USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

Story #10

Peruríma ha Señor Réi

Perurima Conj Mister King

'Perurima and Mister King'

'Peruríma y Señor Rey'

Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.

Audio for Story #10:

Peruríma ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' he’i o-guereko- haSubordinate 'ha' peteĩ chavurro o-kaká -vaRelativizer 'va' pláta.
Perurima Report.Evid 3Sg.say 3Sg-have- Sub one donkey 3Sg-defecate -Rel money

It is said that Perurima said that he had a donkey that defecated money.

Se dice que dijo Perurima que tenía un burro que defecaba dinero.

O-moherakuã ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' upé-icha ha opá-rupi o-je-ju
3Sg-make.known Report.Evid Dem-manner Conj all-around 3Sg-Refl-come

In that way, it is said, he made it known and from all places all types of animals came

Así dicen que difundió y de todos vinieron

o-je-hecha haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' mba’eichaguá-pa la Peru rymba vuúrro.
3Sg-Refl-see Sub.Irr type-Compl Def.Det Peru animal donkey

to see what kind of animal was Peru’s donkey.

para ver qué clase de animal era el burro de Peru.

Upé[v]a ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ha’e, o-hendú-rõ guarã o-ĩ- haNominalizer 'ha' la o-ú -va,Relativizer 'va'
Pron.Dem Report.Evid 3.Pron 3Sg-hear-Cond Irrealis 3Sg-exist- Sub Def.Det 3Sg-come -Rel

That way it is said that when he hears that someone is coming,

Así se dice que él, cuando escucha que alguien viene,

o-po’ẽ -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' la hymba vúrro reví-pe
3Sg-hand.put -Asp Def.Det animal donkey ass-Loc

he puts the hand in the donkey’s ass

ya mete la mano en el trasero del burro

ha o-moĩ pype la pláta, upéi o-mbokaka haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' ãga.
Conj 3Sg-put inside Def.Det money then 3Sg-defecate Sub.Irr now

and then makes him defecate.

y pone dentro la plata para que después le haga defecar.

Upéi ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' aré-pe
Then Report.Evid time-Loc

That way, it is said that with time,

Así se dice, con el tiempo

herakuã -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' opá-rupi la vúrro de virtu Peru o-guerekó -va,Relativizer 'va'
news -Asp all-around Def.Det donkey of virtue Peru 3Sg-have -Rel

Peru’s donkey’s virtue was made known in all places,

difundido/conocido ya por todos lados la virtud del burro que tiene Perú,

ha o-guahẽ Señor Réi apysá-pe avei.
Conj 3Sg-arrive Mr. King ear-Loc also

and it also arrived to the King's ears.

y llegó a los oídos del Señor Rey también.

O-ñembosako’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ha’e-ve ha o-u la Perurima róga-pe
3Sg-prepare Report.Evid 3.Pron-also Conj 3Sg-come Def.Det Perurima house-Loc

It is said that he also prepared himself, and came to Peru’s house

Se dice que se preparó también él, y vino a la casa de Peru

o-hecha haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' la hymba vúrro o-kaká -vaRelativizer 'va' pláta.
3Sg-see Sub.Irr Def.Det animal donkey 3Sg-defecate -Rel money

to see the donkey defecate money.

para ver al animal burro que defeca plata.

O-guahẽ ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Señor Réi ka’aru
3Sg-arrive Report.Evid Mr. King afternoon

It is said that the King arrived in the afternoon,

Se dice que llegó a la tarde el Señor Rey,

ha Perurima o-mo-guahẽ o-mbo-guapy chupe la hóga-pe.
Conj Perurima 3Sg-Caus-arrive 3Sg-Caus-sit 3.Pron.IO Def.Det house-Loc

and Peru made him come in and sat him in his house.

y Peru le hizo llegar [le recibió] y le hizo sentar en su casa.

Ha la Réi he’i mboyve mba’eve voiFocalizer Particle 'voi'
Conj Def.Det King 3Sg.say before anything FOC

And before the King said anything,

Y antes que el Rey diga nada,

ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru o-sẽ he’i hembirekó-pe:
Report.Evid Peru 3Sg-go.out 3Sg.say wife-DOM

it is said that Peru came out to say to his wife:

se dice que Peru salió a decir a su esposa:

——E-mbokaka-mí-na ñandéve ñane rymba vúrro,
——Imp-defecate-Dim-Rog 1Pl.Pron.Ben 1Pl.Incl.Poss animal donkey

"Make our donkey defecate

"Hacele defecar a nuestro animal burro,

ña-mondo haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' almasen-pe-gua.
1Pl.Incl-send Sub.Irr store-Loc-place

so we can send [someone] to the store."

para enviarle [a alguien] al almacén."

