Funded by NSF BCS-1917619
Story #1
(1) | |||||
——ha'ú-pa | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | térã | a-hejá-nte | o-ho | ∅?Covert Direct Object Pronoun |
—— | 3.Pron.DO | or | 1Sg-let-just | 3Sg-go | 3.Pron.DO |
I eat him up or do I just let him go?"
le como o le dejo ir?"
(3) | |||
——He'u | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | katu | ——he'i |
——3Sg-eat | 3.Pron.DO | FOC | ——3Sg-say |
"Eat him," he said,
"Comele sique," le dijo,
——ko'ãva | nd-oi-kuaa-sé-i | ñande-hegui | mba'eve, | na-i-korasõi-ri. |
——these [men] | Neg-3Sg-know-Des-Neg | 1Pl.Incl-Pl.Obl | nothing | Neg-3.Poss-heart-Neg |
"these men do not want to know anything about us, they do not have a heart."
estos hombres no quieren saber nada de nosotros, no tienen corazón.
(4) | ||||
——He'u | katu | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | ——he'i | mbói-pe. |
——3Sg-eat | Emph | 3.Pron.DO | ——3Sg-say | snake-IO |
"Eat him," he said to the snake.
"Comele sique," le dijo a la víbora.
(5)(6) | ||||
'he'u-ke | ∅'Covert Direct Object Pronoun | térã | 'anike re'u | ∅.'Covert Direct Object Pronoun |
'eat-Imp | 3.Pron.DO' | or.Prep | 'Neg.Imp-eat | 3.Pron.DO.' |
"'eat him' or 'do not eat him."
"'comele' o 'no le comas.'"
(7) | |||||
——E-ñe-moĩ-mi | jey | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | pe | rei-me | hagué-pe,Locational Relative Pronoun 'ha' |
——Imp-Refl-put-Dim | again | 2Sg.Pron.DO | Dem | 2Sg-be.Loc | Sub.TermAsp-Loc |
"Please put yourself again at the place where you were,
"Ponete otra vez en el lugar donde estabas,
Story #5
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——A-ha'arõ-ta | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | o-ñe-mboja-pa | hikuái, |
——1Sg-wait-Prosp | 3.Pron.DO | 3Pl-Refl-get.close-Compl | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
"I will wait for them all to get closer"
"Voy a esperar que se acerquen todos,"
(2) | ||||||||
——Pe-mboguejy | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | ko | ñu | perõ-me, | ja-pytu'u-mi | ko | ahẽ | rymbá-gui. |
——Imp.2Pl-get.down | 3.Pron.DO | Dem | field | bare-Loc | 1Pl-rest-Dim | Dem | miserable | animal-Prep |
"Put him down in this bare field, let's take rest of this miserable animal."
"Bájanle en este campo pelado, descansemos de este mísero animal."
Story #10
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ha | o-gueru | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | la | hóga-pe. |
Conj | 3Sg-bring | 3.Pron.DO | Def.Det | |
and brought [them] to his house.
y [los] trajo a su casa.
Story #11
(1) | |||||||||
——E-[gue]ru | pe | ne | kuã | ha | e-moi-nge | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | pe | che | jurú-pe. |
——Imp-bring | Dem | 2Sg.Poss | finger | Conj | Imp-put-FOC | 3.Pron.DO | Dem | 1Sg.Poss | mouth-Loc |
"Bring your finger and put it in my mouth."
"Trae tu dedo y lo mete en mi boca."
(2) | ||||
——E-mbou | katu | ∅;Covert Direct Object Pronoun | anive | re-kyhyje. |
——Imp-pass | FOC | 3.Pron.DO | Neg | 2Sg-be.afraid |
"Pass it to me; don’t be afraid.
"Pasámelo si que; no tengas miedo.
(3) | |||||||
o-guenohẽ-vo | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | ∅,Covert Direct Object Pronoun | o-sẽ | peteĩ | kuãirũ | la | i-kuã-re. |
3Sg-take.out-Conj.Simult | Report.Evid | 3.Pron.DO | 3Sg-come.out | one | ring | Def.Det | 3.Poss-finger-Obl |
when removing it, it is said that a ring came out on his finger.
al sacarlo, dice que salió un anillo por su dedo.
Story #12
(1)(2) | ||||||
——A-mombo-pa | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | [pórke] | che | rembirekó-pe | ndo-gustái-gui [ndoipotái-gui] | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun |
——1Sg-throw.out-Compl | 3.Pron.DO | [because] | 1Sg.Poss | wife-IO | 2Sg-like-Prep | 3.Pron.DO |
"I threw it all out because my wife did not like it:
"Tiré todo porque a mi esposa no le gustó:
(3)(4) | ||||||||
Ha | ha’e | ningo | o-gueru | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | kuriRetrospective Aspect 'kuri' | o-jokua | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | trápo-pe |
Conj | 3.Pron | FOC | 3Sg-bring | 3.Pron.DO | Retrosp.Asp | 3Sg-tie | 3.Pron.DO | cloth-Loc |
And he brought [it = what they had dug out] [and] he [it to] tied a piece of cloth
Y el trajo [lo desenterrado] [y] [lo] ató en un trapo
(5) | |||||
karai | Vito | o-mombo | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | peteĩ | akuare’ẽ-ndý-pe. |
Mr. | Vito | 3Sg-throw.out | 3.Pron.DO | one | reedbed-in-Loc |
Mr. Vito threw [them] out in a reedbed.
el señor Victor [los] tiró en un cañaveral.
