Funded by NSF BCS-1917619 (2019-2024)
Funded by USC Emeritus Center 2024-2025
Fox Conj tiger
Hover over Guaraní morphemes written in purple to see their syntactic function.
Audio for Story #7:
Aguara | ha | jaguarete | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | yma | o-lehi-mi |
Fox | Conj | tiger | Report.Evid | time.ago | 3Sg-choose-Dim |
It is said that a long time ago the fox and the tiger chose
Dicen que hace tiempo el zorro y el tigre eligieron
peteĩ | henda-ité-pe | hóga | o-japo | haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | hikuái. |
one | place-Superl-Loc | | 3Pl-do | Sub.Irr | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
one same place to build their house.
un mismo lugar para hacer su casa.
O-vy’a | aguara | ha | rire-mí-nte |
3Sg-happy | fox | Conj | after-Dim-only |
The fox was happy and after a while
Feliz estaba el zorro y después al rato
o-hó | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | o-hecha | la | hóga | renda-guã. |
3Sg-go | -Asp | FOC | 3Sg-see | Def.Det | | place-Irrealis |
he went to see the location of his future house.
ya se fue a ver el lugar de su futura casa.
Ha | o-mo-potĩ-mbá | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -ne | voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | katu | pya’e | pya’e. |
Conj | 3Sg-TR-clean-Compl | -Asp | -Mod | FOC | Mod | fast | fast |
And he would probably already clean all very fast.
Y ha de limpiar ya todo rápidamente.
Ha | hapykueré-pe | o-u | avei | jaguarete |
Conj | behind-Loc | 3Sg-come | also | tiger |
And behind him came also the tiger
Y detrás de él vino también el tigre
la | hóga | renda-guã | rechá | -voAspect/Goal | ha | o-maña | maña-nte | ha | he’i: |
Def.Det | | place-Irrealis | see | -Asp.Goal | Conj | 3Sg-look | look-only | Conj | 3Sg.say |
to see the place of his future house and looked, looked, and said:
para ver el lugar de su casa y miró, miró y dijo:
––Máva | piko | la | i-mba’e | porã-ité | -vaRelativizer 'va' |
––Who | Q | Def.Det | 3Sg-thing- | good-Superl | -Rel |
"Who is the benevolent person
"¿Quién es él de la buena acción [benevolente]
o-u | va’ekueRelativizer/Distal | o-mo-potĩ-mba-ité | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' |
3Sg-come | Rel.Term | 3SG-TR-clean-Compl-Superl | -Asp |
that already came to clean
que me vino a limpiar
chéve | la | che | róga | renda-guã! |
1Sg.Pron.IO | Def.Det | 1Sg.Poss | house | place-Irrealis |
all the place of my future house?!"
ya todo el lugar de mi futura casa?!"
Upé | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -rõ | ha’e | o-mo-horkon. |
There | -Asp | -Cond | 3.Pron | |
Then he put the roof support.
Entonces ya él puso los horcones.
Upéi | o-u | aguara-há | -ma,Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' |
Then | 3Sg-come | fox-turn | -Asp |
Then came the fox’s turn,
Luego a su vez viene el zorro [el turno del zorro],
ha | o-juhu | i-horkón | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | la | hoga-rã. |
Conj | 3Sg-find | | -Asp | Def.Det | |
and he finds his future house already with the roof support on.
encuentra ya con horcones su futura casa.
O-vy’a-vé-nte | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | aguara | ha | he’i: |
3Sg-happy-more-only | -Asp | fox | Conj | 3Sg.say |
The fox, already happier, says:
Ya más feliz el zorro y dice:
––Máva | piko | la | i-mba’e | porã-ité | -vaRelativizer 'va' | che-ndive, |
––Who | Q | Def.Det | 3Sg-thing- | good-Superl | -Rel | 1Sg.Pron-with |
"Who is so kind to me
"Quién es el benevolente conmigo,
o-moĩ | -vaRelativizer 'va' | chéve | che | horkon-rã! |
3Sg-put | -Rel | 1Sg.Pron.IO | 1Sg.Poss | |
that he has already placed my [future] roof support?"
que me puso para mi horcón?"
Ha | o-ñe-pia’ã | ha’e | o-mbo-víga. |
Conj | 3Sg-Refl-made.effort | 3.Pron | 3Sg-TR-beam |
And he applied himself to put a beam [on the ceiling].
Y se esforzó él a poner la viga.
Ha | o-u | jey | jaguarete | o-juhu |
Conj | 3Sg-come | again | tiger | 3Sg-find |
And the tiger came back and found
Y volvió el tigre y encontró
i-viga-pá | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | la | hóga, | ha | o-mbo-tihéra | ha’e. |
3Sg-beam-Compl | -Asp | Def.Det | | Conj | 3Sg-TR-slates | 3.Pron |
that his house already had beams on, and he placed the slates.
la casa ya con su viga, y puso él las tijeras.
Upéi | o-u | aguara | ha | o-juhu | o-pa-pota-ité | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | la | hóga: |
Then | 3Sg-come | fox | Conj | 3Sg-find | 3Sg-finish-about-Superl | -Asp | Def.Det | |
Then came the fox and found that his house was almost finished.
Después vino el zorro y encontró ya a punto de terminar la casa.
––Máva-iko | la | o-mbo-tihera-pá | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | -vaRelativizer 'va' | chéve? |
––Who-Q | Def.Det | 3Sg-TR-slates-Compl | -Asp | -Rel | 1Sg.Pron.Ben |
"Who is the one that finished putting the slates for me?
