Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

Story #6

Ñandu ha karumbe o-ha’ã karréra

Ostrich Conj turtle 3Pl-compete race

'The Ostrich and Turtle Compete in a Race'

'El avestruz y la tortuga juegan a la carrera'

Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.

Audio for Story #6:

Ñandu ningo la i-ñ-akuã-vé -vaRelativizer 'va' vícho kuéra [mymba-kuéra] apyté-pe,
Ostrich FOC Def.Det 3.Poss-fast-more -Rel animal Pl among-Loc

Ostrich is the fastest among the animals,

Avestruz es el más veloz entre los animales,

ha hetá-pe upéa nd-o-gustá-i
Conj lots-IO those Neg-3Pl-like-Neg

and many do not like that.

y a muchos eso no les gusta.

Peteĩ diá-pe o-ño-mongeta joa hínaContinuative animal kuéra,
One day-Loc 3Pl-Rec-converse together Cont animal Pl

One day the animals were having a conversation,

Un día estaban conversando juntos los animales,

o-hecha haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' máva-pa i-katu o-mo-ha’ã ñandu ndive karréra.
3Pl-see Sub.Irr who-Q 3.Poss-ability 3Sg-TR-play [compete] ostrich with race

to see who could compete in the race with the ostrich.

para ver quien podría competir en la carrera con el avestruz.

O-guahẽ karumbe avei upé-pe, la ño-mongeta- há-pe.Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha'
3Sg-arrive turtle also Dem-Loc Def.Det Rec-converse Rel-Loc

The turtle also arrived there, where they were having a conversation.

Llegó la Tortuga también ahí, en la conversación.

O-hendu hínaContinuative ha’e avei.
3Sg-listen Cont 3.Pron also

She was also listening.

Estaba escuchando también ella.

O-je-puka-pa voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle kuriRetrospective Aspect 'kuri' ha’e o-guahẽ-vo.
3Pl-Refl-laugh-Compl Emph Retrosp.Asp 3.Pron 3Sg-arrive-Conj.Simult

They all laughed when she arrived.

Se rieron cuando ella llegó.

Ha upéi-ngo o-sẽ karumbe he’i:
Conj then-FOC 3Sg-go.out turte 3Sg.say

And then the turtle came out and said:

Y después salió la tortuga a decir:

––Che a-ha’ã -taProspective Aspect ñandú-pe la karréra.
––1Sg.Pron.Subj 1Sg-play -Prosp ostrich-IO Def.Det race

"I will compete with the ostrich at the race."

"Yo le voy a jugar la carrera al avestruz."

O-ĩ o-puká -vaRelativizer 'va' hese, o-ĩ i-pochý -va,Relativizer 'va'
3Sg-exist 3Sg-laugh -Rel 3Sg.Obl 3Sg-exist 3.Poss-angry -Rel

There were those that laughed at her, those that got angry,

Hay quienes reían de ella, había quienes se enojaron,

ha o-ĩ katu o-hendu-’ỹ-õ guáicha-nte o-hó [va]Relativizer 'va' upé-gui
Conj 3Sg-exit Emph 3Sg-listen-Neg-Cond like-only 3Pl-go [Rel] there-Prep

and those, as if they hadn’t heard anything, left.

y había quienes, como si no oyeran nada, se retiraron [se fueron de ahí].

Upéi o-guahẽ ñandu apysá-pe upéa,
Then 3Sg-arrive ostrich ear-Loc that

And then that arrived at the ostrich’s ear,

Y después llegó eso al oído del avestruz,

ha ijypyrã n-o-pená-i voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle hese ha’e.
Conj beginning Neg-3Sg-pay.attention-Neg Emph 3Pl.Pron.Obl 3.Pron

and at the beginning he did not pay attention.

y al comienzo no hizo caso de eso.