(6) | |||||
N-o-mombó-i | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | sementério-pe | pórke | o-dekonfía | hese |
Neg-3Sg-throw.out-Neg | 3.Pron.DO | cemetery-Loc | because | | 3.Pron.Obl |
He did not throw [them] in the cemetery because he suspected
No [los] tiró en el cementerio porque desconfía de él
(7) | |||||
ndéve | a-ofrese | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | raẽ | va’erã | -haSubordinate 'ha' |
2Sg.Pron.IO | 1Sg-offer | 3.Pron.DO | first | Mod | -Sub |
I should offer [it] to you first."
a vos te [la] tenía que ofrecer primero."
(8) | ||||
O-guereko | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | are | hóga-pe, |
3Sg-have | 3.Pron.DO | Report.Evid | long.time | |
It is said that he had [them = the bones] a long time in his house,
Se dice que [los] tuvo mucho tiempo en su casa [los huesos],
(9) | |||||
Are | o-heka | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | ha | upéi | o-je-deha. |
long.time | 3Sg-search | 3.Pron.DO | Conj | then | 3Sg-Refl-leave |
He looked for [it] for a long time and then he stopped looking.
Mucho tiempo [lo] buscó y después dejó [de buscar].
(10) | |||||||
Ha | pe | o-perde-pa | pota-ite | jave, | o-ñe-mono’õ | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | jey. |
Conj | Dem | 3Sg-lose-Compl | about-Superl | at.moment | 3Sg-Refl-gather | 3.Pron.DO | again |
And when he was about to lose, he gathered [them = the cards] again.
Y como cuando ya estaba por [a punto de] perder todo, [las] juntó otra vez.
(11) | |||||||||
O-guahẽ | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | la | óga-pe, | ha | o-mombó-vo | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | la | kosina | ekína-pe, |
3Sg-arrive | Report.Evid | Def.Det | house-Loc | Conj | 3Sg-throw-Conj.Simult | 3.Pron.DO | Def.Det | kitchen | corner-Loc |
He arrived, it is said, at the house, and he threw [it = the bone] in a corner of the kitchen;
Llegó, se dice que, a la casa, y al tirar[lo = el hueso] en una esquina de la cocina;
(12) | |||||
ha | o-porandu | chupe | moõ-pa | o-juhu | ∅:Covert Direct Object Pronoun |
Conj | 3Sg-ask | 3.Pron.IO | where-Q | 3Sg-find | 3.Pron.DO |
and asked him where he had found [it = the horse’s bone].
y le preguntó dónde [lo] había encontrado [= el hueso].
Story #13
(1) | |||||||
Ha | o-gueru | la | o-guerú | -vaRelativizer 'va' | o-moinge | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | hikuái |
Conj | 3Pl-bring | Def.Det | 3Pl-bring | -Rel | | 3.Pron.DO | 3Pl.Pron.Pron |
And they brought what they had, they put (it) in
Y traían lo que tenían, (lo) metieron
(2) | ||||||
ha | o-mboguejy | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | peteĩ | vánko | puku | ári. |
Conj | 3Pl-put.down | 3.Pron.DO | one | bench | long | on |
and lowered (it) onto a long bench.
y (lo) bajaron sobre un banco largo.
(3) | |||||
——Pe-rú-iko | ∅!Covert Direct Object Pronoun | ——he’i | ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' | chupe-kuéra | mama. |
——2Pl-bring-Imp | 3.Pron.DO | ——3Sg.say | Report.Evid | 3.Pron.IO-Pl | mother |
"You brought (it)," it is said that mother said.
"(Lo) trajeron!" les dijo mamá, dicen que.
(4) | ||||||||
——Ro-gueru | ∅,Covert Direct Object Pronoun | apéna | ite | ore-pu’aka | hese! | ——he’i | chupe | hikuái. |
——1Pl.Excl-bring | 3.Pron.DO | as.soon | Superl | 1Pl.Excl.Poss-strength | 3.Pron.Obl | ——3Pl.say | 3.Pron.IO | 3Pl.Pron.Subj |
"We brought (him), as soon as we had strength for him," they said (to her).
"¡(Lo) trajimos, apenas tuvimos fuerza por él!" les dijeron ellos.
Story #14
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I-túva | ha | i-sy | o-mondé-va | hese, | ha’e | o-mboi-pa | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | jey. |
3-father | Conj | 3-mother | 3Pl-put-Hab | 3.Pron.Obl | 3.Pron | 3Sg-remove-Compl | 3.Pron.DO | again |
Whatever his dad and mom put on him, he would take it off again.
Su papá y su mamá lo que le ponían se quitaba todo otra vez él.
Story #15
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——O-mano | va'ekueDistal Perfect Aspect | ja-hejá | -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' | va’erã | ∅Covert Direct Object Pronoun | topytu’u. |
——3Sg-die | Asp.Distal | 1Pl-leave | -Asp | Mod | 3.Pron.DO | rest |
"He died and we must let (him) rest.
"Murió y debemos dejar(lo) ya descansar.