USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

Story #5

O-mano-rõ-ko o-pyno vaerã

3Sg-die-Cond-FOC 3Sg-vent Mod

'If he really died, he must vent'

'Si realmente murió, debe pesar'

Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.

Audio for Story #5:

Ka’aguy pa’u-me, ja-hypytý-vo tuichá -vaRelativizer 'va' yvy-pe,
Forest middle-Loc 1Pl.Incl-reach-Conj.Simult big- Rel ground-Loc

In the middle of the forest, when reaching a large ground area,

Dentro del bosque, al alcanzar nosotros un suelo grande,

o-ĩ peteĩ ygua kakuaa, hoy’u- há[-pe]Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' opa-ite animal ka’aguy.
3Sg-exist one spring big [water fountain] 3Pl.drink- Rel[-Loc] all-Superl animal forest

there is a big spring, where all the animals of the forest drink.

había una surgente de agua grande, donde todos los animales del bosque beben.

Upéi-nte, peteĩ ko’ẽ-me, ahy’o-soró-pe o-sapukái sapy’a jaguarete ha he’i:
Dem-FOC one day-Loc throat-torn-Loc 3Sg-shout suddenly tiger Conj 3Sg.say

Suddenly, one day, the tiger shouted out:

De pronto, un día, [garganta desgarrar.Loc] gritó de repente el jaguareté y dijo:

——Ko’á-gui che año-nté -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' hay’ú -taProspective Aspect ko’á-pe,
——Here-Prep 1.Pron alone-only -Asp 1Sg.drink -Prosp here-Loc

"From here on, only I will drink here,

"De ahora [en más] yo solamente voy a beber aquí,

che mba’é -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' ko ygua.
1Sg.Poss thing -Asp Dem spring

this spring is mine."

"es mía esta surgente."

Upe-te guive, ótro kuéra hapicha ka’aguy
Dem-Superl from another Pl alike (Prep) forest

From then on, other animals from the forest

Desde ese momento, otros [ambue] semejante salvaje

nd-o-javé-i-va upe y rembe’ý-pe.
Neg-3Sg-get.close-Neg-Hab Dem water shore-Loc

did not usually get close to the shore of that spring.

no se solían acercar a la orilla de esa surgente.

Jaguarete [ãga] katu, pyhareve asajé-vo, katu-ete o-guejy upé-pe hoy’u.
Tiger Conj morning middle-Asp.Goal Mod-Superl 3Sg-come.down Dem-Loc 3Sg.drink

But the tiger, at mid-morning, for sure comes down to drink there.

Sin embargo jaguareté, a media mañana, sin falta baja ahí a beber.

Upéi peteĩ ára-pe, o-guejy-jeý-vo jaguarete, o-juhu i-tyai pe y
Then one day-Loc 3Sg.come-down-again-Conj.Simult tiger 3Sg-find turbulent Dem water

And then one day, when the tiger came down again, he found that water turbulent,

Y después un día, al bajarse otra vez el jaguareté, encontró turbia esa agua,

ha o-ĩ pypore upe ijere rehe.
Conj 3Sg-exist footprints Dem surrounding Prep.Obl

and there were footprints in the surrounding area.

y habían pisadas ahí por los alrededores.

O-ma’ẽ ma’ẽ upé-rupi ha o-pillá -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' ka’i kuéra
3Sg-look look Dem-around Conj 3Sg-saw -Asp monkey-Pl Pl

He looked and looked around and caught on [to the fact] that the monkeys

Miró, miró por ahí y pilló que los monos

o-guejy- hagueTerminative Subordinator hoy’u i-jyguá-pe ra'eEmbedded ra’e: matrix subject oriented jaguareté’s discovery/realization that the monkeys had come to drink there
3Sg.come-down Sub.TermAsp 3Pl.drink 3.Poss-fountain-Loc Evid

who had come down to drink in his fountain.

habían bajado a tomar en su fuente (había sido que).

——Ko’ãva-pe a-mo-kasõ -taProspective Aspect ——he’i jaguarete
——Dem-DOM 1Sg-Caus-pant -Prosp ——3Sg.say tiger

"I will show them (give them a beating)," said the tiger

"A estos le voy a poner los pantalones [dar un escarmiento]," dijo el jaguareté

ha o-pyta o-mangea hese kuéra peteĩ yvyra-gúy-pe.
Conj 3Sg-stay 3Sg-catch 3Sg.Pron.Obl Pl one tree-under-Loc

and he stayed under the tree to catch them.

y se quedó a pescarlos debajo de un árbol.

