Funded by NSF BCS-1917619
Peru 3.Poss-ring of virtue Temp.Conj Distal
Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.
Audio for Story #11:
Petẽi | mbói | áripi | o-hasa | peteĩ | karréta | ha | oi-ku’a | mopẽ | chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
One | snake | | 3Sg-pass | one | wagon | Conj | 3Sg-middle | break | 3.Pron.DO |
A wagon passed on top of a snake and broke it in half.
Sobre una víbora pasó una carreta y le trozó la cintura.
Ha | upéi | o-u | Peru | o-juhu | la | mbói |
Conj | then | 3Sg-come | Peru | 3Sg-find | Def.Det | snake |
And then Peru came to find a snake
Y después Peru vino a encontrar a la víbora
o-padese | hínaContinuative/Emphasis | upé-pe, | o-japajeréi | hína.Continuative/Emphasis |
3Sg-suffering | Cont/Emph | Dem-Loc | 3Sg-wallow | Cont/Emph |
that was suffering there and was wallowing.
que estaba padeciendo ahí [y] se estaba revolcando.
Ha | o-hasa-vé | -taProspective Aspect | otro | karréta | hi’áripi | hína.Emphasis on 'hi’áripi’ |
Conj | 3Sg-pass-more | -Prosp | another | wagon | | Emph |
And that another wagon more will pass on top of him.
Y que le pasará encima otra carreta más.
Ha | upé | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -rõ | Peru | o-ja | hese |
Conj | Dem | -Asp | -Cond | Peru | 3Sg-get.close | 3.Obl |
And then Peru got closer to it,
Y entonces ya Peru sea acerca a él,
ha | ——Aichéjaranga | ko | mbói | ——he’i, | ——o-ĩ | vai | eterei | hína.Emphasis on superlative |
Conj | ——Poor.thing | Dem | snake | ——3Sg-say | ——3Sg-exist | badly | Superl | Emph |
and "Poor thing, this snake," he said. "It is doing very badly."
and "Pobrecito, esta víbora," dijo. "Está muy mal."
Ha | o-gerrea | mbegue | katu | hese, |
Conj | 3Sg-fight | slowly | FOC | 3.Obl |
And he slowly fought with it,
Y guerreó despacito con él,
o-moinge | i-guý-pe | peteĩ | garróte, | o-mboguapy | porã, | pasiénsia-pe | o-hupi | chupe. Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
3Sg-put | 3.Poss-under-Loc | one | stick | 3Sg-sit | well | patience-Loc | 3Sg-lift | 3.Pron.DO |
he put a stick under it, he sat it down, and with patience lifted it.
puso debajo [de la víbora] un garrote [un palo], le sentó bien, con paciencia le alzó.
Oi-pe’a | chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun | la | tapé-gui. |
3Sg-take.out | 3.Pron.DO | Def.Det | trail-Prep |
He removed it from the trail.
Lo sacó del camino.
Upéi | o-ho | o-juhu | peteĩ | takuru | i-kuáva |
Then | 3Sg-go | 3Sg-find | one | anthill | 3.Poss-hole |
Then he went and found an anthill with a hole
Después se fue a encontrar un hormiguero con agujero
ha | o-moinge | hakykuévo | upé-pe | la | mbói-pe. |
Conj | 3Sg-put | behind | Dem-Loc | Def.Det | snake-DOM |
and put the snake there behind it.
y le metió ahí detrás a la víbora.
(4) | |||||||
Mbegue | katu | o-myaña, | huguái | o-mondo | la | takuru-kuá-pe | chupe, Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun |
Slowly | FOC | 3Sg-push | tail | 3Sg-send | Def.Det | anthill-end-Loc | 3.Pron.DO |
Slowly he pushed it, sending the tail to the end of the anthill,
Lentamente le empujó, la cola mandó al fondo del hormiguero,
ha | o-heja | la | i-ñakãmi, | o-maña | haguã,Irrealis Subordinator 'ha' | la | i-kua | rokẽ-me. |
Conj | 3Sg-leave | Def.Det | 3Pos-head-Dim | 3-look | Sub.Irr | Def.Det | 3.Poss-hole | entrance-Loc |
and he left her head out [in the entrance hole] so it could look out.
y le dejó la cabecita afuera [en el agujero de la entrada] para mirar.