Ha o-ho la kuñakarai
Conj 3Sg-go Def.Det woman

And the woman went

Y fue la mujer

o-he’ỹi he’ỹi la hymba vúrro, oi-pete chupe.
3Sg-scratch scratch Def.Det animal donkey 3Sg-pat 3.Pron.IO

to scratch the donkey [and] pat him.

a rascarle y rascarle al animal burro, [y] le da palmada.

Upé-vo la vúrro o-mboguy la huguái
Dem-Conj.Simult Def.Det donkey 3Sg-raise Def.Det tail

At that moment the donkey raises the tail

En ese momento el burro levanta la cola

ha okaka pláta meme-te.
Conj 3Sg-defecate money constantly-Superl

and defecates all the money.

y caga toda la plata.

O-maña ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' hese la Réi hína,Emphasis on 'la Rei'
3Sg-watch Report.Evid 3.Pron.IO Def.Det King Cont

It is said that the King was watching,

Se dice que el Rey estaba mirando,

nimbo oi-pota itereí -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' hínaEmphasis on Superlative ra'eMatrix, declarative, narrator-oriented (ha’é-ngo i-taryrýi eterei voi).Focalizer Particle 'voi'
Part 3Sg-want Superl -Asp Cont Evid 3.Pron-FOC 3Sg-greedy Superl FOC

it seems that he wanted it so much (he is of course very greedy).

había sido que demasiado ya quería (él luego es demasiado codicioso luego).

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' he’í -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' chupe n-o-vende-sé-i chéne-pa.
Then Report.Evid 3Sg.say -Asp FOC 3Sg.Pron.IO Neg-3Sg-sell-Des-Neg Mod-Q

Then it is said that he already said to him whether he would sell [it] to him.

Después se dice ya le dijo que si no le querría vender.

——N-a-vende vaerã-i ——he’i -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' chupe Peru,
——Neg-1Sg-sell Mod-Neg ——3Sg.say -Asp FOC 3.Pron.IO Peru

"I will (probably) not sell," Peru already says to him,

"No he de vender," le dice ya Peru,

——ché-ngo péva mante la ai-kotevẽ jave che-salva.
——1Sg-FOC that only Def.Det 1Sg-have moment 1Sg.Obj-save

"this is the only thing I have at the moment that saves me."

"esto es solamente lo que tengo que me salva."

Ha ko’ýte ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' upé-pe
Conj even.more Report.Evid Dem-Loc

And even more, it is said, at that moment

Y aún más se dice que en ese momento

la Réi o-jopy hese heta iterei pláta.
Def.Det King 3Sg-squeeze 3.Pron.Obl a.lot Superl money

the King offered him lots of money.

el Rey le ofreció [apretarle] demasiado mucha plata.

Hasý-pe -jeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru o-asyta. [omonei]
Difficult-Loc -Report.Evid Peru 3Sg-accept

It is said that with difficulty, Peru accepted.

Costosamente [dice que] Peru aceptó.

O-guaraha Réi la hymba vurro-[r]ã, o-vy’a syry o-hó-vo heseve.
3Sg-take King Def.Det animal donkey-Irrealis 3Sg-happy fluid 3Sg-go-Conj.Simult 3.Pron.Obl

The King took his future donkey, very happy he was going with it.

Llevó el Rey para su animal burro, muy contento se iba con él.

O-ho ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' karai Réi o-he’ỹi la hymba vúrro ha nd-o-kaká-i.
3Sg-go Report.Evid Mr. King 3Sg-scratch Def.Det animal donkey Conj Neg-3Sg-defecate-Neg

It is said that the King went to scratch the donkey but it did not defecate.

Se dice se fué el Señor Rey arrascar al burro y no defecó.

Upéi oi-pete ha nd-o-kaká-i jeý-nte.
Then 3Sg-pat Conj Neg-3Sg-defecate-Neg again-FOC

Then he patted him and it did not defecate again.

