Funded by NSF BCS-1917619
Story #1
(1) | |||||
O-mombe'u | chupe | hikuái | la | oi-ko | va'ekue:Relativizer/Distal |
3Pl-tell | 3Sg.Pron.IO | 3Pl.Pron.Subj | Def.Det | 3Sg-live | Rel.Distal |
They told him what had happened:
Le contaron los dos lo que pasó:
Story #6
(1) | |||||||||
Nimbo | ha'e | umi | i-hénte | o-ho | va'ekueRelativizer/Distal | la | karrera- | há-peLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' | -rãicha |
Part | 3Sg.Cop | Dem | 3.Poss-people | 3Sg-go | Rel.Distal | Def.Det | race- | Rel-Loc | -like |
It turned out that her people that had gone to the race,
Y había sido que ésta su gente que se habían ido a la carrera [como para la carrera]
Story #7
(1) | |||
o-u | va'ekueRelativizer/Distal | o-mo-potĩ-mba-ité | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' |
3Sg-come | Rel.Distal | 3SG-TR-clean-Compl-Superl | -Asp |
that already came to clean
que me vino a limpiar
Story #10
(1) | ||||
pe | o-gueraha | va'ekueRelativizer/Distal | ha'e | voi.Focalizer Particle 'voi' |
Dem | 3Sg-take | Rel.Distal | 3Sg.Cop | FOC |
the one he had taken [earlier].
el que había llevado luego él.
Story #12
(1) | |||||
a-nohẽ | va'ekueRelativizer/Distal | che | konpádre | Vito | ndí-ve. |
1Sg-take.out | Rel.Distal | 1Sg.Poss | friend | Vito | 2Sg-with |
that I found with my friend, Vito."
que había sacado con mi compadre, Vito."
(2) | ||||||||
mba’e-pa | o-japo | ra’eEmbedded, wh-complement of 'o-porandú', matrix subject oriented | ha’e | la | mba’e | o-guenohẽ | va'ekueRelativizer/Distal | hikuái-gui. |
thing-Q | 3Pl-do | Evid | 3.Pron | Def.Det | thing | 3Pl-take.out | Rel.Distal | 3Pl.Pron.Subj-Prep |
what they had done with the things they had dug out.
qué habían hecho de las cosas que habían sacado ellos.
(3) | |||||
pe | kosina | tihéra | punta-re | re-hupi | va'ekue.'Relativizer/Distal |
Dem | kitchen | beam | end-Obl | 2Sg-lift | Rel.Distal |
which you had lifted on the end of the beam.' [Vito’s wife quoted]
que habías alzado en lo alto de la cocina [en la punta de la tijera del techo]' [la esposa de Vito citada]
(4) | ||||||
Ha | upéa | la | kangue-kue | o-guenohẽ | va'ekue.'Relativizer/Distal | hikuái |
Conj | those | Def.Det | bone-former | 3Sg-take.out | Rel.Distal | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
And those were the [former] bones that he had dug out
Y esos [eran] los huesos [former bones] que habían sacado ellos
Story #13
(1) | |||
la | o-jehu | va'ekueRelativizer/Distal | Aguí-pe. |
Def.Det | 3Sg-happen | Rel.Distal | Agustin-DOM |
what had happened to Agustin.
lo que le pasó a Agustín.
Children's Narrative C9 - Adult
B - Ha máva ohechakuaa la oiko va'ekueRelativizer/Distal?
Y quién se dio cuenta lo que había pasado?
And who realized what had happened?
Children's Narrative C12 - Adult
B - Remombe'úta Prospective Aspect ñane amiguita Kítape la cuentito, remañáta Prospective Aspect ta'angáre ha remombe'úta Prospective Aspect chupe oiko va'ekueRelative Distal, ha'e okuaase pero ohenduse guaraníme.
Le vas a contar a nuestra amiguita Kita el cuentito, vas a mirar las imágenes y le vas a contar a ella lo que pasó, ella quiere saber, pero quiere escuchar en guaraní.
You're going to tell our friend Kita the story, you're going to look at the pictures and you're going to tell her what happened, she wants to know, but wants to listen in Guaraní.
Children's Narrative C14 - Child
Otopa peteĩ vichito'i ha ostira la ikũ ojagarra haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator la vichíto ha opo, nipo káva la ojagarra va'ekueRelativizer/Distal ra'eIndirect Evidential ha omboruru chupe la ikũ porque káva la oĩ va'ekueRelativizer/Distal, upé[v]a la ojagarra va'ekueRelativizer/Distal. Uperire, oĩ peteĩ kuña oprepara la ipicnic hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer ha omaña ñemi hese ju'i hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer upépe ha opo la ikanástape ha opo'ẽ javete la kuña o[gue]nohẽ haguã la ikosa kuéra oñandu oku'e ku'évaRelativizer ha uperire opo la ipóre la ju'i ha oñemondýi tuchaiterei kuñakarai ha karai avei ha ho'apa chugui ilénte ha icafé entero ha oñemuña ju'i ha opuka hesekuéra pe karai.