"Quién es el que ya me puso todas las tijeras?
Ñande | jára-nte | voi, 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | che | suerte-téiko! | ––he’i. |
3Pl.Incl.Poss | lord-only | FOC | 1Sg.Poss | luck-have | ––3Sg.say |
Only our lord, how lucky I am!" he said.
Nuestro señor nomás luego, que suerte tengo!" dijo.
Upéi | ha’e | o-mbo-técho. |
Then | 3.Pron | 3Sg-TR-roof |
Then he put on the roof.
Y después él puso el techo.
Jaguarete | o-u | o-juhu | i-techo-pá | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | la | hóga, |
Fox | 3Sg-come | 3Sg-find | 3.Poss-roof-Compl | -Asp | Def.Det | |
The tiger came to find his house with the roof all finished,
El tigre vino a encontrar su casa ya toda con techo,
o-vy’a-iterei | voi, 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | i-guý-pe, |
3Sg-happy-Superl | FOC | 3.Poss-under-Loc |
he was so happy under its roof,
estuvo muy feliz debajo del techo,
(12) | |||
ha | o-moĩ | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | etakéo. |
Conj | 3Sg-put | -Perf | poles |
and he put the poles (for the walls).
y puso ya las estacas (para la pared).
Upéi-ngo | aguara | o-u | jeý | -vaRelativizer 'va' | -pe, |
Then-FOC | fox | 3Sg-come | again-Rel-Loc | -Rel | -Loc |
Then the next time that the fox came,
Después la vez siguiente que vino el zorro,
o-juhu | o-je-takea-pá | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | la | hoga, |
3Sg-find | 3Sg-Refl-pole-finish | -Asp | Def.Det | |
he found his house with all the wall poles,
encontró ya todas con estacas la casa,
ha | ha’e | katu | o-japo | tuju | ha | o-tapia-pá | -ma.Aspect/Focalizer '-ma' |
Conj | 3.Pron | Mod | 3Sg-do | mud | Conj | 3Sg-plaster-Compl | -Asp |
and he (himself) did the mud mixture and plastered it completely.
y él sí que hizo el barro e hizo ya todo el revoque.
Aguara | o-heja | jey | la | hóga | sapy’a-mi, |
Fox | 3Sg-left | again | Def.Det | | time-Dim |
The fox left the house for a short moment
El zorro dejó de rato la casa un ratito,
o-ho | haguãichaIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' | o-u | o-jatapy | ha | o-jepe’e. |
3Sg-go | Sub.Irr | 3Sg-come | 3Sg-fire | Conj | 3Sg-warm.up |
as to go light a fire and warm himself up.
como para ir y volver, hacer el fuego y calentarse.
Katu | o-ú-rõ | guarã, |
Mod | 3Sg-come-Cond | Irrealis |
When he returned,
Para cuando vino sí que,
o-juhú | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | la | o-jepe’é | -vaRelativizer 'va' | hínaAssertive | la | óga | guý-pe. |
3Sg-find | -Asp | Def.Det | 3Sg-warm | -Rel | Cont | Def.Det | house | under-Loc |
he already found one that was warming up in the house.
ya encontró el que se calentaba en la casa.
Aguara | oi-kuaa-se | máva-pa | o-ú | -vaRelativizer 'va' | ra'eEmbedded, wh-complement, matrix subject oriented | la | hóga-pe | ojatapy. |
Fox | 3Sg-know-Des | who-Q | 3Sg-come | -Rel | Evid | Def.Det | | 3Sg-fire |
The fox wanted to know who is the one that was making a fire in his house.
El zorro quiso saber quién es el que vino a hacer el fuego en su casa
Oi-ké-re | voi 'Voi' Focalizer Particle | o-hechá | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | jaguareté-pe |
3Sg-enter-at | FOC | 3Sg-see | -Asp | tiger-DOM |
When entering already, he saw the tiger
Al entrar vio ya al tigre
ha | o-ñe-moĩ | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | oi-ko | vai | hikuái. |
Conj | 3Sg-Refl-put | -Asp | 3Sg-exist | bad | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
and they got into a fight [argument].
y ya se pusieron a pelear ellos.
"Che | la | o-mo-horkón | -va",Relativizer 'va' | "nahániri, | che | a-tapia", |
1Sg.Pron.Subj | Def.Det | | -Rel | no | 1Sg.Pron.Subj | 1Sg-plaster |
"I put the roof support", "No, I put on the plaster",
"Yo puse los horcones", "no, yo el revoque",
"che | katu | a-techa-pa", | upéi-cha | o-ĩ | hikuái. |
1Sg.Pron.Subj | Mod | 1Sg-roof-Compl | that-way | 3Sg-exist | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
and "I have in fact put on the roof", and they carried on so.
y "yo sí que puse el techo", y así estuvieron.
Ha | amo | i-pahá-pe | jaguarete | hatã-ve | o-rroka, |
Conj | there | 3.Poss-end-Loc | tiger | strong-more | 3Sg-roar |
And there at the end, the tiger roared louder,
Y allá al final el tigre más fuerte rugió,
ha | o-muña | aguará-pe | ha | o-pyta | ha’e | la | óga | pyahú-pe. |
Conj | 3Sg-run | fox-DOM | Conj | 3Sg-stay | 3.Pron | Def.Det | house | new-Loc |
and he ran after the fox and he stayed in the new house.
y le corrió al zorro y quedó él en la casa nueva.