Ha upéi-ngo o-u voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle hendá-pe karumbe:
Conj then-FOC 3Sg-come Emph turtle

And then he came to the turtle [to the place where the turtle was]

Y después vino expresamente junto a la avestruz la tortuga:

––Che la a-jeruré -vaRelativizer 'va' ndéve ––he’i chupe karumbe
––1Sg.Pron.Subj Def.Det 1Sg-ask -Rel 2Sg.Pron.IO ––3Sg.say 3Sg.Pron.IO turtle

"What I ask you," the turtle said to him,

"Yo lo que te pido a vos," le dijo la tortuga,

––e-me’ẽ chéve tiémpo ta-ñe-ntrena-mi.
––Imp-give 1Sg.Pron.IO time Imp-Refl-train-Dim

"give me time so that I can train a bit."

"dame tiempo para que me entrene un poco."

Upéi o-moĩ -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' hikuái la fécha, ha o-ñaní -taProspective Aspect mokõi-ve.
Then 3Pl-put -Asp 3Pl.Pron.Subj Def.Det date Conj 3Pl-run -Prosp two-more

Then they set a date, and the two will be racing.

Después ya pusieron la fecha, y van a correr los dos.

Ha la karréra dia o-guahẽ mboyve,
Conj Def.Det race day 3Sg-arrive before

And before the day of the race arrived,

Y antes de que llegara el día de la carrera,

o-ho-pa-ite la karumbe hénte kuéra la káncha-pe.
3Pl-go-Compl-Superl Def.Det turtle people Pl Def.Det race.field-Loc

all the turtle’s people went to the race field.

se fueron todas las gentes (parientes) de la tortuga a la cancha.

O-je-kuaa-se maerã-pa.
3Pl-Refl-know-Des what.for-Q

They wanted to know what for.

La gente quería saber para qué.

Upéi-ngo o-guahẽ la ára, ha o-sẽ -taProspective Aspect -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' hikuái.
Then-FOC 3Sg-arrive Def.Det day Conj 3Sg-go.out -Prosp -Asp 3Pl.Pron.Subj

Then the day arrived and everybody was already coming out.

Luego llegó el día, y ya van a salir todos.

Kapi’í-pe ravuku la káncha-pe.
Grass-Loc long Def.Det field-Loc

The grass on the field was long.

El pasto estaba largo en la cancha.

O-ja karumbe la káncha akã-me ha o-ja aveí ñandu
3Sg-get.close turtle Def.Det field head-Loc Conj 3Sg-get.close also ostrich

The turtle got close to the head of the field and the ostrich also got close.

Se acercó la tortuga a la cabecera de la cancha y se acercó también el avestruz.

O-mbo-kapu la hue ha o-ho mokõi-vé -vaRelativizer 'va' o-sẽ.
3Sg-TR-shot Def.Det judge Conj 3Pl-go two-more -Rel 3Pl-go.out

The judge shot and both got started.

Disparó el juez y fueron a salir los dos.

Ha karumbé-ngo nd-o-je-kuaá-i voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle la kapi’í-pe kuápe.
Conj turtle-FOC Neg-3Sg-Refl-know-Neg Emph Def.Det grass-Loc inside

And the turtle could not be seen in the long grass.

Y a la tortuga no se le distinguía ( se le veía ) luego entre el pasto largo.

O-dipara hatã o-ho-vo ñandu,
3Sg-run strong 3Sg-go-Conj.Simult ostrich

The ostrich went running fast

Iba corriendo velozmente el avestruz,

ha oi-kuaa-se mba’é-pa oi-ko karumbé-gui:
Conj 3Sg-know-Des what-Q 3Sg-exist turtle-Prep

and he wanted to know what happened to the turtle.

y quería saber qué (pasó) hubo de la tortuga:

––Moõ-pa rei-me ––he’i chupe.
––where-Q 2Sg-be ––3Sg.say 3Sg.Pron.IO

"Where are you?" he said to her.

"¿Dónde estás?" le dijo.

––Ápe ai-me ––he’i chupe karumbe, pe mokõi paso há-peLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' henonde-rã.
––Here 1Sg-am ––3Sg.say 3Sg.Pron.IO turtle Dem two step Rel-Loc place-Irrealis

"Here I am," the turtle said to him, "two steps away from you."

"Aquí estoy," le dijo tortuga, "a dos pasos delante del avestruz."

