USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

Story #11

Peru i-kuaãirũ de virtu ramo guare

Peru 3.Poss-ring of virtue Temp.Conj Distal

'When Peru Had His Ring of Virtue'

'Cuando Peru tenía su anillo de virtud'

Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.

Audio for Story #11:

Petẽi mbói áripi o-hasa peteĩ karréta ha oi-ku’a mopẽ chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun
One snake 3Sg-pass one wagon Conj 3Sg-middle break 3.Pron.DO

A wagon passed on top of a snake and broke it in half.

Sobre una víbora pasó una carreta y le trozó la cintura.

Ha upéi o-u Peru o-juhu la mbói
Conj then 3Sg-come Peru 3Sg-find Def.Det snake

And then Peru came to find a snake

Y después Peru vino a encontrar a la víbora

o-padese hínaContinuative/Emphasis upé-pe, o-japajeréi hína.Continuative/Emphasis
3Sg-suffering Cont/Emph Dem-Loc 3Sg-wallow Cont/Emph

that was suffering there and was wallowing.

que estaba padeciendo ahí [y] se estaba revolcando.

Ha o-hasa-vé -taProspective Aspect otro karréta hi’áripi hína.Emphasis on 'hi’áripi’
Conj 3Sg-pass-more -Prosp another wagon Emph

And that another wagon more will pass on top of him.

Y que le pasará encima otra carreta más.

Ha upé -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' -rõ Peru o-ja hese
Conj Dem -Asp -Cond Peru 3Sg-get.close 3.Obl

And then Peru got closer to it,

Y entonces ya Peru sea acerca a él,

ha ——Aichéjaranga ko mbói ——he’i, ——o-ĩ vai eterei hína.Emphasis on superlative
Conj ——Poor.thing Dem snake ——3Sg-say ——3Sg-exist badly Superl Emph

and "Poor thing, this snake," he said. "It is doing very badly."

and "Pobrecito, esta víbora," dijo. "Está muy mal."

Ha o-gerrea mbegue katu hese,
Conj 3Sg-fight slowly FOC 3.Obl

And he slowly fought with it,

Y guerreó despacito con él,

o-moinge i-guý-pe peteĩ garróte, o-mboguapy porã, pasiénsia-pe o-hupi chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun
3Sg-put 3.Poss-under-Loc one stick 3Sg-sit well patience-Loc 3Sg-lift 3.Pron.DO

he put a stick under it, he sat it down, and with patience lifted it.

puso debajo [de la víbora] un garrote [un palo], le sentó bien, con paciencia le alzó.

Oi-pe’a chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun la tapé-gui.
3Sg-take.out 3.Pron.DO Def.Det trail-Prep

He removed it from the trail.

Lo sacó del camino.

Upéi o-ho o-juhu peteĩ takuru i-kuáva
Then 3Sg-go 3Sg-find one anthill 3.Poss-hole

Then he went and found an anthill with a hole

Después se fue a encontrar un hormiguero con agujero

ha o-moinge hakykuévo upé-pe la mbói-pe.
Conj 3Sg-put behind Dem-Loc Def.Det snake-DOM

and put the snake there behind it.

y le metió ahí detrás a la víbora.

Mbegue katu o-myaña, huguái o-mondo la takuru-kuá-pe chupe, Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun
Slowly FOC 3Sg-push tail 3Sg-send Def.Det anthill-end-Loc 3.Pron.DO

Slowly he pushed it, sending the tail to the end of the anthill,

Lentamente le empujó, la cola mandó al fondo del hormiguero,

ha o-heja la i-ñakãmi, o-maña haguã,Irrealis Subordinator 'ha' la i-kua rokẽ-me.
Conj 3Sg-leave Def.Det 3Pos-head-Dim 3-look Sub.Irr Def.Det 3.Poss-hole entrance-Loc

and he left her head out [in the entrance hole] so it could look out.

y le dejó la cabecita afuera [en el agujero de la entrada] para mirar.