Y después le dio palmadas y tampoco defecó.

O-mohumby’a-pa garróte-pe.
3Sg-buttock.fallen-Compl club-Loc

He had his buttock dented from so much hitting.

De tanto garrotazos, tenía ya la nalga caída.

Are-mi rire ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru o-jagarra jeý -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' mokõi apere’a
Time-Dim after Report.Evid Peru 3Sg-grab again -Asp two rabbit

A little time after, it is said, Peru grabbed two wild rabbits

Un tiempo después, dicen que, Peru agarró devuelta dos conejos silvestres

ha o-gueru Covert Direct Object Pronoun la hóga-pe.
Conj 3Sg-bring 3.Pron.DO Def.Det

and brought [them] to his house.

y [los] trajo a su casa.

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ha’e oi-kuaa voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' mba’e diá-pe
Then Report.Evid 3.Pron 3Sg-know FOC thing day-Loc

Then, it is said that he knew which day

Después, dice que, él sabía luego que día

o-ú -taProspective Aspect hendá-pe la karai Réi hína.Emphasis on 'Rei'
3Sg-come -Prosp place-Loc Def.Det Mr. King Cont

the King would come to him.

iba a venir el rey junto a él.

Ha o-ho haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' la kokué-pe
Conj 3Sg-go Sub.Irr Def.Det

And to go to the vegetable garden

Y para ir a la chacra

o-moĩ peteĩ la apere’a ajaka guý-pe
3Sg-put one Def.Det rabbit basket under-Loc

he put one rabbit under the basket

le puso un conejo debajo de la canasta

ha o-heja la hembirekó-pe, ha ótro o-gueraha ha’e.
Conj 3Sg-leave Def.Det wife-DOM Conj another 3Sg-take 3.Pron

and left it with his wife and the other one he took with him.

y le dejó a su esposa, y al otro lo llevó él.

——Ãga Señor Réi o-ú-ke, ha che-renoi-[u]ka
——Now Mr. King 3Sg-come-Sub Conj 1Sg.Pron.Obj-call-Caus

"If the King comes, have them call me,"

"Si viene el Señor Rey, mándame llamar,"

——he’i la hembirekó-pe.
——3Sg.say Def.Det 3.Poss.wife-IO

he said to his wife.

le dijo a su esposa.

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la Señor Réi o-u o-guahẽ ha o-porandu voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' Perú-re.
Then Report.Evid Def.Det Mr. King 3Sg-come 3Sg-arrive Conj 3Sg-ask FOC Peru-Obl

Then, it is said, the King came arriving and asked for Peru.

Después dicen que el Señor Rey vino llegando y preguntó. por Peru.

——Moõ-pa oi-me? ——he’í -je.Reportative Evidential 'ndaje'
——Where-Q 3Sg-be ——3Sg.say- Report.Evid

"Where is he?" it is said that he said.

"Dónde está?" se dice que dijo.

——Oi-me kokué-pe. Re-ikotevẽ-pa hese? ——he’i chupe la hembireko.
—— 2Sg-need-Q 3.Pron-Obl ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO Def.Det 3.Poss.wife

"He is in the vegetable garden. Do you need him?" asked his wife.

"Está en la chacra. Necesitas de él?" le dice su esposa.

——Hẽe, ai-kotevẽ ——he’i Señor Réi.
——yes 1Sg-need ——3Sg.say Mr. King

"Yes, I need him," said Mr. King.

"Sí, [lo] necesito," dijo el Señor Rey.

——Ta-mondo ko mitã to-avisa chupe
——Exhort-1Sg-send Dem child Exhort-3Sg-let.know 3.Pron.IO

"I will send this child to let him know,"

"Voy a enviarle a esta criatura para que le avise,"

——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la kuñakarai,
——3Sg.say Report.Evid Def.Det woman

it is said that the wife said.

dice que dijo la señora.

Ha ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-guenohẽ la ajaka guý-gui peteĩ la apere’a:
Conj Report.Evid 3Sg-take.out Def.Det basket under-Prep one Def.Det rabbit

And it is said that she took the rabbit from under the basket:

Y dice que sacó de debajo la canasta un conejo:

——Te-re-ho ere nde rú-pe t-o-u ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' chupe,
——Imp-2Sg-go 2Sg.say 2Sg.Poss father-IO Imp-3Sg-come ——3Sg.say Report.Evid 3.Pron.IO

"Go tell your father to come," it is said that she said to him,

"Anda decirle a tu padre que venga," dice que le dijo,

ha o-heviro’o-pete ha o-mboguejy o-ho.
Conj 3Sg-buttock-pat Conj 3Sg-bring.down 3Sg-go

and she patted his buttock and brought him down for him to go.

y palmateó la nalga y le bajo para que se vaya.