[Ãga] Katu mamo ahẽ-pa?
Conj where devils-Q

But where are the devils?

Pero dónde [están] esos diablos?

Upe diá-pe nd-o-guejý-i ni peteĩ ka’i la y rembe’ý-pe.
Dem day-Loc Neg-3Sg-bring-Neg Neg.Conj one monkey Def.Det water shore-Loc

On that day not one monkey came down to the fountain [shores].

Ese día no bajaron ni un mono a la orilla de la fuente.

Upẽ -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' -rõ, are-mi nd-o-ho-vé-i avei jaguarete ykuá-pe,
Then -Asp -Conj time-Dim Neg-3Sg-go-more-Neg also tiger spring-Loc

Then, for a long time the tiger did not go to the spring.

Entonces, un largo tiempo tampoco se fue el jaguareté al manantial.

ha upe aja o-pensa mba’éicha-pa ka’i kuéra o-itý -taProspective Aspect i-vokó-pe.
Conj Dem meanwhile 3Sg-think how-Q monkey Pl 3Sg-throw -Prosp 3.Poss-bag-Loc

And he thought how he will throw the monkeys into his bag.

Y mientras tanto piensa como les va a echar a los monos en su bolsa.

Upéi peteĩ pyhareve asaje jaguarete o-guejy,
Then one morning mid tiger 3Sg-come.down

Then one morning around noon the tiger came down,

Después una mañana hacia el mediodía el jaguareté bajo,

ha pe ygua rapé-pe o-ho o-ñeno,
Conj Dem spring groove-Loc 3Sg-go 3Sg-sleep

and in the groove of the spring, he went to sleep,

y en el surco del agua se fue acostarse,

o-jepysopa-ite, ku o-mano-ite ramo-guáicha.
3Sg-extend-Superl Dem 3Sg-die-Superl if-as

he extended himself as if he were dead.

se extendió totalmente, como si estuviera muerto.

——O-ñe-mo’aguĩ-vo che-hegui, a-pó -taProspective Aspect hi’ári kuéra
——3-Refl-come.close-Conj.Simult 1Sg-Pron.Obl 1Sg-jump -Prosp 3Pl.Pron.on Pl

"As they get close to me, I will jump on them,"

"Al acercarse a mí, voy a saltar encima de ellos,"

——he’i ha o-ñe-mongete.
——3Sg.Pron Conj 3Sg-Refl-asleep

he said and he pretended to be asleep.

dijo y se hizo el dormido.

Upéi o-guahẽ ka’i pandilla, o-mbiriki joa o-ú-vo,
Then 3Sg-bring monkey gang 3Sg-screech together 3Sg-come-Conj.Simult

Then the gang of monkeys arrived, screeching together, [lit. came screeching]

Luego llegó la pandilla de monos, chillaron juntos al venir,

ha o-hechá-vo o-jepyso jaguarete hínaAssertive/Emphasis on jaguarete upé-pe, he’i peteĩ -va:Relativizer 'va'
Conj 3Sg-saw-Conj.Simult 3Sg-extended tiger Cont Dem-Loc 3Sg.say one -Rel

and when he saw the tiger extended there, one said:

y al ver extendido al jaguareté ahí, dijo uno:

——Ma’ẽ, o-manó-mbo amigo jaguarete ápe ra'eMatrix ra'e, speaker oriented - realization of the speaker/monkey ——he’i ndaje.Reportative Evidential 'ndaje'
——Look 3Sg-die-Part friend tiger here Evid ——3Sg.say Report.Evid

"Look, the friend tiger died here, it appears," it is said that he said.

"Mira, murió aquí el amigo jaguareté, había sido," se dice que dijo.

O-je-volea mombyry-mí-nte voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle chugui la ka’i kuéra,
3Pl-Refl-round afar-Dim-FOC FOC 3Sg.Pron.Obl Def.Det monkey Pl

The monkeys turned around and around him from afar,

Se dieron vuelta y vuelta los monos desde lejos alrededor de él,

o-jere jere hese hikuái.
3Pl-go.around around 3Sg.Pron.Obl 3Pl.Pron.Subj

they go around and around him.

vuelta y vuelta.

