Funded by NSF BCS-1917619
Story #12
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Oi-ko | va'ekuéDistal Perfect Aspect | -ngo | karai | Leokádio, | pláta | yvy-guy | reka | -haNominalizer 'ha' | tuja. |
3Sg-exist | Asp.Distal | -FOC | Mr. | Leokadio | money | ground-under | search | -Nom | old |
There was an old treasure hunter, called Mr. Leokadio.
Existía un viejo buscador de tesoro, el señor llamado Leokádio.
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——Ja-’e | va'ekueDistal Perfect Aspect | ningo | la | che | róga | a-vendé | -taProspective Aspect | ha’óra, |
——1Pl-say | Asp.Distal | FOC | Def.Det | 1Sg.Poss | house | 1Sg-sell | -Prosp | time |
"We said long ago that when the time comes to sell my house,
"Dijimos hace tiempo, que a la hora de vender mi casa,
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——Hẽe, | upéicha | va'ekue.Distal Perfect Aspect |
——Yes | that.way | Asp.Distal |
"Yes, it was that way then."
"Sí, así fué."
Story #13
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Heta | voíngoFocalizer Particle 'voi' | che | chekyvy | va'ekue.Distal Perfect Aspect |
Many | FOC | 1Sg.Pron | brothers | Asp.Distal |
I had many brothers.
Yo tenía luego muchos hermanos.
Story #13
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——O-mano | va'ekueDistal Perfect Aspect | ja-hejá | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | va’erã | topytu’u. |
——3Sg-die | Asp.Distal | 1Pl-leave | -Asp | Mod | rest |
"He died and we must let him rest.
"Murió y debemos dejarlo ya descansar.
Children's Narrative C17 - Child
C17 - Pini ha Kuri'i ha'e mokõi kure'i oikóva Chákope; ha'ekuéra iñakãhatã. Peteĩ díape okañy hikuái ha ohecha tapére túna ha ho'u hikuái . Upéi hikuái ohendu la ruido, la kamion, ha okañy pálo kupépe omaña haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator ha upéi hikuái opyta ikyhyje la palo kupépe ohendu la okororõvaRelativizer ha ohecha hikuái la karai kuéra mba'éichapa oity la pálo ha ombyasy hikuái la oityhaSubordinator chuguikuéra la ipálo. Ha upépe he'i Pini Kuri'ípe: ñakañy pósope ha okañy ohendu porãve haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator hikuái. Upépe oryrýi okyhyjégui, ha'ekuéra oimo'ã umi oúvaRelativizer ojukáta Prospective Aspect-haSubordinator chupekuéra. Upéi osẽ la pósogui ha otopa palo ho'amaAspect / Focalizer (Already) va'ekueDistal Perfect Aspect mante. La karai ohachea la palo ha la paharíto ombyasy la haity ha la karai oikytĩnte hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer la palo ogueraha haguã.Irrealis 'ha' Subordinator Upéi katu oguerahámaAspect / Focalizer (Already) kamión-pe la palo kuéra. Uperire oñomongeta hikuái Pini ha Kuri'i ha hasẽ, ombyasy la ojeguerahapa hagueTerminative Subordinator la palo kuéra, omaña hikuái mbai'éichapa la kamión oho mombyry ha opyta polvareda mante
Pini y Kuri'i son dos cerditos que vivían en el Chaco, ellos eran traviesos. Un día se perdieron y vieron tunas en el camino y se las comieron. Después ellos escucharon un ruido, el camión, y se escondieron detrás del árbol para mirar y luego ellos quedaron temerosos detrás del árbol, escuchaban que algo roncaba y vieron cómo los señores echaban los árboles y sentían pena porque se les echaban los árboles. Y ahí Pini le dijo a Kuri'i: escondámonos en el pozo y se escondieron para poder escuchar mejor. Ahí temblaban de miedo, ellos creían que esos que venían les iban a matar. Después salieron del pozo y solo encontraron árboles que se habían caído. El señor hacheaba los árboles y el pajarito lamentaba su nido y el señor seguía cortando el árbol para llevar. Luego ya llevó sique al camión los árboles. Luego Pini y Kuri'i conversaban y lloraban, lamentaban que se les había llevado los árboles, miraban cómo el camión iba lejos y solo quedaba la polvareda.
Pini and Kuri'i are two piglets that lived in Gran Chaco, they were mischievous. One day they got lost and saw cacti on the way and they ate them. Then they heard a noise, the truck, and they hid behind the tree to watch and then they were trembling behind the tree, they listened as something roared and they saw the men cutting down the trees and they felt sadness because the trees were being cut down. And at that point Pini told Kuri'i: let's hide in the well and they hid to be able to listen better. They were shaking there because they were scared, they thought that they were going to kill them. Then they left the well and only found trees that had fallen. The man chopped down the trees and the little bird cried in its nest and the man kept cutting down the tree to take away. Then he carried the trees to the truck. Then Pini and Kuri'i talked and cried, they were sad that the trees had been taken away, they watched as the truck went away and only a cloud of dust was left.
Children's Narrative C36 - Child
C36 - Pini ha Kuri’i oiko va'ekueDistal Perfect Aspect Chákope ha upépe hakueterei la kuarahy pe tatáicha, oiko oguata hikuái ha uperire okañy la tapére ha peichaháguinte otopa túna máta ha opyta ho’u hikuái. Upe jave, ohendu peteĩ mba’yru ryapu ha pya’e okañy Pini ha Kuri’i la yvyra kupépe ovichea haguã, ohecha la kamion guasú oú[v]a ha osegui omaña ñemi hikuái oikuaa haguã mávapa la oú[v]a pe kamion-pe. Ohecha hikuái la karai oguejy ha oñepyrũ ohachea la yvyramáta oĩva gui[v]e ha ikyhyjetei hikuái. Oryrýi oñondive okañy-hápe. Epytáke ko’ápe, jaheka peteĩ kua ikatu haguã-icha ñakañy porãve he’i Pini Kuri’ípe ha he’i chupe pe otro: no, chekyhyjete[re]i che, ápentena japy-ta ha ñamaña ñemi hese.
Pini y Kuri’i vivían en el Chaco y allí hace demasiado calor, el sol es como el fuego, andaban caminando y después se perdieron por el camino, de repente encontraron plantas de tuna y se quedaron a comer. En ese momento, escucharon el ruido de un vehículo y rápidamente Pini y Kuri’i se escondieron detrás de un árbol para espiar, vieron venir al camión grande y siguieron espiando para saber quién venía en el camión. Vieron bajar a un señor que empezó a hachear todos los árboles que había y ellos tuvieron demasiado miedo. Temblaban juntos en su escondite. "Quedate aquí, busquemos un hoyo para poder escondernos mejor," le dijo Pini a Kuri’i y éste le respondió: "no, yo tengo demasiado miedo, quedémonos aquí nomás y sigamos espiándole."
Pini and Kuri’i lived in El Chaco and there it was very hot, the sun was like fire. They were walking and then they got lost along the way. All of a sudden they found prickly pears and they stayed to eat. At that moment, they heard the noise of a vehicle and Pini and Kuri'i quickly hid behind a tree to spy [to see without being seen], and they saw a big truck coming and they continued looking to see who was coming in the truck. They saw a man come down and knock down with all the trees with an ax and they were very frightened. They were trembling together in their hideout. "Stay here, let's find a hole to hide better," said Pini to Kuri'i. And he responded: "no, I am very afraid, let's stay and we can keep spying on them."