Ha | o-hó | -taProspective Aspect | -vo | Peru, | la | mbói | he’i | chupe, |
Conj | 3Sg-go | -Prosp | -Conj.Simult | Peru | Def.Det | snake | 3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO |
And when Peru was going to leave, the snake said to him,
Cuando Peru se iba a ir, la víbora le dijo,
——E-[gue]ru | pe | ne | kuã | ha | e-moi-nge | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | pe | che | jurú-pe. |
——Imp-bring | Dem | 2Sg.Poss | finger | Conj | Imp-put-FOC | 3.Pron.DO | Dem | 1Sg.Poss | mouth-Loc |
"Bring your finger and put it in my mouth."
"Trae tu dedo y metelo en mi boca."
——Añá-mona, | che-su’u | mba’e! | ——he’i | chupe | Peru. |
——Devil-Part | 1Sg.Obj-bite | what | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | Peru |
"What the devil, you will bite me or what!" said Peru to him.
"¡Al diablo, me has de morder!" le dijo Peru.
——Nahániri, | ndo-roi-su’u | -mo'ã-iNegative Prospective Aspect | E-mbou | katu | la | ne | kuã. |
——No | Neg-Port-bite | Prosp-Neg | Imp-pass | FOC | Def.Det | 2Sg.Poss | finger |
"No, I will not bite you. Pass me your finger."
"No, no te voy a morder. Pasame si que tu dedo."
——Che-su’ú-ne | ——he’i | jey | chupe | Peru. |
——1Sg.Obj-bite-Mod | ——3Sg.say | again | 3.Pron.IO | Peru |
"You might bite," Peru said to him again.
"Me has de morder," le volvió a decir Peru.
——E-mbou | katu | ∅;Covert Direct Object Pronoun | anive | re-kyhyje. |
——Imp-pass | FOC | 3.Pron.DO | Neg | 2Sg-be.afraid |
"Pass me your finger; don’t be afraid.
"Pasámelo si que; no tengas miedo.
Ne-mbovy’a | va’erã-ko | o-ĩ | che-jurú-pe | ——he’i | chupe. |
2Sg-happy | Mod-FOC | 3Sg-exist | 1Sg.Poss-mouth-Loc | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO |
What I have in my mouth will make you happy," he said to him.
Te va alegrar lo que hay en mi boca," le dijo.
Ha | pe | tre | vése | há-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | o-po’ẽ | Peru | la | mbói | jurú-pe, | ha |
Conj | Dem | three | times | Rel-Loc | 3Sg-hand | Peru | Def.Det | snake | mouth-Loc | Conj |
And on the third time, Peru put his hand in the snake’s mouth, and
Y a la tercera vez, metió la mano Peru en la boca de la víbora, y
o-guenohẽ-vo | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | ∅,Covert Direct Object Pronoun | o-sẽ | peteĩ | kuãirũ | la | i-kuã-re. |
3Sg-take.out-Conj.Simult | Report.Evid | 3.Pron.DO | 3Sg-come.out | one | ring | Def.Det | 3.Poss-finger-Obl |
when removing it, it is said that a ring came out on his finger.
al sacarlo, dice que salió un anillo por su dedo.
——Péa [upéva] | pe | kuãirũ | i-virtu; | nde | rei-jeruré | -vaRelativizer 'va' | chupe | la | rei-potá | -vaRelativizer 'va' | -re |
——That | Dem | ring | 3.Poss-virtue | 2Sg | 2Sg-ask | -Prosp | 3.Pron.IO | Def.Det | 2Sg-ask | -Rel | -Obl |
"That ring that has virtue; you will ask it what[ever] you want,
"Ese, ese anillo que tiene virtud; vos le vas a pedir [por] lo que quieras,
ha | nd-aipó-ri | re-konsegi-'ỹ | va’erã | ——he’i | chupe | la | mbói. |
Conj | Neg-exist-Neg | 2Sg-obtain-Neg | Mod | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | Def.Det | snake |
and there is nothing that you wouldn’t be able to obtain," said the snake to him.
y no hay cosa que no vas a poder conseguir," le dijo la víbora.
——Nde | che- | salva | la | muérte-gui. |
——2Sg | 1Sg.Obj- | save | Def.Det | death-Prep |
"You saved me from death."
"Vos me salvaste de la muerte."
Upéi | o-sẽ | o-ho | Peru | o-guapy | peteĩ | tajy | máta-kue | ári |
Then | 3Sg-go.out | 3Sg-go | Peru | 3Sg-sit | one | tree | trunk-former | on |
Then Peru went out and went to sit on a former tree trunk
Después salió y se fué a sentarse Peru sobre un tronco de tajy
ha | o-pensa | mba’é-pa | la | i-katú | -vaRelativizer 'va' | o-jeru-re. |
Conj | 3Sg-think | what-Q | Def.Det | 3.Poss-able | -Rel | 3Sg-ask-Obl |
and thought about what thing that he could ask for.
y pensó que cosa es lo que podría pedir.