Upéi o-ja’i-mie peteĩ ka’i kuña ha o-poko hese:
Then 3Sg-get.close-Dim.more one monkey female Conj 3Sg-touch 3Sg.Pron.Obl

Then a female got a bit closer and touched him:

Después se acercó un poco más una mona y le tocó:

o-japysaka jaguarete py’a rehe,
3Sg-examine tiger belly Prep.Obl

she examined the tiger’s belly

ausculta al tigre sobre su panza

o-pilla haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' na-i-pytuhẽ-i-pa.
3Sg-see Sub.Irr Neg-3.Poss-breath-Neg-Q

to see if he is breathing.

para darse cuenta si respira o no.

O-ñandú-vo upéa "el finado," o-joko-ite i-pytu, ha he’i iypy’á-pe:
3Sg-feel-Conj.Simult Dem the 3Sg-stop-Superl 3.Poss-breath Conj 3Sg.say self-IO

When the "dead one" felt that, he held his breath, and said to himself:

Al sentir eso el muerto, atajó su respiración, y dijo para sí:

——A-ha’arõ -taProspective Aspect Covert Direct Object Pronoun o-ñe-mboja-pa hikuái,
——1Sg-wait -Prosp 3.Pron.DO 3Pl-Refl-get.close-Compl 3Pl.Pron.Subj

"I will wait for them all to get closer

"Voy a esperar que se acerquen todos,

a-po haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' hiári kuéra.
1Sg.jump Sub.Irr 3Pl.Pron.on Pl

to jump on them."

para saltar encima de ellos."

Upe aja otro ka’i o-japysaka hye,
Dem while another monkey 3Sg-examine 3.Poss.belly

Meanwhile another monkey examined his belly,

Mientras tanto, otra mano auscultaba su panza,

itĩ, ha i-japysa rehe.
3.Poss.nose Conj 3.Poss.ear Prep.Obl

his nose, and his ear.

su nariz y su oreja.

Jaguarete katu itái-cha o-kirirĩ.
Tiger Emph stone-like 3Sg-silent

Meanwhile the tiger was silent like a stone.

El jaguareté como la piedra en silencio.

Upé-vo o-ja avei i-jypýpe peteĩ ka’i
Dem-Conj.Simult 3Sg-get.close also 3.Poss-ability.side one monkey

At that moment, a monkey approached him on his side

En ese momento se le acercó a su lado un mono

i-pirãi-vé -vaRelativizer 'va' ha o-sapukái:
3.Poss-dare-more -Rel Conj 3Sg-scream

who was more daring (the monkey) and screamed:

que es más atrevido y gritó:

——Péa n-o-manói, péa n-o-manó-i! ——he’i ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje'
——Dem Neg-3Sg-die-Neg Dem Neg-3Sg-die-Neg ——3Sg.say Report.Evid

"This one did not die, this one did not die!" it is said he said,

"Este no murió, este no murió!" se dice que dijo,

——oi-mé-rõ añete la o-mano ningo, o-pyno arã [va’erã].
——3Sg-exist-Cond truly Def.Det 3Sg-die FOC 3Sg-release.gas Mod

"if he really died he must release gas."

"si es que realmente murió, tiene que ventosear."

O-hendú-vo upéa, o-ña’ã jaguarete ha puuu! Puuu! O-pyno.
3Sg-listen-Conj.Simult Dem 3Sg-make.effort tiger Conj puuu Puuu 3Sg-release.gas

When he heard that, the tiger made an effort and puuu! Puuu! He released gas.

Al escuchar eso, hizo el esfuerzo el jaguareté y puuu! Puuu! Ventoseó.

Upé -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' -rõ o-ja ka’i ruvicha ha he’i ta’ýra kuéra-pe:
Dem -Asp -Cond 3Sg-get.close monkey leader Conj 3Sg.say son Pl-IO

Then he got close to the leader of the monkeys and said to their sons:

Entonces se acercó el jefe de los monos y les dijo a sus hijos.

——Pe-i-po-kua ha pe-i-py-kua
——Imp.2Pl-3.Poss-hand-tie Conj Imp.2Pl-3.Poss-foot-tie

"Handcuff his hands and feet

"Espósale de manos y pies

ha ja-gueraha japoi chugui ku ka’aguy yvate,
Conj 1Pl.Incl-take throw 3Sg.Pron-Obl Dem forest high

and let's take him to throw him at the height of the forest

y le llevamos a tirar en lo alto del bosque

heta-ite o-ĩ há-peLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' guasu’i,
a.lot-Superl 3Sg-exist- Rel-Loc deer

where there are lots of deer;

donde hay tantos venados,

tovy’a-mi guasu kuéra o-hechá-vo o-mano- haSubordinator 'ha' jaguarete.
be.happy-Dim deer Pl 3Pl-see-Conj.Simult 3Sg-die- Sub tiger

the deer will be happy when they see that the tiger is dead.

que se alegren los venados al ver que se murió el jaguareté.