Ha la Réi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-maña ñemi hese hína.Emphasis on hese. Event is not continuative.
Conj Def.Det King Report.Evid 3Sg-watch hidden 3.Pron.IO Cont

And the King secretly watched her.

Y el Rey le miró a escondida a ella.

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru o-guahẽ o-ú-vo la óga kupe guio,
Then Report.Evid Peru 3Sg-arrive 3Sg-come-Conj.Simult Def.Det house behind towards

Then, it is said, Peru was arriving towards the back of the house,

Y después se dice que Peru venía llegando de hacia detrás de la casa,

la apere’a i-jyva guý-pe,
Def.Det rabbit 3.Poss-arm under-Loc

with the rabbit under his arm,

el conejo bajo su brazo,

pe o-gueraha va’ekueRelativizer/Distal ha’e voi.Focalizer Particle 'voi'
Dem 3Sg-take Rel.Distal 3Sg.Cop FOC

the one he had taken [earlier].

el que había llevado luego él.

He’i hembirekó-pe:
3Sg.say 3.Poss.wife-IO

He said to his wife:

Dijo a su esposa:

——Mba’e-rã-nga piko mitã re-mondo jeý -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' -pe kokue ñanandý-re.
——Thing-Irrealis-poor Q child 2Sg-send again -Asp -Loc shrub-Obl

"For what did you send this poor child again among the shrubs of the vegetable garden?"

"Para qué (pobrecito) esta criatura le enviaste otra vez entre las malezas de la chacra?"

——Ha Señor Réi oi-kotevẽ nde-rehe ——he’i chupe.
——Conj Mr. King 3Sg-need 2Sg.Pron-Prep.Obl ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO

"And the King needed you," she told him.

"Y el Señor Rey te necesita," le dijo.

Oi-ke ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru ha o-ñomongeta Señor Réi ndive.
3Sg.enter Report.Evid Peru Conj 3Sg-talk.with Mr. King 2Sg-with

It is said that Peru came in and talked with the King,

Se dice que entró Peru y conversó con el Señor Rey,

Ha’e hesarái voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' ma’erã-pa o-u ra'eEmbedded wh-complement. Matrix subject oriented la Peru rendá-pe.
3.Pron 3Sg-forget FOC what.for-Q 3Sg-come Evid Def.Det Peru place-Loc

He had forgotten for what reason he came to see Peru.

Él se olvidó luego para que vino junto a Peru.

La hesa la apere’á-rente voi.Focalizer Particle 'voi'
Def.Det look Def.Det rabbit-only FOC

His sight was only for the rabbit.

Su mirada estaba por el conejo nomás luego.

O-maña hese, ha upéi n-o-aguanta-vé-i,
3Sg-look 3.Pron.Obl Conj then Neg-3Sg-stand-more-Neg

He was watching him, and then he couldn’t stand it anymore,

Le miraba, y después no aguantó más,

ha he’i chupe moõ-pa ha’e
Conj 3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO where-Q 3.Pron

and he asked him where he had sent him

y le dijo donde él le habías mandado

o-mbo’e-ka raka’e péichaite i-ñarandu haguã,Irrealis Subordinator 'ha'
3Sg-teach-Caus Distal.Evid this.way 3.Poss-intelligence Sub.Irr

to learn that he is so intelligent,

a enseñar para que sea tan inteligente,

ko animal nde re-saité -vaRelativizer 'va' ningo la apere’a.
Dem animal 2Sg.Pron 2Sg-wild -Rel FOC Def.Det wild.rabbit

this animal so wild that it is the wild rabbit.

este animal tan salvaje que es el conejo silvestre.

——Ha kóva apere’a de virtu ——he’i chupe Peru.
——Conj Dem.Pron rabbit of virtue ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO Peru

"And this is a rabbit with virtue," Peru said to him.