Ha o-hó -taProspective Aspect -vo Peru, la mbói he’i chupe,
Conj 3Sg-go -Prosp -Conj.Simult Peru Def.Det snake 3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO

And when Peru was going to leave, the snake said to him,

Cuando Peru se iba a ir, la víbora le dijo,

——E-[gue]ru pe ne kuã ha e-moi-nge Covert Direct Object Pronoun pe che jurú-pe.
——Imp-bring Dem 2Sg.Poss finger Conj Imp-put-FOC 3.Pron.DO Dem 1Sg.Poss mouth-Loc

"Bring your finger and put it in my mouth."

"Trae tu dedo y metelo en mi boca."

——Añá-mona, che-su’u mba’e! ——he’i chupe Peru.
——Devil-Part 1Sg.Obj-bite what ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO Peru

"What the devil, you will bite me or what!" said Peru to him.

"¡Al diablo, me has de morder!" le dijo Peru.

——Nahániri, ndo-roi-su’u -mo'ã-iNegative Prospective Aspect E-mbou katu la ne kuã.
——No Neg-Port-bite Prosp-Neg Imp-pass FOC Def.Det 2Sg.Poss finger

"No, I will not bite you. Pass me your finger."

"No, no te voy a morder. Pasame si que tu dedo."

——Che-su’ú-ne ——he’i jey chupe Peru.
——1Sg.Obj-bite-Mod ——3Sg.say again 3.Pron.IO Peru

"You might bite," Peru said to him again.

"Me has de morder," le volvió a decir Peru.

——E-mbou katu ∅;Covert Direct Object Pronoun anive re-kyhyje.
——Imp-pass FOC 3.Pron.DO Neg 2Sg-be.afraid

"Pass me your finger; don’t be afraid.

"Pasámelo si que; no tengas miedo.

Ne-mbovy’a va’erã-ko o-ĩ che-jurú-pe ——he’i chupe.
2Sg-happy Mod-FOC 3Sg-exist 1Sg.Poss-mouth-Loc ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO

What I have in my mouth will make you happy," he said to him.

Te va alegrar lo que hay en mi boca," le dijo.

Ha pe tre vése há-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' o-po’ẽ Peru la mbói jurú-pe, ha
Conj Dem three times Rel-Loc 3Sg-hand Peru Def.Det snake mouth-Loc Conj

And on the third time, Peru put his hand in the snake’s mouth, and

Y a la tercera vez, metió la mano Peru en la boca de la víbora, y

o-guenohẽ-vo ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ∅,Covert Direct Object Pronoun o-sẽ peteĩ kuãirũ la i-kuã-re.
3Sg-take.out-Conj.Simult Report.Evid 3.Pron.DO 3Sg-come.out one ring Def.Det 3.Poss-finger-Obl

when removing it, it is said that a ring came out on his finger.

al sacarlo, dice que salió un anillo por su dedo.

——Péa [upéva] pe kuãirũ i-virtu; nde rei-jeruré -vaRelativizer 'va' chupe la rei-potá -vaRelativizer 'va' -re
——That Dem ring 3.Poss-virtue 2Sg 2Sg-ask -Prosp 3.Pron.IO Def.Det 2Sg-ask -Rel -Obl

"That ring that has virtue; you will ask it what[ever] you want,

"Ese, ese anillo que tiene virtud; vos le vas a pedir [por] lo que quieras,

ha nd-aipó-ri re-konsegi-'ỹ va’erã ——he’i chupe la mbói.
Conj Neg-exist-Neg 2Sg-obtain-Neg Mod ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO Def.Det snake

and there is nothing that you wouldn’t be able to obtain," said the snake to him.

y no hay cosa que no vas a poder conseguir," le dijo la víbora.

——Nde che- salva la muérte-gui.
——2Sg 1Sg.Obj- save Def.Det death-Prep

"You saved me from death."

"Vos me salvaste de la muerte."

Upéi o-sẽ o-ho Peru o-guapy peteĩ tajy máta-kue ári
Then 3Sg-go.out 3Sg-go Peru 3Sg-sit one tree trunk-former on

Then Peru went out and went to sit on a former tree trunk

Después salió y se fué a sentarse Peru sobre un tronco de tajy

ha o-pensa mba’é-pa la i-katú -vaRelativizer 'va' o-jeru-re.
Conj 3Sg-think what-Q Def.Det 3.Poss-able -Rel 3Sg-ask-Obl

and thought about what thing that he could ask for.

y pensó que cosa es lo que podría pedir.