——Hẽe, | ai-kuaá | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | ——he’i | sapy’a. |
——Hee | 1Sg-know | -Asp | ——3Sg.say | suddenly |
"Yes, I know already," he said suddenly.
"Ya sé," dijo de repente.
Ha | o-ho | o-jerure | haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | karai | Réi-pe | tajýra-re. |
Conj | 3Sg-go | 3Sg-ask | Sub.Irr | mister | King-DOM | daughter-Obl |
And he went to ask for the King’s daughter’s hand.
Y fue para a pedir por la hija del señor Rei.
O-guahẽ | Palásio-pe | ha | oi-ke | voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' | o-ñomongeta | Réi | ndive. |
3Sg-arrive | Palace-Loc | Conj | 3Sg-enter | FOC | 3Sg-converse | King | with |
He arrived at the palace and entered to talk with the King.
Llegó al Palacio y entró luego a conversar con el Rey.
He’i | chupe | ha’e | o-menda-se | -haSubordinate 'ha' | la | [i-]tajýrare. |
3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | 3.Pron | 3Sg-marry-Des | -Sub | Def.Det | [3.Poss-]daughter |
He told him he wanted to marry his daughter.
Le dijo él que quiere casarse con su hija.
Ha | ——nd-aipó-ri | provléma | ——he’i | karai | Rei. |
Conj | ——Neg-exist-Neg | problem | ——3Sg.say | mister | King |
And "there is no problem," he said to the King.
Y "no hay problema," le dijo el señor Rey.
——A-hecha-se | raẽ-nte | ne | volunta | ——he’i | chupe. | ——Ña-mba’apó | -ta.Prospective Aspect |
——1Sg-see-Des | first-only | 2Sg | will | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | ——1Pl.Incl-work | -Prosp |
"I only want to first see your will," he said. "Let’s work [on it]."
"Quiero ver primero tu voluntad," le dijo. "Vamos a trabajar."
Réi | voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' | o-ho | Peru | ndive | la | o-mba’apó-vo | hikuái | ñú-me, |
King | FOC | 3Sg-go | Peru | with | Def.Det | 3Sg-work-Asp.Goal | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | field-Loc |
The King went with Peru to work in the fields,
El Rey luego se fué con Peru para trabajar ellos en el campo,
peteĩ | hembiguái | hendive-kuéra. |
one | employee | 3.Pron.with-Pl |
an employee with them.
un empleado con ellos.
O-ho | upé-pe | o-porandu | chupe | Peru | mba’e | erramiénta-pa | oi-kotevẽ | -va.Relativizer 'va' |
3Sg-go | Dem-Loc | 3Sg-ask | 3.Pron.IO | Peru | thing | tools-Q | 3Sg-need | -Rel |
Peru went there to ask him what tools he needed.
Se fue ahí a preguntarle Peru qué herramientas necesitaba.
——Ha | e-ru | ñandeve | mbohapy | pála | ——he’i | chupe | Réi. |
——Conj | Imp-bring | 1Pl.Incl | three | shovel | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO | King |
"And bring us three shovels," the King told him.
"Y traenos tres palas," le dijo el Rey.
Ha | o-ho | jey | Peru | la | Palásio-pe. |
Conj | 3Sg-go | again | Peru | Def.Det | Palace-Loc |
And Peru went again to the Palace.
Y se fue de vuelta Peru al palacio.
O-guahẽ | o-juhu | upé-pe | mbohapy | mitakuña, | la | Réi | kríáda | kuéra. |
3Sg-arrive | 3Sg-find | Dem-Loc | three | girls | Def.Det | King | servants | Pl |
He arrived and found there three girls, the King's servants.
Llegó y encontró ahí tres señoritas, las criadas del Rey.
——Karai | Réi | o-hecha-se | "che | volunta," |
——Mister | King | 3Sg-see-Des | 1Sg | will |
"Mr. King wants to see 'my power'
"El Señor Rey quiere ver 'mi voluntad'
ha | oi-pota | ha’e | "po-arregla" | ——he’i | chupe-kuéra | Peru. |
Conj | 3Sg-want | 3.Pron | 1Sg.2Pl.Obj-fix | ——3Sg.say | 3.Pron.IO-Pl | Peru |
and he wishes that, 'I fix you all'," Peru said to them.
y quiere él que 'les arregle'," les dijo Peru.
