Funded by NSF BCS-1917619
Goat 3.Poss-saint day-Cond Distal
Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.
Audio for Story #4:
O-guahẽ-vo | i-sánto | ára, |
3Sg-arrive-Conj.Simult | 3.Poss–saint | day |
When his saint day arrived,
Al llegar el día de su santo,
o-sẽ | kavara | o-mombe’u | o-japó | -ta-Prospective Aspect | haSubordinator 'ha' | hóga-pe | karu | guasu. |
3Sg-go.out | goat | 3Sg-say | 3Sg-do | -Prosp- | Sub | 3.Poss-house-Loc | meal | big |
the goat went out to say that there was going to be a big meal at this house.
salió la cabra a contar que va a hacer una comilona en su casa.
H-ovaja | ovechá-pe | raẽ-ve-te | o-visita- | | sheep-DOM | first-more-Superl | 3Sg-visit- |
He went first to visit his brother-in-law the sheep
A su cuñado la oveja fue a visitarlo primerito,
haSubordinator 'ha' | o-jerure | i-chupe | o-ho | haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | o-vy’a-mi | hendive. |
Sub | 3Sg-ask | 3Sg.Pron.IO | 3Sg-go | Sub.Irr | | 3Sg.Pron-Obl |
and he asked him to go have fun with him.
y le pidió para que vaya a divertirse con él.
——Oikó | -ta-Prospective Aspect | karu | guasu | ha | ña-hendú | -ta-Prospective Aspect | mbaraka-pu | ——he’i | chupe. |
——Exist | -Prosp | feast | big | Conj | 1Pl.Incl-listen | -Prosp | guitar | ——3Sg.say | 3Sg.Pron.IO |
"There will be a big meal and we will listen to guitar-playing," he said.
"Habrá comilona y vamos a escuchar guitarreada," le dijo.
——A-ha-se-te | jepe, | pero | o-guahẽ | -ta-Prospective Aspect | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | ro’y |
——1Sg-go-Des-Superl | Adv.Conj | Conj | 3Sg-arrive | -Prosp | -Asp | cold |
"Although I want to go, winter will arrive
"Aunque quisiera ir, ya va a llegar el frío
ha | ore | kuri,Retrospective Aspect 'kuri' | ro-ñe-ñapĩ-mba |
Conj | 1Pl.Excl.Pron | Retrosp.Asp | 1Pl.Excl-Refl-sheer-Compl |
and they just completely sheared us.
y nos esquilaron todo recién.
Katu-ete | a-ha | vae’rã | che | memby-kuéra | ao-rã | joguá-vo |
Mod-Superl | 1Sg-go | Mod | 1Sg.Poss | child-Pl | clothe-Irrealis | buy-Asp.Goal |
Surely, I need to go to my children’s to buy their clothes,"
Sin falta tengo que ir a lo de mis hijos a comprar para su ropa,"
——he’i | chupe | ovecha. |
——3Sg.say | 3Sg.Pron.IO | sheep |
the sheep said to him.
le dijo la oveja.
Ha | upé | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -rõ | o-hasa | meme | kavara. |
Conj | Dem | -Asp | -Cond | 3Sg-pass | right.after | goat |
And when right after that the goat passed by,
Y cuando seguidamente pasó la cabra,
O-ho | o-momarandu | kavajú-pe. |
3Sg-go | 3Sg-inform | horse-IO |
he went to inform the horse.
fue a avisarle al caballo.
O-guahẽ-vo | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | óga | atukupe | guio |
3Sg-arrive-Conj.Simult | -Asp | house | behind | towards |
When he arrived behind the house,
Al llegar ya hacia detrás de la casa,
ha’e-te | o-hendú-va | peteĩ | gualambáu | pu | kangy-mi; |
be-Superl | 3Sg-hear-Hab | one | instrument | music | soft-Dim |
he clearly heard a soft musical instrument [playing];
escuchó claramente una música suave;
nipo | ra'eMatrix ra'e, speaker oriented - Narrator realizes | chavurró-nte | o-ñe’ẽ | hínaContinuative | [ra'e]Either ra'e can be omitted | kavaju | ndive. |
Part | Evid | donkey-only | 3Sg-speak | Cont | [Evid] | horse | with |
it turns out that it was only the donkey speaking with the horse.
había sido el burro nomás estaba hablando con el caballo.