——Hẽe, ai-kuaá -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' ——he’i sapy’a.
——Hee 1Sg-know -Asp ——3Sg.say suddenly

"Yes, I know already," he said suddenly.

"Ya sé," dijo de repente.

Ha o-ho o-jerure haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' karai Réi-pe tajýra-re.
Conj 3Sg-go 3Sg-ask Sub.Irr mister King-DOM daughter-Obl

And he went to ask for the King’s daughter’s hand.

Y fue para a pedir por la hija del señor Rei.

O-guahẽ Palásio-pe ha oi-ke voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' o-ñomongeta Réi ndive.
3Sg-arrive Palace-Loc Conj 3Sg-enter FOC 3Sg-converse King with

He arrived at the palace and entered to talk with the King.

Llegó al Palacio y entró luego a conversar con el Rey.

He’i chupe ha’e o-menda-se -haSubordinate 'ha' la [i-]tajýrare.
3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO 3.Pron 3Sg-marry-Des -Sub Def.Det [3.Poss-]daughter

He told him he wanted to marry his daughter.

Le dijo él que quiere casarse con su hija.

Ha ——nd-aipó-ri provléma ——he’i karai Rei.
Conj ——Neg-exist-Neg problem ——3Sg.say mister King

And "there is no problem," he said to the King.

Y "no hay problema," le dijo el señor Rey.

——A-hecha-se raẽ-nte ne volunta ——he’i chupe. ——Ña-mba’apó -ta.Prospective Aspect
——1Sg-see-Des first-only 2Sg will ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO ——1Pl.Incl-work -Prosp

"I only want to first see your will," he said. "Let’s work [on it]."

"Quiero ver primero tu voluntad," le dijo. "Vamos a trabajar."

Réi voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' o-ho Peru ndive la o-mba’apó-vo hikuái ñú-me,
King FOC 3Sg-go Peru with Def.Det 3Sg-work-Asp.Goal 3Pl.Pron.Subj field-Loc

The King went with Peru to work in the fields,

El Rey luego se fué con Peru para trabajar ellos en el campo,

peteĩ hembiguái hendive-kuéra.
one employee 3.Pron.with-Pl

an employee with them.

un empleado con ellos.

O-ho upé-pe o-porandu chupe Peru mba’e erramiénta-pa oi-kotevẽ -va.Relativizer 'va'
3Sg-go Dem-Loc 3Sg-ask 3.Pron.IO Peru thing tools-Q 3Sg-need -Rel

Peru went there to ask him what tools he needed.

Se fue ahí a preguntarle Peru qué herramientas necesitaba.

——Ha e-ru ñandeve mbohapy pála ——he’i chupe Réi.
——Conj Imp-bring 1Pl.Incl three shovel ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO King

"And bring us three shovels," the King told him.

"Y traenos tres palas," le dijo el Rey.

Ha o-ho jey Peru la Palásio-pe.
Conj 3Sg-go again Peru Def.Det Palace-Loc

And Peru went again to the Palace.

Y se fue de vuelta Peru al palacio.

O-guahẽ o-juhu upé-pe mbohapy mitakuña, la Réi kríáda kuéra.
3Sg-arrive 3Sg-find Dem-Loc three girls Def.Det King servants Pl

He arrived and found there three girls, the King's servants.

Llegó y encontró ahí tres señoritas, las criadas del Rey.

——Karai Réi o-hecha-se "che volunta,"
——Mister King 3Sg-see-Des 1Sg will

"Mr. King wants to see 'my power'

"El Señor Rey quiere ver 'mi voluntad'

ha oi-pota ha’e "po-arregla" ——he’i chupe-kuéra Peru.
Conj 3Sg-want 3.Pron 1Sg.2Pl.Obj-fix ——3Sg.say 3.Pron.IO-Pl Peru

and he wishes that, 'I fix you all'," Peru said to them.

y quiere él que 'les arregle'," les dijo Peru.

