USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

Covert Direct Object Pronoun

Mombe'u Stories

Story #1

——ha'ú-pa Covert Direct Object Pronoun térã a-hejá-nte o-ho ∅?Covert Direct Object Pronoun
—— 3.Pron.DO or 1Sg-let-just 3Sg-go 3.Pron.DO

I eat him up or do I just let him go?"

le como o le dejo ir?"

——He'u Covert Direct Object Pronoun katu ——he'i
——3Sg-eat 3.Pron.DO FOC ——3Sg-say

"Eat him," he said,

"Comele sique," le dijo,

——ko'ãva nd-oi-kuaa-sé-i ñande-hegui mba'eve, na-i-korasõi-ri.
——these [men] Neg-3Sg-know-Des-Neg 1Pl.Incl-Pl.Obl nothing Neg-3.Poss-heart-Neg

"these men do not want to know anything about us, they do not have a heart."

estos hombres no quieren saber nada de nosotros, no tienen corazón.

——He'u katu Covert Direct Object Pronoun ——he'i mbói-pe.
——3Sg-eat Emph 3.Pron.DO ——3Sg-say snake-IO

"Eat him," he said to the snake.

"Comele sique," le dijo a la víbora.

'he'u-ke ∅'Covert Direct Object Pronoun térã 'anike re'u ∅.'Covert Direct Object Pronoun
'eat-Imp 3.Pron.DO' or.Prep 'Neg.Imp-eat 3.Pron.DO.'

"'eat him' or 'do not eat him."

"'comele' o 'no le comas.'"

——E-ñe-moĩ-mi jey Covert Direct Object Pronoun pe rei-me hagué-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha'
——Imp-Refl-put-Dim again 2Sg.Pron.DO Dem 2Sg-be.Loc Sub.TermAsp-Loc

"Please put yourself again at the place where you were,

"Ponete otra vez en el lugar donde estabas,

Story #5

——A-ha'arõ-ta Covert Direct Object Pronoun o-ñe-mboja-pa hikuái,
——1Sg-wait-Prosp 3.Pron.DO 3Pl-Refl-get.close-Compl 3Pl.Pron.Subj

"I will wait for them all to get closer"

"Voy a esperar que se acerquen todos,"

——Pe-mboguejy Covert Direct Object Pronoun ko ñu perõ-me, ja-pytu'u-mi ko ahẽ rymbá-gui.
——Imp.2Pl-get.down 3.Pron.DO Dem field bare-Loc 1Pl-rest-Dim Dem miserable animal-Prep

"Put him down in this bare field, let's take rest of this miserable animal."

"Bájanle en este campo pelado, descansemos de este mísero animal."

Story #10

ha o-gueru Covert Direct Object Pronoun la hóga-pe.
Conj 3Sg-bring 3.Pron.DO Def.Det

and brought [them] to his house.

y [los] trajo a su casa.

Story #11

——E-[gue]ru pe ne kuã ha e-moi-nge Covert Direct Object Pronoun pe che jurú-pe.
——Imp-bring Dem 2Sg.Poss finger Conj Imp-put-FOC 3.Pron.DO Dem 1Sg.Poss mouth-Loc

"Bring your finger and put it in my mouth."

"Trae tu dedo y lo mete en mi boca."

——E-mbou katu ∅;Covert Direct Object Pronoun anive re-kyhyje.
——Imp-pass FOC 3.Pron.DO Neg 2Sg-be.afraid

"Pass it to me; don’t be afraid.

"Pasámelo si que; no tengas miedo.

o-guenohẽ-vo ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ∅,Covert Direct Object Pronoun o-sẽ peteĩ kuãirũ la i-kuã-re.
3Sg-take.out-Conj.Simult Report.Evid 3.Pron.DO 3Sg-come.out one ring Def.Det 3.Poss-finger-Obl

when removing it, it is said that a ring came out on his finger.

al sacarlo, dice que salió un anillo por su dedo.

Story #12

——A-mombo-pa Covert Direct Object Pronoun [pórke] che rembirekó-pe ndo-gustái-gui [ndoipotái-gui] Covert Direct Object Pronoun
——1Sg-throw.out-Compl 3.Pron.DO [because] 1Sg.Poss wife-IO 2Sg-like-Prep 3.Pron.DO

"I threw it all out because my wife did not like it:

"Tiré todo porque a mi esposa no le gustó:

Ha ha’e ningo o-gueru Covert Direct Object Pronoun kuriRetrospective Aspect 'kuri' o-jokua Covert Direct Object Pronoun trápo-pe
Conj 3.Pron FOC 3Sg-bring 3.Pron.DO Retrosp.Asp 3Sg-tie 3.Pron.DO cloth-Loc

And he brought [it = what they had dug out] [and] he [it to] tied a piece of cloth

Y el trajo [lo desenterrado] [y] [lo] ató en un trapo

karai Vito o-mombo Covert Direct Object Pronoun peteĩ akuare’ẽ-ndý-pe.
Mr. Vito 3Sg-throw.out 3.Pron.DO one reedbed-in-Loc

Mr. Vito threw [them] out in a reedbed.

el señor Victor [los] tiró en un cañaveral.