——Nde-japu-eté-pa | ——he’i | la | kuñataĩ | nguéra. | ——Mba’e | Réi | piko | ne-mboú | -ta.Prospective Aspect |
——2Sg-lie-Superl-Compl | ——3Pl.say | Def.Det | girl | Pl | ——Thing | King | Q | 2Sg.Obj-send | -Prosp |
"Total liar," said the ladies. "[What the hell], we don’t believe that the King sent you."
"Mentiroso," dijeron las señoritas. "Qué Rey te va a enviar."
——Ha | pe-porandú-na | chupe | upéicharamo; | na’[oima] | amo | ñú-me | ha’e | hína.Emphasis on Subject Pronoun |
——Conj | 2Pl-ask-Rog | 3.Pron.IO | then | exist | there | field-Loc | 3.Pron | Emph |
"And then ask him please; he is there in the field."
"Y pregúntenle un poco entonces; está allá en el campo él."
——E-porandú-na | nde | ——he’i | chupe | hikuái. |
——Imp-ask-Rog | 2Sg.Pron.Subj | ——3Pl.say | 3.Pron.IO | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
"You ask him," they [the servants] told him.
"Preguntale vos," le dijeron [las criadas].
Upé-pe | o-je-pepy | Peru | ha | o-sapukái | ha | o-señea | la | Réi-pe: |
There-Loc | 3Sg-bend.over | Peru | Conj | 3Sg-scream | Conj | 3Sg-signal | Def.Det | King-IO |
There Peru bent over and screamed and made a signal to the King:
Ahi se encorvó Peru y gritó y le hizo seña al rey:
——Ajépa, | karai | Réi, | nde | re-hecha-se | la | che | voluntá-pa | tuicha! |
——Right | Mr. | King | 2Sg.Pron | 2Sg-see-Des | Def.Det | 1Sg.Poss | will-Q | big |
"Right, Mr. King, you want to see [the extent of] my power!"
"¡Verdad, señor Rey, queres ver mi gran voluntad!"
Ha | o-ñakãity | upé-pe | la | Réi. |
Conj | 3Sg-nod | Dem-Loc | Def.Det | King |
And the King assented with a nod.
Y asintió con la cabeza el Rey.
Ha | upéi | Peru | o-hecha-[u]ka | Réipe | tre [mbohapy] | i-kuã: |
Conj | then | Peru | 3Sg-see-Caus | King-IO | three | 3.Poss-finger |
And then he showed the King three fingers:
Y después le mostró al Rey tres dedos:
——Ajépa | rei-pota | lo | tre-vé | -vaRelativizer 'va' | -pe! |
——Really | 2Sg-want | Def.Det | three-more | -Rel | -DOM |
"Really, you want all three of them!"
"Verdad que querés a todas las tres!"
Ha | upé-pe | o-ñakãity | jey | la | Réi |
Conj | Dem-Loc | 3Sg-nod | again | Def.Det | King |
And the King again assented with a nod
Y asintió con la cabeza otra vez el Rey
(oi-mo’ã | la | pála-re | he’i | chupe, Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun | ra’e).Embedded, declarative, narrator/speaker oriented |
3Sg-believe | Def.Det | shovel-Obl | 3Sg.say | 3.Pron.DO | Evid |
(he thought he was talking about the shovels).
(creyó que le decía por las palas, había sido).
Ha | karai | Réi | he’i-pá-rõ | guarã | chupe: |
Conj | Mr. | King | 3Sg.say-Compl-Cond | for | 3.Pron.IO |
And when Mr. King had finished saying it all to him:
Y cuando el Señor Rey terminó de decirle:
——Pe-hechá-pa, | pe-ju | mandi | ápe! | ——he’i | la | kuña-nguéra-pe | Peru, |
——2Pl-see-Q | Imp-come | now | here | ——3Sg.say | Def.Det | girl-Pl-IO | Peru |
"You see, come here now!" Peru said to the women.
"Ya vieron, vengan ya aca!" le dijo Peru a las mujeres.
Ha | o-myañana | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | chupe Overt Direct Object (DO) Pronoun | kuéra | kotý-pe | ha | o-mbo-tokoro’o | mbohapy-vé | -vaRelativizer 'va' | -pe. |
Conj | 3Sg-shove | -Asp | 3.Pron.DO | Pl | room-Loc | Conj | 3Sg-Caus-cluck | three-more | -Rel | -DOM |
And he shoved them into the room and made them cluck outloud, all three of them.
Y ya a empujones ya les metió en la pieza, y les hizo cacarear a todas las tres.