O-momaiteí-vo | chupe | kuéra | kavara, | o-sẽ | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | puka-vyreípe | kavaju: |
3Sg-greet-Conj.Simult | 3Pl.Pron-IO | Pl | goat | 3Sg-go.out | -Asp | | horse |
When the goat greeted them, the horse came out already smiling for no apparent reason:
Al saludarles la cabra, ya salió el caballo sonriente por ninguna razón aparente:
——E-je-peté-ke | yvý-re, | e-hasa | ko’ã-pe | ja-guapy | ——he’i | kavará-pe. |
——Imp-Refl-throw-Imp | floor-Obl | Imp-pass | Dem-Loc | 1Pl.Incl-sit.down | ——3Sg-say | goat-IO |
"Throw yourself to the ground, come here, let’s sit down," he said to the goat.
"Tírate al suelo, pasa aquí, vamos a sentarnos," le dijo a la cabra.
Ha | o-guapy | kavara | o-mombe’u |
Conj | 3Sg-sit.down | goat | 3Sg-tell |
And the goat sat down to say
Y se sentó la cabra a contar
o-poro-invita- | haSubordinator 'ha' | oi-kó-vo | karu | guasu-rã, | i-sánto | ára | rehe-gua |
3Sg-Indef.Pron.Obj-invite- | Sub | 3Pl-be-Asp.Goal | meal | big-Irrealis | 3.Poss-saint | day | Prep.Obl-Source |
that he was inviting for a big meal, for his saint day.
que estaba invitando para la comilona, por el día de su santo.
Ha | katu | o-sẽ | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | kavaju | o-ñambyvo | mbegue | ha | he’i: |
Conj | then | 3Sg-go.out | -Asp | horse | 3Sg-snore | softly | Conj | 3Sg.say |
And then the horse already comes out and snores softly and says:
Y entonces ya sale el caballo a sonarse [reniflar] suavemente y dice:
——A-ha-se | va’erã | mo’ã jepe | añete, |
——1Sg-go-Des | Mod | almost Adv.Conj | truly |
"Although I really would like to go,
"Me hubiera querido ir realmente,
[anga]katu | ko’ẽrõ | ha’e-té-pe | avei | o-mendá | -ta-Prospective Aspect | che | ryke’y |
Conj | tomorrow | be-Emph-Loc | also | 3Sg-marry | -Prosp | 1Sg.Poss | brother |
(but) tomorrow my brother is also getting married.
pero mañana justamente también se casará mi hermano.
ha | pé-inaContinuative | ko’ã-pe | hovaja [tobaja] | chavurro | o-u | avei | che-konvida; |
Conj | Dem-Cont | Dem-Loc | | donkey | 3Sg-come | also | 1Sg.Pron.DO-invite |
And here comes my brother-in-law the donkey to invite me also;
Y acá viene mi cuñado el burro a invitarme también;
ha’e | jepé | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | chupe | a-ha | -ta-Prospective Aspect | ha.Subordinator 'ha' |
3Sg.say | even | -Asp | 3Sg.Pron.IO | 1Sg-go | -Prosp- | Sub |
I even already said to him that I will go."
hasta ya le dije que voy a ir."
Ha | o-ho | meme | jevy | kavara. |
Conj | 3Sg-go | continuously | again | goat |
And the goat passed on again without stopping.
Y la cabra pasó de largo nuevamente sin deternerse.
Upé | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -rõ | o-guahẽ | vaka | róga-pe |
Dem | -Asp | -Cond | 3Sg-arrive | cow | house-Loc |
And then when [the goat] arrived at the cow’s house
Y cuando después llegó a la casa de la vaca
ha | kóa | o-sẽ | jeý-nte | avei | he’i | kavará-pe: |
Conj | Dem | 3Sg-go.out | again-FOC | also | 3Sg.say | goat-IO |
and this one came out again to also say to the goat:
y ésta sale nuevamente a decirle también a la cabra:
——Che | ména | niko | o-je-juka | ko | áño | pyahu | oi-ké-vo | kuri,Retrospective Aspect 'kuri' |
——1Sg.Poss | husband | FOC | 3Sg-Refl-kill | Dem | year | new | 3Sg-go-Conj.Simult | Retrosp.Asp |
"My husband was killed when the new year began,
"A mi marido se le mató al comienzo de este nuevo año,
ha | pé-inaContinuative | niko | ro-ñembo’e | gueteri | hese | roínaEmphasis on 'hese'. Present continuative even in the absence of roína. |
Conj | Dem-Cont | FOC | 1Pl.Excl-pray | still | 3Sg.Pron.Obl | 2Pl.Excl.Cont |
and here we are still praying for him
y he aquí que estamos aún rezando por él
ha | a-hupi | gueteri | lúto | hese; |
Conj | 1Sg-lift | still | mourning | 3Sg.Pron.Obl |
and I am still in mourning for him;
y llevo todavía el luto por él;
a-tĩ | ete, | che | áma, | a-sẽ | haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | a-heja | che | ména | ñembo’e |
1Sg-feel.shame | Superl | 1Sg.Poss | dear | 1Sg-go.out | Sub.Irr | 1Sg-leave | 1Sg.Poss | husband | prayer |
I would feel shame, my dear, to go out and leave my husband’s prayer
me da mucha vergüenza, mi querida, para salir y dejar el rezo de mi marido
ha | a-ha | aipo | karu | guasu- | há-Nominalizer 'ha' | pe. |
Conj | 1Sg-go | Dem | meal | big- | Rel- | Loc |
and go to that feast."
