Guarani Corpus

Funded by NSF BCS-1917619

Additional Resources Publications

'Ndaje/-je' Reportative Evidential

Mombe'u Stories

Story #3

Oguahẽ ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ka’i karai jaguarete róga-pe, o-jerure haguãIrrealis Subordinator 'ha' posáda.
3Sg-arrive Report.Evid monkey man tiger house-Loc 3Sg-ask Sub.Irr lodging

It is said that the monkey arrived at the tiger’s house to ask for lodgings.

Dicen que llega el mono a la casa del señor jaguareté, para pedir posada.

——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' chupe,
——3Sg.say Report.Evid 1Sg.Pron.IO

it is said that she said to him,

dice que le dijo,

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' he’i jey chupe ka’i:
Then Report.Evid 3Sg.say again 3Sg.Pron.IO monkey

Then, it is said, the monkey said to her again:

Después, se dice que el mono le volvió a decir:

Ha upe rire-mí-nte ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-guahẽ o-ú-vo la ména,
Conj then after-Dim-only Report.Evid 3Sg-arrive 3Sg-come-Asp.Goal Def.Det husband

Then after a while, it is said, the husband was arriving,

Al rato nomás se dice que vino llegando el marido,

——He’ẽ ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' jaguarete,
——Yeah ——3Sg.say Report.Evid Tiger

"Yeah," it is said that the tiger said,

"He’ẽ," se dice que dijo el jaguareté,

Story #5

——Ma’ẽ, o-manó-mbo amigo jaguarete ápe ra'eMatrix ra'e, speaker oriented - realization of the speaker/monkey ——he’i ndaje.Reportative Evidential 'ndaje'
——Look 3Sg-die-Part friend tiger here Evid ——3Sg.say Report.Evid

"Look, the friend tiger died here, it appears," it is said that he said.

"Mira, murió aquí el amigo jaguareté, había sido," se dice que dijo.

——Péa n-o-manói, péa n-o-manó-i! ——he’i ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje'
——Dem Neg-3Sg-die-Neg Dem Neg-3Sg-die-Neg ——3Sg.say Report.Evid

"This one did not die, this one did not die!" it is said he said,

"Este no murió, este no murió!" se dice que dijo,

Story #7

Aguara ha jaguarete ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' yma o-lehi-mi
Fox Conj tiger Report.Evid time.ago 3Sg-choose-Dim

It is said that a long time ago the fox and the tiger chose

Dicen que hace tiempo el zorro y el tigre eligieron

Story #8

O-pupu ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la y pé-pe, olla guasu peteĩ-me.
3Sg-boil Report.Evid Def.Det water Dem-Loc pot big one-Loc

It is that the water was boiling there, in a big pot. [emphasis on 'big']

Se dice que hervía el agua allí, en una olla gigante.

——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' aguara, story-pa-ité-pe.
3Sg.say Report.Evid fox story-Compl-Superl-Loc

it is said that the fox said, with joy/confidence.

se dice que dijo el zorro, con confianza/con alegría.

——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' peteĩ-va la ka’i chupe.
3Sg.say Report.Evid one-Rel Def.Det monkey 3.Pron.IO

it is said that one of the monkeys said to him.

se dice que le dijo uno de los monos.

Story #9

Peteĩ ka’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-sena hínaContinuative tatay-pýpe,
One monkey Report.Evid 3Sg-dinner Cont fire-close

It is said that a monkey was having dinner close to the fire,

Dicen que un mono estaba cenando cerca del fuego,

O-hechá -jeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ka’i la jaguarete o-u -haSubordinator 'ha' [i]chupe kuéra hína,Emphasis on 'chupe kuera'
3Sg-see -Report.Evid monkey Def.Det tiger 3Sg-come -Sub 3.Pron.IO Pl Cont

It is said that the monkey saw the tiger that was coming towards them.

Dicen que le vio el mono al tigre que venía [hacia] ellos.

ja-’ú -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' -ne jaguarete! ——he’i ndaje.Reportative Evidential 'ndaje'
1Pl.Excl-eat -Asp -Mod tiger 3Sg.say Report.Evid

"we will probably already have a tiger for dinner," it is said that he said.

"ya cenaríamos tigre," se dice que dijo.

Story #10

Peruríma ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' he’i o-guereko- haSubordinate 'ha' peteĩ chavurro o-kaká-va pláta.
Perurima Report.Evid 3Sg.say 3Sg-have- Sub one donkey 3Sg-defecate-Rel money

It is said that Perurima said that he had a donkey that defecated money.