"Y este es un conejo virtuosa," le dijo Peru

Oi-potá-iterei jeý -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Señor Réi ha o-trateá -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' Perú-gui.
3Sg-want-Superl again -Asp Report.Evid Mr. King Conj 3Sg-deal -Asp FOC Peru-Prep

The King wanted it badly again, it is said, and he already made a deal with Peru.

Demasiado quería otra vez el señor Rei, se dice que, e hizo el trato otra vez con Peru.

Oi-kuave’ẽ chupe hese pláta heta iterei jeý -ma.Aspect/Focalizer '-ma'
3Sg-offer 3.Pron.IO 3.Pron.Obl money a.lot Superl again -Asp

He offered lots of money for it [the rabbit] again.

Le ofreció por él [el conejo] muchísima plata ya otra vez.

Ha upéi hasý-pe o-vende chupe Peru.
Conj then difficult-Loc 3Sg-sell 3.Pron.IO Peru

And then in the end Peru sold it to him.

Y después a la cansada le vendió Peru.

O-ho ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' karai Réi o-guahẽ la hóga-pe,
3Sg-go Report.Evid Mr. King 3Sg-arrive Def.Det

It is said that the King went home,

Se dice que fue el Señor Rey y llegó a su casa,

o-me’ẽ la hembirekó-pe la apere’a o-ñongatu.
3Sg-give Def.Det 3.Poss.wife-IO Def.Det rabbit 3Sg-keep

he gave his wife the rabbit to keep it for him.

le dio a su esposa el conejo para guardar[le].

Upéi pyhareve he’i chupe:
Then morning 3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO

Then in the morning he said to him:

Y después a la mañana le dijo:

——Rei-pota vove a-jú-ke
——2Sg-want Temp.Conj a-come-Sub

"When you want me to come,

"Cuando quieras [yo] venga

e-mondo che Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun piári ãga la ñande apere’a de virtu
Imp-send 1Sg.Pron.DO find now Def.Det 1Pl.Incl.Poss rabbit of virtue

send our virtuous rabbit to find me,"

enviale a nuestro conejo virtuoso para que me busque,"

——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Señor Réi.
——3Sg.say Report.Evid Mr. King

it is said that the King said.

dice que dijo el Señor Rey.

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la kuñakarai o-guenohẽ la i-japere’a
Then Report.Evid Def.Det woman 3Sg-take Def.Det 3.Poss-rabbit

Then, it is reported, the woman took out her rabbit

Y después, se dice que, la señora le sacó a su conejo

ha o-hevi ro'o pete ha he’i chupe:
Conj 3-buttock pat Conj 3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO

and patted him on the buttock and said to him:

y le dio palmadas en la nalga y le dijo:

——Te-re-ho ere nde rú-pe t-o-u.
——Imp-2Sg-go 2Sg.say 2Sg.Poss father-IO Imp-3Sg-come

"Go and tell your father to come."

"Anda y decile a tu papá que venga."

I-ladóse jere ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Karái Réi ha ne’írã o-u.
3Sg-twelve around Report.Evid Mr. King Conj not.yet 3Sg-come

And it was already close to twelve, it is said, and he still had not come.

Y ya eran cerca de las doce se dice y todavía no venía.

Ha upéi ae ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-guahẽ o-ú-vo.
Conj then just Report.Evid 3Sg-arrive 3Sg-come-Conj.Simult

And just then it is said he was arriving.

Y después recién se dice vino llegando.

——Mba’erã piko ne-re-mondó-i ——he’i la hembirekó-pe.
——Why Q Neg-2Sg-send-Neg ——3Sg.say Def.Det 3.Poss.wife-IO

"Why didn’t you send it [the rabbit]?" he said to his wife.

"Por qué no le enviaste?" le dijo a su esposa.

——Uje’í -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' -ko o-ho kuriRetrospective Aspect 'kuri' ——he’i chupe la kuñakarai.
——While.ago -Asp -FOC 3Sg-go Retrosp.Asp ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO Def.Det woman

"It has gone some time ago already," the wife said to him.

"Hace rato ya se fue," le dijo la señora.

Ha la apere’a uje’í -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' o-kañy karaguata-tý-pe.
Conj Def.Det rabbit while.ago -Asp 3Sg-hide karaguata-plantation-Loc

And some time ago already the rabbit had hidden in the karaguata-plantation.

Y el conejo hace rato estaba escondido en la plantación del karaguatá.