——Nde-japu-eté-pa ——he’i la kuñataĩ nguéra. ——Mba’e Réi piko ne-mboú -ta.Prospective Aspect
——2Sg-lie-Superl-Compl ——3Pl.say Def.Det girl Pl ——Thing King Q 2Sg.Obj-send -Prosp

"Total liar," said the ladies. "[What the hell], we don’t believe that the King sent you."

"Mentiroso," dijeron las señoritas. "Qué Rey te va a enviar."

——Ha pe-porandú-na chupe upéicharamo; na’[oima] amo ñú-me ha’e hína.Emphasis on Subject Pronoun
——Conj 2Pl-ask-Rog 3.Pron.IO then exist there field-Loc 3.Pron Emph

"And then ask him please; he is there in the field."

"Y pregúntenle un poco entonces; está allá en el campo él."

——E-porandú-na nde ——he’i chupe hikuái.
——Imp-ask-Rog 2Sg.Pron.Subj ——3Pl.say 3.Pron.IO 3Pl.Pron.Subj

"You ask him," they [the servants] told him.

"Preguntale vos," le dijeron [las criadas].

Upé-pe o-je-pepy Peru ha o-sapukái ha o-señea la Réi-pe:
There-Loc 3Sg-bend.over Peru Conj 3Sg-scream Conj 3Sg-signal Def.Det King-IO

There Peru bent over and screamed and made a signal to the King:

Ahi se encorvó Peru y gritó y le hizo seña al rey:

——Ajépa, karai Réi, nde re-hecha-se la che voluntá-pa tuicha!
——Right Mr. King 2Sg.Pron 2Sg-see-Des Def.Det 1Sg.Poss will-Q big

"Right, Mr. King, you want to see [the extent of] my power!"

"¡Verdad, señor Rey, queres ver mi gran voluntad!"

Ha o-ñakãity upé-pe la Réi.
Conj 3Sg-nod Dem-Loc Def.Det King

And the King assented with a nod.

Y asintió con la cabeza el Rey.

Ha upéi Peru o-hecha-[u]ka Réipe tre [mbohapy] i-kuã:
Conj then Peru 3Sg-see-Caus King-IO three 3.Poss-finger

And then he showed the King three fingers:

Y después le mostró al Rey tres dedos:

——Ajépa rei-pota lo tre-vé -vaRelativizer 'va' -pe!
——Really 2Sg-want Def.Det three-more -Rel -DOM

"Really, you want all three of them!"

"Verdad que querés a todas las tres!"

Ha upé-pe o-ñakãity jey la Réi
Conj Dem-Loc 3Sg-nod again Def.Det King

And the King again assented with a nod

Y asintió con la cabeza otra vez el Rey

(oi-mo’ã la pála-re he’i chupe, Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun ra’e).Embedded, declarative, narrator/speaker oriented
3Sg-believe Def.Det shovel-Obl 3Sg.say 3.Pron.DO Evid

(he thought he was talking about the shovels).

(creyó que le decía por las palas, había sido).

Ha karai Réi he’i-pá-rõ guarã chupe:
Conj Mr. King 3Sg.say-Compl-Cond for 3.Pron.IO

And when Mr. King had finished saying it all to him:

Y cuando el Señor Rey terminó de decirle:

——Pe-hechá-pa, pe-ju mandi ápe! ——he’i la kuña-nguéra-pe Peru,
——2Pl-see-Q Imp-come now here ——3Sg.say Def.Det girl-Pl-IO Peru

"You see, come here now!" Peru said to the women.

"Ya vieron, vengan ya aca!" le dijo Peru a las mujeres.

Ha o-myañana -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun kuéra kotý-pe ha o-mbo-tokoro’o mbohapy-vé -vaRelativizer 'va' -pe.
Conj 3Sg-shove -Asp 3.Pron.DO Pl room-Loc Conj 3Sg-Caus-cluck three-more -Rel -DOM

And he shoved them into the room and made them cluck outloud, all three of them.

Y ya a empujones ya les metió en la pieza, y les hizo cacarear a todas las tres.