquí primero ya gana,"

——o-sapukái chupe kuéra aguara-i.
——3Sg-shout 3Pl.Pron.IO Pl wild-fox

the wild fox yelled at them.

le gritó a ellos al zorro silvestre.

O-jepytasó-vo hikuái, o-sẽ haguãicha,Irrealis Subordinator 'ha' 3Pl.Pron.Subj 3Pl-go.out in.that.way

In this way, firmly in place, when they left [their starting position],

De esa manera, bien plantados, al salir ellos [de su punto de partida],

o-mbokapu ka’i ha vokóike
3Sg-shoot monkey Conj immediately

the monkey fired and immediately

disparó el mono y simultáneamente

o-joja-ite o-po guasu ha jatevu.
3Pl-together-Superl 3Pl-jump deer Conj tick

the deer and the tick jumped together.

saltaron el venado y la garrapata juntos.

Havẽ tape rehe,
Moldy road Prep.Obl

Like mold on the road,

Como moho en el camino,

guasu-i ha jatevú-pe katu nd-o-hecha-vé-i mavave.
wild.deer-Dim Conj tick-DOM FOC Neg-3Sg-see-more-Neg nobody

the wild deer and the tick, already no one sees them.

al venado silvestre y a la garrapata ya nadie los vé.

Re-hechá-ko o-pu’ã-va yvy timbo
2Sg-see-FOC 3Sg-rise-Asp soil dust

You could see dust rising

Podías ver levantarse una polvadera

ha o-guãhẽ -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' -ne katu guasu ñu pahá-pe.
Conj 3Sg-arrive -Asp -Mod Emph deer field end-Loc

and the deer might have already arrived at the end of the field.

y ya ha de haber llegado si que el venado al final del campo.

Ha o-guapý-vo yvyra py-kue ári, o-hendu peteĩ
Conj 3Sg-sit-Conj.Simult tree foot-former on 3Sg-hear one

And as he sat on the tree trunk, he heard a

Y al sentarse sobre el tronco del árbol, escuchó un

——Ai, re-guapý-ko che ári!
——Ay 2Sg.-sit-FOC 1Sg.Pron on

"Ay, you sat on me!

"Ay, te sentaste sobre mí!

Che aje’í -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' a-guahẽ! ——he’í -vaRelativizer 'va' ichupe.
1Sg.Pron.Subj long.time -Asp 1Sg-arrive ——3Sg.say -Rel 3Sg.Pron.IO

I arrived a while ago!" [he heard] someone say to him.

Yo hace rato ya llegué!" [escuchó] que alguien le decía.

Nimbo jatevu, o-ñepyrῦ la karréra,
Part tick 3Sg-begin Def.Det race

It turns out that the tick, at the beginning of the race,

Había sido que la garrapata, al inicio de la carrera,

o-po guasu rumby rague rehe ra'e.Matrix, speaker/narrator oriented
3Sg-jump deer behind hair Prep.Obl Evid

jumped [caught] on the hair of the deer’s behind.

saltó sobre [se prendió por] el pelo del trasero del venado, había sido.

Ha upéicha-rupi ha’e raẽ o-guapy yvyra py-kue ári.
Conj in.that.way 3.Pron first 3Sg-sit tree foot-former on

And in that way he first sat on the tree trunk.

Y de esa manera él primero se sentó sobre el tronco del árbol.

Ha ——karréra karai hue ——he’í-vo ichupe kuéra ka'i,
Conj ——the.race Mr. Judge ——3Sg.say-Conj.Simult 3Sg.Pron.IO Pl monkey

And "the race, Mr. Judge," at the moment that the monkey said to them,

Y "la carrera el señor juez", al decirles el mono,

o-ma’ẽ yvý-re aguara ha he’i ——o-gana jatevu.
3Sg-look floor-at fox Conj 3Sg-say ——3Sg-win tick

the fox looked down at the ground and said, "the tick won."

miró por al suelo el zorro y dijo, "ganó la garrapata."