Encontró un bichito y estiró su lengua para agarrar el bichito y saltó, había sido era una avispa lo que había agarrado y se le hinchó la lengua porque lo que había era avispa, eso fue lo que había agarrado. Luego, estaba una señora que estaba preparando su picnic y ahí la rana le estaba espiando y saltó a su canasta y justo cuando metió la mano la mujer para sacar sus cosas sintió algo que se movía y se movía y después saltó por su mano y demasiado grande se asustó la señora y el señor también y se le cayó todo su lente y su café y fue perseguida la rana y ese señor se rio de ellos.
It found a bug and stretched out its tongue to grab the bug and jumped, it was a wasp that it caught and its tongue swelled because it was a wasp, that was what it had caught. Then, there was a woman that was preparing her picnic and the frog was watching her there and it jumped on her basket and right when the woman put her hand in to take our her things, she felt something moving and moving and then it jumped on her hand and the woman got really scared and the man too and he dropped all of his glasses and his coffee the frog was chased off and that man laughed at them.
Children's Narrative C16 - Child
C16 - Oĩ mokõi kure'i oiko va'ekueRelativizer/Distal [va'ekue] Chákope. Peteĩ día okañy hikuái tapére ha opyta ho'u túna, ohendu hikuái la ruido ha okañy pálo mata kupépe ani haguã karai ogueraha chupekuéra. Upéi [k]atu okañy porãve omaña haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator umi karai oú[v]aRelativizerre ha okyhyjete[re]ive hikuái.
Había dos cerditos que vivían en el Chaco. Un día se perdieron por el camino y se quedaron a comer tuna, escucharon un ruido y se escondieron detrás de la rama de un árbol para que no les lleve el señor. Después sique se escondieron mejor para mirarle a esos señores que venían y tenían más miedo aún.
There were two little piglets that lived in Gran Chaco. One day they got lost on the way and they stayed to eat cactus, they heard a noise and they hid behind a tree branch so the man wouldn't take them away. Then they hid better to watch the men that were coming and they [the piglets] were even more scared.
Children's Narrative C20 - Child
B - [Child's name] emombe'u Kítape la ñane cuentito, mba'e la oiko va'ekueRelativizer/Distal ra'e.
Contale a Kita nuestro cuentito, qué fue lo que había pasado.
Tell Kita our story, what it is that had happened.
Children's Narrative C27 - Child
C27 - Heẽ, jagua ha tortúga la ohechá va'ekueRelativizer/Distal ha ju'i omaña hesekuéra ha cháu ojapo chupekuéra.
Si, los que vieron fueron el perro y la tortuga y la rana les miraba y les hacía chau.
Yes, the ones that saw were the dog and the turtle and the frog watched them and said bye to them.
Children's Narrative C33 - Child
C33 - Ha omaña jey hikuái ha ohecha umi karai mba'éichapa oity hikuái la yvyra kuéra, umi paharito ovevepa upégui, la inido kuéra ho'apa hupi'a entérore [heve]. IkyhyjetevéntemaAspect / Focalizer (Already) hikuái ha okañy jey. Upéi ohendu jey la ruido la omaña hikuái ha ohecha ohómaAspect / Focalizer (Already) katu la kamion guasu oguerehapaite la oĩ va'ekueRelative Distal, omaña hikuái ha ohecha perõ vera opyta la ijerére. Hasẽ hikuái, ombyasyeterei la umi karai ojapóvaRelativizer.
Y miraron de nuevo y vieron cómo esos señores derribaban los árboles, los pajaritos volaban todo de ahí, sus nidos caían con todos sus huevos. Más miedo todavía sentían y se volvieron a esconder. Después escucharon otra vez el ruido y miraron y vieron que ya se fue sique el camión grande y llevó todo lo que había, miraron y vieron que su alrededor quedó vacío. Lloraron, demasiado sintieron lo que hicieron esos señores.
And they looked again and they saw how those men were throwing down the trees, the little birds were flying away, their nests were falling down with all their eggs. They felt even more scared and they hid again. Then they heard again the noise and they looked and they saw that the big truck had already left and they took everything there was, they looked and saw what was around them was empty. They cried, they were very sorrowed by what the men had done.
