Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Children's Narratives C33

Story- “Pini ha Kuri'i

Escuela Básica  Nº 528 “Delfín Chamorro” - Coronel Bogado- Itapúa.

Recording date:    08-10-2023

C33= Gender: male, Age: 6,8; First grade     B (Adult)  HM Language: Both Spanish and Guarani

B - Remombeta Prospective Aspect Kítape la ñande cuentito “Pini ha Kuri'i”.

Le vas a contar a Kita nuestro cuentito “Pini y Kuri'i”.

You will tell Kita our little story “Pini and Kuri'i”.

C33 - “Pini ha Kuri'i” ha'e mokõi kure'i oikóvaRelativizer iñakahatã pe Chákore'; upépe hakueterei la kuarahy, peteĩ dia okañy hikuái, ha tapére otopa túna ha opyta ho'u karia'y hikuái. Peichaháguinte ohendu hikuái la ruido, peteĩ mba'yru ou hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer ha okañy hikuái yvyramáta kupépe ovichea haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator hikuái upe guie. “Pini ha Kuri'i” ikyhyjeterei porque oimo'ã umi karai ou ojuka haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator chupekuéra.

Pini y Kuri'i eran dos cerditos que vivían haciendo travesuras por el Chaco; ahí hacia demasiado calo Un día se perdieron y por el camino encontraron tunas y se quedaron a comer con muchas ganas. De repente, escucharon un ruido, un vehículo estaba viniendo y se escondieron detrás de un árbol para poder espiar mejor desde allí. Pini y Kuri'i tenían demasiado miedo porque creían que esos señores venían para matarlos.

Pini and Kuri'i were two little pigs that lived doing mischievous things around the Chaco; there it was very hot. One day they got lost and along the way they found some cacti and they stayed there to eat avidly. Suddenly, they heard a noise, a vehicle coming and they hid behind a tree to spy better from there. Pini and Kuri'i were very scared because they thought that those men were coming to kill them.

Kuri'i he'i jahekána peteĩ póso ñakañy porãve haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator porque ñanderecháta Prospective Aspect hikuái angaite, he'i, ha he'i chupe Pini: no, ápente japyta, ekirirĩnte ha epytaite ha oryrýi hikuái, ikyhyjeterei.

Kuri'i dijo: busquemos un pozo para escondernos mejor porque nos van a ver enseguida, dijo; Pini le dijo: no, quedémonos nomás aquí, callate nomás y quedate quieto y temblaban, tenían miedo.

Kuri'i said: let's look for a well to hide better they will soon see us, he said, y Pini said to him: no, let us stay here, be silent and be still and they were trembling, they were very scared.

B - Ha upéi? Y luego?  And then?

C33 - Ha omaña jey hikuái ha ohecha umi karai mba'éichapa oity hikuái la yvyra kuéra, umi paharito ovevepa upégui, la inido kuéra ho'apa hupi'a entérore [heve]. IkyhyjetevéntemaAspect / Focalizer (Already) hikuái ha okañy jey. Upéi ohendu jey la ruido la omaña hikuái ha ohecha ohómaAspect / Focalizer (Already) katu la kamion guasu oguerehapaite la oĩ va'ekueRelative Distal, omaña hikuái ha ohecha perõ vera opyta la ijerére. Has hikuái, ombyasyeterei la umi karai ojapóvaRelativizer.

Y miraron de nuevo y vieron cómo esos señores derribaban los árboles, los pajaritos volaban todo de ahí, sus nidos caían con todos sus huevos. Más miedo todavía sentían y se volvieron a esconder. Después escucharon otra vez el ruido y miraron y vieron que ya se fue sique el camión grande y llevó todo lo que había, miraron y vieron que su alrededor quedó vacío. Lloraron, demasiado sintieron lo que hicieron esos señores.

And they looked again and they saw how those men were throwing down the trees, the little birds were flying away, their nests were falling down with all their eggs. They felt even more scared and they hid again. Then they heard again the noise and they looked and they saw that the big truck had already left and they took everything there was, they looked and saw what was around them was empty. They cried, they were very sorrowed by what the men had done.