Funded by NSF BCS-1917619 (2019-2024)
Funded by USC Emeritus Center 2024-2025
Story “Pini ha Kuri'i” Recording date: 08-10-2023
First Grade Teacher. Escuela Básica Nº 528 “Delfín Chamorro ”- Coronel Bogado- Itapúa.
B - Blanca
B - Mbo'ehára, emombe'umi Kítape “Pini ha Kuri'i”.
Profesora, contale un poco a Kita “Pini y Kuri'i”.
Teacher, please tell Kita “Pini and Kuri'i”.
D - Ape ojekuaa mokõi kure'i, oĩ hikuái ka'aguýpe, oĩháme heta yvyra. Pini ha Kuri'i oiko hikuái Chákope, upépe ndaje hakueterei ha peteĩ ára oikokuévo hikuái upérupi okañy ha oguahẽ oĩháme túna ha opyta ho'u hikuái. Peteĩ tortúga omaña hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer hesekuéra. Uperire oñepyrũ okyhyje hikuái porque ohendu kamion ryapu, hyapu hatã ha oñemo'ag̃ui ha'ekuéra oĩháme. Ndoikuáai mávapa la oúva ni mba'épa ojapose umi oúva.
Acá se ve dos cerditos, estaban en el bosque, donde había muchos árboles. Pini y Kuri'i vivían en el Chaco, dice que ahí hace demasiado calor y, un día andando por ahí, se perdieron y llegaron donde había tunas y quedaron a comerla. Una tortuga les estaba mirando. Luego comenzaron a tener miedo porque escucharon el ruido de un camión, hacía un fuerte ruido y se acercaba donde ellos estaban. No sabían quién venía ni que querían hacer esos que venían.
Here you can see two little pigs, they were in the forest, where there were a lot of many trees. Pini and Kuri'i lived in the Chaco, where it is said it is very hot and, one day roaming around, they got lost and arrived where there were cactuses and they stayed there to eat. A turtle was looking at them. Then they began to get scared because they heard the noise of a truck, it was very loud and it was getting closer to them. They did not know who was coming nor what those that were coming wanted.
Pini ha Kuri'i ikyhyjeterei, okañy peteĩ yvyra kupépe ha oñemongeta mbeguekatu hikuái ani haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator umi karai ohecha terã ohendu chupekuéra. Upe oĩha guive ohecha hikuái mokõi karai oikytĩ háchape la yvyra ha ko'ýte ikyhyje hikuái, oryrýi opopo pe yvyra máta kupépe. Mba'e jajapómo'ã Negative Prospective Aspect he'i Pini, ha ombohovái chupe Kuri'i: jahekána peteĩ póso ñakañy porãve haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator. Japytánte ko'ápe he'i Pini, nañanderechamo'ã Negative Prospective Aspect-i, ekirirĩnte, ekirirĩetéke he'i iñirũme. Kuri'i he'i chupe: che ni ndarespira hatãmo'ã Negative Prospective Aspect-i voi ha ojamive iñirũre ha mokõivéva okyhyjetereive umi oitývagui yvyra máta kuéra.
Pini y Kuri'i tenían demasiado miedo, se escondieron detrás de un árbol y conversaban despacito para que esos señores no les vean ni les escuchen. Desde el lugar donde estaban, vieron a dos señores que cortaban con hacha el árbol y más todavía tenían miedo, temblaban detrás del árbol. ¿Qué vamos a hacer? dijo Pini, y Kuri'i le respondió: vamos a buscar un pozo para escondernos mejor. Quedémonos nomás aquí le dijo Pini, no nos van a ver, callate, callate que, le dijo a su compañero. Kuri'i le respondió: yo ni siquiera voy a respirar fuerte y se acercó más a su amigo y los dos tenían más miedo aún de los que estaban echando los árboles.
Pini and Kuri'i were very scared, they hid behind a tree and they were talking softly so that those men would not see them nor hear them. From where they were, they saw two men that was cutting the tree with a sledge and they were even more scared, they were trembling behind the tree. What are we going to do? said Pini and Kuri'i replied to him: we will find a well to hide ourselves better. Let's stay here, said to him Pini, they will not see us, shut up, shut up, he said to his friend. Kuri'i replied to his friend: I will not even breathe loud and he got closer to his friend and both were even more scared of those who were throwing down the trees.
Ñamañánte, ani ñañe'ẽ, he'i Pini, ha omañávo hikuái ohecha oitypaitémaAspect / Focalizer (Already) katu la yvyra kuéra, paharíto raity entero ho'apa yvýpe, ko'ýte itriste hikuái. Mba'ére piko ko'ãva karai péicha ojapo ñanderehe? Ñanderejáta Prospective Aspect óga ỹre he'i hikuái. Peichaháguinte ohecha ohómaAspect / Focalizer (Already) katu la kamion oguerahapaitéva la yvyra máta kuéra, polvareda mante opyta chupekuéra ha hesay hováre ombyasyeterei hikuái pe oikóva hesekuéra.
Vamos a mirar nomás, no hablemos, dijo Pini, y al mirar vieron que ya echaron todo sique los árboles, hasta el nido de los pajaritos cayó al suelo, con más razón se entristecieron. ¿Por qué estos señores nos hacen esto? Nos van a dejar sin casa. De repente vieron que ya se fue el camión que llevaba todos los árboles, sólo les quedaba la polvareda y con lágrimas por el rostro sintieron una gran pena por lo que les pasó.
We will just watch, let's not talk, said Pini, and when they saw that they had already thrown down all trees, even the birds' nest fell to the round, they got sadder. Why are these men doing this to us? They will leave us with no house. All of a sudden, they saw that the truck had already left that was taking all the tree, they only had the dust left and with tears in their face they had felt a great sorrow due to what had happened to them.