e ir a tal comilona."
Upéi-gui | o-sẽ-vo, | o-ñe-mbyasý | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | kavara, |
Dem-Prep | 3Sg-go.out-Conj.Simult | 3Sg-Refl-be.sad | -Asp | goat |
When leaving, the goal already felt sad,
Al salir de ahí, ya se sintió triste la cabra,
ha | o-pensa | o-hó-vo | máva-pe-pa | o-invita: | kure | niko | i-tajasu-eterei. |
Conj | 3Sg-think | 3Sg-go-Asp.Goal | who-DOM-Q | 3Sg-invite | pig | FOC | 3.Poss-dirty-Superl |
and he went thinking who else to invite: the pig is too dirty.
y se fue pensando a quién más invitar: el cerdo es demasiado puerco.
Jagua | i-ñorairõ-hýi- | ha... | Mbarakaja | katu | rasa | na-heko-rã-i... |
Dog | 3.Poss-fight-desire- | Conj | cat | Emph | manners | Neg-3Sg.have-Mod-Neg |
The dog is a fighter and the cat lacks manners,
El perro es peleador y el gato no tiene modales,
i-chavi | eterei, | ñane-mo-tĩ-mba. |
3Sg-ordinary | Superl | 1Pl.Excl-Caus-shame-Compl |
he is too ordinary, he makes us ashamed.
es demasiado ordinario, nos avergüenza.
Amo | ipahápe | o-ho | o-guahẽ | i-komádre | kavara | róga-pe, |
Dem | finally | 3Sg-go | 3Sg-arrive | 3.Poss-fem.close.friend | goat | house-Loc |
And there finally he arrived at the house of his close friend the [female] goat,
Y allá al final fue a llegar a la casa de la comadra cabra,
o-invitá-vo | avei | chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun | i-sánto | ára-há-peLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | guarã. |
3Sg-invite-Asp.Goal | also | 3.Pron.DO | 3.Poss-saint | day-Rel-Loc | Irrealis |
to invite her also for his saint day.
a invitarla también para su día santo.
Ha | i-komádre | ae | no-momarã-i | chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
Conj | 3.Poss-fem.close.friend | Caus | Neg-let.down-Neg | 3.Pron.DO |
And his close friend did not let him down.
Y su comadre al fín no le defraudó.
O-sẽ | voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | o-huguaitĩ-vo | chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
3Sg-go.out | Emph | 3Sg-meet-Asp.Goal | 3.Pron.DO |
She came out to meet him.
Salió luego a su encuentro [a encontrarle].
——Che-ra’arõ-nte | -ma,Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' | katu-ete | a-há | -ta-Prospective Aspect | ——he’i | chupe, | vy’apópe. |
——1Sg.Pron.DO-wait-only | -Asp | Emph-Superl | 1Sg-go | -Prosp | ——3Sg.say | 3Sg.Pron.IO | happily |
"Just wait for me, I will go for sure," she told him, happily.
"Espérame nomás ya, iré sin falta," le dijo, con alegría.
Ka’arú | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | o-ho | kavara | hóga-pe, |
Afternoon | -Asp | 3Sg-go | goat | |
It was already the afternoon when the goat returned to his house,
Ya de tarde se fue [volvió] la cabra a su casa,
i-komái | añoite | n-o-momarãi | chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
3.Poss-fem.friend | alone | Neg-3Sg-let.down | 3.Pron.DO |
only his friend (she-goat) did not let him down.
su comadre solita no lo defraudó.