Children's Narrative C36 - Child
C36 - Ha upéi la karai ohachea ha ohachea hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer la yvyra kuéra, upémarõ Pini ha Kuri’i oñeno hikuái ha ikyhyjeterei lo dovéa. Ovichea la karaíre ha ohecha mba’éichapa oity la yvyra máta tuicha tuichavéva, hova pochyeterei la karai ha oity-pa la paharíto raity oĩvaRelativizer yvyra mátape. Uperire oho la karai, oguerahapaite la yvyra kuéra oity [v]a'ekueRelative Distal, omopu’ã polvareda ohóvo ikamión-pe.
Y después el señor hacheaba y hacheaba los árboles, entonces Pini y Kuri’i se acostaron y ambos tenían demasiado miedo. Espiaban al señor y veían cómo derribaba los árboles más grandes, tenía cara de enojado y hasta el nido del pajarito que estaba en las ramas echó. Luego el señor se fue, llevó todos los árboles que echó, iba levantando polvareda con su camión.
And then the man was chopping down the trees on and on, so Pini and Kuri'i laid down and both were so afraid. They were spying on the man and saw how they were knocking down the bigger trees. He had an angry face, and he even threw down the bird's nest that was on the branches. Then the man left, he took with him all the trees that he threw down, he went off spewing up dust with his truck.
Children's Narrative C41 - Adult
B - Ha máva ohecha ra'eIndirect Evidential oikó va'ekueRelative Distal?
Y quién vio lo que había pasado? / And who saw what had happened?
Teacher Narrative 1 - Teacher
Oikohárupi upéipi [upérupi], ohechakuaa peteĩ karai oĩha hembirekóndi[ve] hína. Okarúta Prospective Aspect javete hikuái, ju'i ojepoi kanástape ohechakuaa haguã mba'épa oĩ ipype. Kuñakarai ojepovyvývo oheka haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator hembi'u, oñandu oĩva upépe peteĩ mba'e. O[gue]nohẽrõ la ipo kuñakarai, osẽ ijyváre ju'i; tuchaiterei oñemondýi kuñakarai. Oiko sarambi, kuñakarai ojapi ikanásto, karai ho'a, tuchaiterei oñemondýi. Upéi oho jey ñúre ju'i ha ohechakuaa peteĩ kuñakarai oguapyha hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer imemby ndive, mita'ĩ ohuga hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer peteĩ varkito'íre, opoi ýpe ha pe ju'i ojepoi varkíto ári. Ho'a pe varkíto ariete voi ha ohómaAspect / Focalizer (Already) katu y ruguápe ju'i. Mitã hasẽ ha ohenói isýpe, omombe'u chupe mba'épa la oikó va'ekueRelative Distal, ha ju'i omaña hesekuéra hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer y rugua guive.
Andando por ahí, se percató de que un señor estaba con su esposa. Cuando estaban por comer la rana se tiró a la canasta para darse cuenta de lo que había dentro. Al meter la mano para buscar la comida, sintió que ahí había algo. Cuando la señora sacó la mano, salió la rana por su brazo; demasiado grande se asustó la señora. Hubo un alboroto, la señora tiró su canasta, el señor se cayó, se asustó muy grande. Luego la rana fue de nuevo por el campo se percató de que una señora estaba sentada con su hijo. El niño estaba jugando con un barquito, [lo] largó al agua y esa rana se lanzó sobre el barquito. Se cayó bien encima del barquito y ya se fue sique al fondo del agua la rana. El niño lloró y le llamó a su madre, le contó lo que había pasado y la rana les miraba desde el fondo del agua.
Walking around there, it [the frog] noticed that a man was with his wife. When they were about to eat, the frog jumped into the basket to see what was inside. Putting her hand in to look for food, the woman felt that there was something there. When the women removed her hand, the frog came out on her arm; the woman got very frightened. There was a commotion, the woman threw the basket, the man fell over, he was very scared. Then the frog went off again around the countryside and saw a woman that was sitting with her son. The boy was playing with a toy boat, he threw [it] in the water and the frog jumped on the boat. It fell on top of the boat and the frog went to the bottom of the water. The boy cried and called his mom, he told her what had happened and the frog watched them from the bottom of the water.
Children's Narratives C4A - Child
C4A - ñakurutũ oitý-ma chupe..., moõ oĩ hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer oity' akueRelative Distal chupe? [el niño hojea el libro y busca]
El búho le echó ya a él..., dónde era que le echó a él?
The owl dropped him..., where was the thing that threw him [off]? (the boy leafs through the book and searches)