N-o-mombó-i Covert Direct Object Pronoun sementério-pe pórke o-dekonfía hese
Neg-3Sg-throw.out-Neg 3.Pron.DO cemetery-Loc because 3.Pron.Obl

He did not throw [them] in the cemetery because he suspected

No [los] tiró en el cementerio porque desconfía de él

ndéve a-ofrese Covert Direct Object Pronoun raẽ va’erã -haSubordinate 'ha'
2Sg.Pron.IO 1Sg-offer 3.Pron.DO first Mod -Sub

I should offer [it] to you first."

a vos te [la] tenía que ofrecer primero."

O-guereko Covert Direct Object Pronoun ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' are hóga-pe,
3Sg-have 3.Pron.DO Report.Evid long.time

It is said that he had [them = the bones] a long time in his house,

Se dice que [los] tuvo mucho tiempo en su casa [los huesos],

Are o-heka Covert Direct Object Pronoun ha upéi o-je-deha.
long.time 3Sg-search 3.Pron.DO Conj then 3Sg-Refl-leave

He looked for [it] for a long time and then he stopped looking.

Mucho tiempo [lo] buscó y después dejó [de buscar].

Ha pe o-perde-pa pota-ite jave, o-ñe-mono’õ Covert Direct Object Pronoun jey.
Conj Dem 3Sg-lose-Compl about-Superl at.moment 3Sg-Refl-gather 3.Pron.DO again

And when he was about to lose, he gathered [them = the cards] again.

Y como cuando ya estaba por [a punto de] perder todo, [las] juntó otra vez.

O-guahẽ ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la óga-pe, ha o-mombó-vo Covert Direct Object Pronoun la kosina ekína-pe,
3Sg-arrive Report.Evid Def.Det house-Loc Conj 3Sg-throw-Conj.Simult 3.Pron.DO Def.Det kitchen corner-Loc

He arrived, it is said, at the house, and he threw [it = the bone] in a corner of the kitchen;

Llegó, se dice que, a la casa, y al tirar[lo = el hueso] en una esquina de la cocina;

ha o-porandu chupe moõ-pa o-juhu ∅:Covert Direct Object Pronoun
Conj 3Sg-ask 3.Pron.IO where-Q 3Sg-find 3.Pron.DO

and asked him where he had found [it = the horse’s bone].

y le preguntó dónde [lo] había encontrado [= el hueso].

Story #13

Ha o-gueru la o-guerú -vaRelativizer 'va' o-moinge Covert Direct Object Pronoun hikuái
Conj 3Pl-bring Def.Det 3Pl-bring -Rel 3.Pron.DO 3Pl.Pron.Pron

And they brought what they had, they put (it) in

Y traían lo que tenían, (lo) metieron

ha o-mboguejy Covert Direct Object Pronoun peteĩ vánko puku ári.
Conj 3Pl-put.down 3.Pron.DO one bench long on

and lowered (it) onto a long bench.

y (lo) bajaron sobre un banco largo.

——Pe-rú-iko ∅!Covert Direct Object Pronoun ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' chupe-kuéra mama.
——2Pl-bring-Imp 3.Pron.DO ——3Sg.say Report.Evid 3.Pron.IO-Pl mother

"You brought (it)," it is said that mother said.

"(Lo) trajeron!" les dijo mamá, dicen que.

——Ro-gueru ∅,Covert Direct Object Pronoun apéna ite ore-pu’aka hese! ——he’i chupe hikuái.
——1Pl.Excl-bring 3.Pron.DO as.soon Superl 1Pl.Excl.Poss-strength 3.Pron.Obl ——3Pl.say 3.Pron.IO 3Pl.Pron.Subj

"We brought (him), as soon as we had strength for him," they said (to her).

"¡(Lo) trajimos, apenas tuvimos fuerza por él!" les dijeron ellos.

Story #14

I-túva ha i-sy o-mondé-va hese, ha’e o-mboi-pa Covert Direct Object Pronoun jey.
3-father Conj 3-mother 3Pl-put-Hab 3.Pron.Obl 3.Pron 3Sg-remove-Compl 3.Pron.DO again

Whatever his dad and mom put on him, he would take it off again.

Su papá y su mamá lo que le ponían se quitaba todo otra vez él.

Story #15

——O-mano va'ekueDistal Perfect Aspect ja-hejá -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' va’erã Covert Direct Object Pronoun topytu’u.
——3Sg-die Asp.Distal 1Pl-leave -Asp Mod 3.Pron.DO rest

"He died and we must let (him) rest.

"Murió y debemos dejar(lo) ya descansar.