USC Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Children's Narratives C29

Story- “Pini ha Kuri'i[a story about two little pigs]

Escuela Básica Nº 528 “Delfín Chamorro” - Coronel Bogado- Itapúa.

Recording Date: 08-10-2023

C29= Gender: female, Age: 5,7; Kindergarten     B (Adult)

HM language: Mostly Guaraní

B - [Child's name], remombe'úta Prospective Aspect Kítape la ñane cuentito.

Le vas a contar a Kita nuestro cuentito.

You will tell Kita our litte story.

C29 - Pini ha Kuri'i oiko Chákope ha hakueterei la Chákope, hesa pytãmbáma hikuái, la inambi entero pytãmba. Káva oĩ ko`ápe [señala en la escena el nido de avispas] hakueterei ha la hovakuéra pytã. Upéi oho hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer ha oñedetene ha la tortúga omaña vai hesekuéra porque ho`u hikuái la túna ha ojopipaite chupekuéra. Alguien omoĩ ne ra'eIndirect Evidential chupekúera alcohol por no hasy chupekuéra.

Pini y Kuri'i vivían en el Chaco y en el Chaco hace demasiado calor, tenían los ojos todos rojos, hasta sus orejas estabas todas rojas. Aqui hay avispas, hacía demasiado calor y tenían la cara roja. Luego iban y se detuvieron y la tortuga les miraba mal porque comían la tuna y les pico todito. Seguramente que alguien les puso alcohol para que no les duela.

Pini and Kur'i lived in the Chaco and in the Chaco it was very hot, they had their eyes all red, even their ears were red. Here there are wasps, it was too had and they had their face red. Then they were going and they halted and the turtle was looking at them in a bad way [distrustfully ] because they were eating the tuna plant and they were stung [by it]. Probably someone put alcohol on them so that it wouldn't hurt.

B - Ha upéi mba'e oiko?

Y después, qué pasó?

And then, what happened?

C29 - Upéi ohendu hikuái algo, peteĩ mba'yru; okañy hikuái yvyra kupépe ha oryrýi hikuái ha ohendu mba'éichapa oitýta Prospective Aspect chuguikuéra la hi'árbol kuéra ha upéi oaparece la karai kuéra oñepyrũmaAspect / Focalizer (Already) katu oitypa chiguikuéra.

Luego escucharon algo, un vehículo; se escondieron detrás de un árbol y temblaban y escuchaban como iban a echar de ellos sus árboles y después aparecieron los señores y ya empezaron sique a echar de ellos.

Then they heard something, a vehicle; they hid behind a tree behind a tree and they were trembling and they heard how they were going to throw down the trees down and then appeared the men and they started already to throw down the trees.

Moõ piko ñakañýta Prospective Aspect? Jahekána peteĩ kua ñakañy haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator. Ma'ẽ tahýi [señala la hormiga en la escena] ha okañy hikuái yvyra kupépe pero ñokañymbái, paharito'i ko'ápe oĩ, loro'íngo ko'ãva. Pini ha Kuri'i ikyhyjetereiii porque oitypaite hína Continuitive Aspect / Focalizer chuguikuéra la hi'árbol kuéra ha ohecha mba'éicha otrosa hikuái la yvyra mata, ojapo chugui jepe'a ogueraha haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator.

Dónde vamos a escondernos? Busquemos un hoyo para escondernos. Mirá la hormiga [señala la hormiga en la escena] y se escondieron detras de un árbol pero no se escondieron del todo. Aqui hay pajaritos, son loros. Pini ha Kuri'i tenían demasiado miedo porque estaban echando todos sus árboles y veían cómo cortaban los árboles, hacían leña de ellos para llevar.

Where are going to hide? Let's find to hide [in it]. Look at the ant [indicating the ant in the picture] and they hid behind a tree they did not hide entirely. Here there are little birds, there parrots. Pini and Kuri'I were very afraid because they were throwing down all the trees, a they saw how they were cutting the trees, they were making wood to take away.

Ma'ẽmi mba'éichapa ipochy ha oikytĩ la jepe'a ha oitypa la nido'i entero oguerekóvaRelativizer paharito'i huevo.

Mirá un poco cómo se enojaba y cortaba la leña y hasta [el árbol con] el nido que tenía huevos de pajarito echó.

Look how they were getting angry and were cutting down all the wood and even [the tree with] the bird's nest they threw down.

B - Ha upéi?

Y luego? 

And then?

C29 - Ogueraha hikuái la jepe'a, omotimbo ohóvo la polvo la i kamión reheve. Jepe'arã ogueraha ne ra'eIndirect Evidential hikuái ojetapy haguãIrrealis 'ha' Subordinator.

Llevaron la leña, iban levantando polvo con su camión. Seguramente llevaban para leña, para hacer fuego.

They took the wood, raising dust with their truck. Probably they were taking wood to make fire.

Upéi Pini ha Kuri'i opyta hasẽ hikuái porque oitypaite umi karai la hi'árbol kuéra, la paharito kuéra ohopa, peteĩmínte opyta hendive kuéra.

Luego Pini y Kuri'i quedaron llorando porque esos señores echaron toditos sus árboles, los pajaritos se fueron todos, uno solo se quedó con ellos.

Then Pini and Kuri'i remained crying because those men threw down all their trees, the little birds all went away, only one stayed with them.