Ha | upe | ko’ẽ-me | o-guahẽ | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | santo | ára | guasu, |
Conj | then | morning-Loc | 3Sg-arrive | -Asp | saint | day | big |
And then in the morning the big day——his saint day——arrived,
Y después al la mañana siguiente, ya llegó el gran día de su santo,
mesa | puku | ári | i-ñasãi | tembi’u | i-porã-nguete, | i-japichy-re | -va,Relativizer 'va' |
table | long | on | 3Sg-spread | food | 3.Poss-good-Superl | 3.Poss-touch-Obl | -Rel |
and on a long table were spread the best foods, to be eaten,
sobre la larga mesa estaban esparcidas las mejores comidas, para comer [masticables],
ha | avei | ña-moko | va’erã, | guaripóla-kuéra. |
Conj | also | 1Pl.Poss-drink | Mod | alcoholic-Pl |
and also to drink, alcoholic drinks.
y también para beber, bebidas alcohólicas.
Ha | kavara | o-sẽ | jepi | o-ma’ẽ mbuku | tapé-re |
Conj | goat | 3Sg-go.out | frequently | 3Sg-look at.length | road-Obl |
And the goat went out frequently to watch the road
Y la cabra salió cada tanto a mirar [largamente] por el camino,
ja-hechá-pa | i-komái | n-aiñapysẽ-i | gueteri. |
1Pl.Incl-see-Compl | 3.Poss-fem.friend | Neg-show.up-Neg | still |
to see if his friend [the she goat] still didn’t show up.
a ver si su comadre no se asoma aún.
Asaje | pyté-vo, | o-guahẽ | o-hó-vo | hapicha | kavara | la | vy’a- | há-pe.Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' |
Noon | around-Conj.Simult | 3Sg-arrive | 3Sg-go-Asp.Goal | his.kind | goat | Def.Det | happy- | Rel-Loc |
Around noon, his friend the goat came arriving at the party.
Hacía el mediodía, fue llegando su semejante la cabra a la fiesta.
Óga | jára | katu | nda-hory-pá-i, | o-ĩ | o-moangekói-va | chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
House | mistress | Emph | Neg-happy-Compl-Neg | 3Sg-exist | 3Sg-bother-Hab | 3.Pron.DO |
The mistress of the house was not entirely happy; something was bothering her.
La dueña de casa no estaba muy contenta [amable]; había algo que le molestaba.
O-sẽ | o-maña | porã | i-komádre | rehe | ha | he’i | chupe: |
3Sg-go.out | 3Sg-look | well | 3.Poss-fem.friend | Prep.Obl | Conj | 3Sg.say | 3Sg.Pron.IO |
He came out to look closely at his friend [the she goat] and said to her:
Salió a mirarle atentamente a su comadre y le dijo:
——Mamó-gui | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | piko | péicha | re-ju | la | che | santo | ára | há-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' |
——Where-Prep | -Asp | Q | this.way | 2Sg-come | Def.Det | 1Sg.Poss | saint | day | Rel-Loc |
"From where do you come to my saint day like this,
"De dónde ya venís así a mi día santo,
che-motĩ, | nde | che | komádre | kuñakarai | guasu! |
1Sg.Poss-shame | 2Sg.Pron.Subj | 1Sg.Poss | fem.friend | lady | big |
you make me ashamed, you my friend the grand lady!"
me avergüenzas, tú mi comadre, la gran señora!"
——Ma’ẽ-mí-na, | ne-rendyva-pa, | ne-ratĩ | ha | ne-katĩ | re-jú-vo, |
——Look-Dim-Rog | 2Sg.Poss-beard-Compl | 2Sg.Poss-horn | Conj | 2Sg.Poss-bad.odor | 2Sg-come-Conj.Simult |
"Look at this, you have a beard, you have horns, and you come with your bad odor,
"Mira un poco, tenés barba, tenés cuerno y venís con tu cantiga,
ha | hi’ari-ve | pe | nde | revi | ningo | oka-ité-pe |
Conj | | Dem | 2Sg.Poss | tail | FOC | out-Superl-Loc |
And on top, your tail is completely out,"
Y encima de todo, tu cola está totalmente afuera,"
——he’i | chupe | la | i-sánto | ára | -va,Relativizer 'va' |
——3Sg.say | 3Sg.Pron.IO | Def.Det | 3.Poss-saint | day | -Rel |
she [the goat] said to the one having a birthday.
le dijo al que estaba de cumpleaño,
ha | ha’e | hesarái | kavara | -haSubordinator 'ha' | avei. |
Conj | 3.Pron | forgot | goat | -ha | also |
And she forgot she is also a goat.
y ella se olvidó que también es cabra.