Upé-pe ja-jorá -taProspective Aspect chugui i-kupy sã.
Dem-Loc 1Pl-untie -Prosp 3Sg.Pron-Obl 3.Poss-ankle rope

There we will untie the rope from his ankles."

Ahí le vamos a desatar la cuerda de su tobillo."

O-hekýi ysypo ka’i ruvicha ha oi-py-kua ha o-juru-jokua rire jaguareté-pe,
3Sg-tear rope monkey leader Conj 3Sg-feet-tie Conj 3Sg-mouth-tie after tiger-DOM

The leader of the monkeys tore the vine and after he tied the tiger’s feet and mouth,

Arrancó la liana el jefe de los monos y, después de atarle los pies y la boca al jaguareté,

o-ko’i hese hikuái ha o-gueraha mombyry chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun upé-gui.
3Pl-get.together 3Sg.Pron.Obl 3Pl.Pron.Subj Conj 3Pl-take far 3.Pron.DO Dem-Prep

They all got together and took him far from there.

Se juntaron todos y le llevaron lejos de ahí.

Mombyry porã o-gueraha rire hikuái, he’i ka’i ruvicha ta’ýra kuéra-pe:
Far well 3Pl-take after 3Pl.Pron.Subj 3Sg.say monkey leader sons Pl-DOM

After taking him far away, the monkey’s leader said to his sons:

Después de llevarle bien lejos, el jefe de los monos le dijo a sus hijos:

——Pe-mboguejy Covert Direct Object Pronoun ko ñu perõ-me, ja-pytu’u-mi ko ahẽ rymbá-gui.
——Imp.2Pl-get.down 3.Pron.DO Dem field bare-Loc 1Pl-rest-Dim Dem miserable animal-Prep

"Put him down in this bare field, let’s take rest of this miserable animal."

"Bájanle en este campo pelado, descansemos de este mísero animal."

Ha jaguarete oi-mo’ã o-jorá -taProspective Aspect chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun hikuái ra’ẽ,Embedded ra'e, matrix subject oriented (juagarete’s realization)
Conj tiger 3Sg-think 3Pl-untie -Prosp 3.Pron.DO 3Pl.Pron.Subj Evid

And the tiger thought that they would untie him [he realized],

Y el jaguareté creyó que le iban a desatar [se dio cuenta],

kómo la o-manó -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' ha’e.
as Def.Det 3Sg-die -Asp 3.Pron

as he is already dead.

como que él ya está muerto.

Ha oi-tývo chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun ka’i umía yvý-pe,
Conj 3Pl-throw.down 3.Pron.DO monkey Dem ground-Loc

And the monkeys threw him to the ground

Y le echaron los monos al suelo

o-poí -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' pý-gui hikuái,
3Pl-let.loose -Asp feet-Prep 3Pl.Pron.Subj

and ran away,

y se largaron a correr,

ha o-pyta jaguerete upé-pe, o-je-jokua- há-pe.Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha'
Conj 3Sg-stay tiger Dem-Loc 3Sg-Refl-tied- Rel-Loc

and the tiger stayed there, tied up.

y quedó ahí el jaguareté, atado.

Ha mavave nd-o-ja-sé-i hese
Conj nobody Neg-3Sg-get.close-Des-Neg 3Sg.Pron.Obl

And nobody wanted to get close to him

Y nadie quiso acercarse a él

o-jora haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun la i-py-kua-ha.
3Sg-undo Sub.Irr 3.Pron.DO Def.Det 3.Poss-feet-tie-Nom

to untie him.

para deshacerle sus ataduras.

Upe ára guive, ka’i kuéra rupi,
Dem day from monkey Pl around

From that day on, thanks to the monkeys,

Desde ese día, mediante los monos,

enterove ka’aguy-gua o-j-ajoa hoy’u jey upe yvu resatĩ porã-me.
all forest-origin 3Pl-Refl-get.close 3Pl.drink again Dem spring transparent nice-Loc

all those from the forest again approached the spring to drink from that beautiful transparent spring water.

todos los del bosque se acercan todos a beber otra vez en ese manantial lindo y cristalino.