Tuicha-iterei ñandu o-ñe-mondýi, ha upe- -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' hatã-terei-ve o-dipara.
Big-Superl ostrich 3Sg-Refl-frighten Conj then Asp-Cond strong-Superl-more 3Sg-ran

The ostrich got very frightened and then ran even faster.

Muy grande se asustó el avestruz, y entonces más velozmente corrió.

Ha pe o-ho mbyte rupi:
Conj Dem 3Sg-go middle around

And then around midway:

Y ahí yendo por la mitad del camino:

––Moõ-pa rei-me ––he’i jey chupe.
––Where-Q 2Sg.-exist ––3Sg-say again 3Sg.Pron.IO

"Where are you?" he said to her again.

"¿Dónde estás?," le dijo de vuelta.

––Ápe ai-me ––he’i jey avei chupe karumbe,
––Here 1Sg-be ––3Sg.say again also 3Sg.Pron.IO turtle

"Here I am," she said to him again,

"Aquí estoy," le dijo devuelta otra vez,

––pe mokõi paso- há-peLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' henonde-rã.
––Dem two step- Rel-Loc place-Irrealis

"two steps away from where you are."

"a dos pasos delante de donde estás."

I-tavý -taProspective Aspect ñandu, o-dipara-pa-ite
3.Poss-crazy -Prosp ostrich 3Sg-run-Compl-Superl

The ostrich will go crazy, he goes faster

Se va a volver loco el avestruz, corre más velozmente

ha o-ho o-guahẽ-vo la kancha akã-me
Conj 3Sg-go 3Sg-arrive-Conj.Simult Def.Det field head-Loc

and when it arrived at the head of the field,

y al ir llegando en la cabeza de la cancha

o-juhu karumbe o-ĩ -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' hínaAssertive. Temporal interpretation doesn't change in the absence of hina. upé-pe.
3Sg-find turtle 3Sg-be -Asp Cont Dem-Loc

he found that the turtle was already there.

le encuentra a la tortuga que estaba ya ahí.

Nimbo ha’e umi i-hénte o-ho va’ekueRelativizer/Distal la karrera- há-peLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' -rãicha
Part 3Sg.Cop Dem 3.Poss-people 3Sg-go Rel.Distal Def.Det race- Rel-Loc -like

It turned out that her people that had gone to the race,

Y había sido que ésta su gente que se habían ido a la carrera [como para la carrera]

o-moĩ-mba-ite ra'eMatrix ra'e, speaker oriented la káncha puku-kue javeve, pe kapi’í-pe kuápe.
3Sg-put-Compl-Superl Evid Def.Det field length-former meanwhile Dem grass-Loc inside

had meanwhile fully positioned themselves along the entire length of the field, inside the grass. [the narrator realizes]

se colocaron a lo largo de la cancha, dentro del largo pasto.

Ha káda [vez] ñandu o-porandu ichupe moõ-pa oi-me,
Conj each [time] ostrich 3Sg-ask 3Sg.Pron.IO where-Q 3Sg-exist

And each time that the ostrich asked her where she was,

Y cada vez que el avestruz le preguntaba dónde estaba,

Pe henonde-rã o-ĩ -vaRelativizer 'va' -nte o-mbo-hovái chupe.
Dem place-Irrealis 3Sg-exist -Rel -only 3Sg-TR-front 3Sg.Pron.IO

The one that was in front [of the ostrich] was the one who responded.

Ese que estaba delante [del avestruz] era él que le respondía.

Ha o-jo-jogua-iterei rupi hikuái,
Conj 3Pl-Rec-alike-Superl around 3Pl.Pron.Subj

And all of them looked very much alike,

Y todos ellos se parecían mucho,

mavave nd-o-pillá-i la oi-kó -va,Relativizer 'va'
nobody Neg-3Sg-find.out-Neg Def.Det 3Sg-exist -Rel

nobody found out what was going on,

nadie se dio cuenta de lo que pasaba,

ha o-gana karumbe ñandú-pe.
Conj 3Sg-win turtle ostrich-Loc

and the turtle won the race.

y ganó la tortuga al avestruz.