Se dice que dijo Perurima que tenía un burro que defecaba dinero.

O-moherakuã ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' upé-icha ha opá-rupi o-je-ju
3Sg-make.known Report.Evid Dem-manner Conj all-around 3Sg-Refl-come

In that way, it is said, he made it known and from all places all types of animals came

Así dicen que difundió y de todos vinieron

Upé[v]a ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ha’e, o-hendú-rõ guarã o-ĩ- haNominalizer 'ha' la o-ú-va,
Pron.Dem Report.Evid 3.Pron 3Sg-hear-Cond Fut.Irr 3Sg-exist- Sub Def.Det 3Sg-come-Rel

That way it is said that when he hears that someone is coming,

Así se dice que él, cuando escucha que alguien viene,

Upéi ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' aré-pe
Then Report.Evid time-Loc

That way, it is said that with time,

Así se dice, con el tiempo

O-ñembosako’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ha’e-ve ha o-u la Perurima róga-pe
3Sg-prepare Report.Evid 3.Pron-also Conj 3Sg-come Def.Det Perurima house-Loc

It is said that he also prepared himself, and came to Peru’s house

Se dice que se preparó también él, y vino a la casa de Peru

O-guahẽ ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Señor Réi ka’aru
3Sg-arrive Report.Evid Mr. King afternoon

It is said that the King arrived in the afternoon,

Se dice que llegó a la tarde el Señor Rey,

ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru o-sẽ he’i hembirekó-pe:
Report.Evid Peru 3Sg-go.out 3Sg.say wife-DOM

it is said that Peru came out to say to his wife:

se dice que Peru salió a decir a su esposa:

O-maña ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' hese la Réi hína,Emphasis on 'la Rei'
3Sg-watch Report.Evid 3.Pron.IO Def.Det King Cont

It is said that the King was watching,

Se dice que el Rey estaba mirando,

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' he’í -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' chupe n-o-vende-sé-i chéne-pa.
Then Report.Evid 3Sg.say -Asp FOC 3Sg.Pron.IO Neg-3Sg-sell-Des-Neg Mod-Q

Then it is said that he already said to him whether he would sell [it] to him.

Después se dice ya le dijo que si no le querría vender.

Ha ko’ýte ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' upépe
Conj even.more Report.Evid Dem-Loc

And even more, it is said, at that moment

Y aún más se dice que en ese momento

Hasý-pe -jeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru o-asyta. [omonei]
Difficult-Loc -Report.Evid Peru 3Sg-accept

It is said that with difficulty, Peru accepted.

Costosamente [dice que] Peru aceptó.

O-ho ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' karai Réi o-he’ỹi la hymba vúrro ha nd-o-kaká-i.
3Sg-go Report.Evid Mr. King 3Sg-scratch Def.Det animal donkey Conj Neg-3Sg-defecate-Neg

It is said that the King went to scratch the donkey but it did not defecate.

Se dice se fué el Señor Rey arrascar al burro y no defecó.

Are-mi rire ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru o-jagarra jeý -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' mokõi apere’a
Time-Dim after Report.Evid Peru 3Sg-grab again -Asp two rabbit

A little time after, it is said, Peru grabbed two wild rabbits

Un tiempo después, dicen que, Peru agarró devuelta dos conejos silvestres

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ha’e oi-kuaa voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' mba’e diá-pe
Then Report.Evid 3.Pron 3Sg-know FOC thing day-Loc

Then, it is said that he knew which day

Después, dice que, él sabía luego que día

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la Señor Réi o-u o-guahẽ ha o-porandu voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' Perú-re.
Then Report.Evid Def.Det Mr. King 3Sg-come 3Sg-arrive Conj 3Sg-ask FOC Peru-Obl

Then, it is said, the King came arriving and asked for Peru.

Después dicen que el Señor Rey vino llegando y preguntó. por Peru.

——Moõ-pa oi-me? ——he’í -je.Reportative Evidential 'ndaje'
——Where-Q 3Sg-be ——3Sg.say- Report.Evid

"Where is he?" it is said that he said.

"Dónde está?" se dice que dijo.

——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la kuñakarai,
——3Sg.say Report.Evid Def.Det woman

it is said that the wife said.

dice que dijo la señora.

Ha ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-guenohẽ la ajaka guý-gui peteĩ la apere’a:
Conj Report.Evid 3Sg-take.out Def.Det basket under-Prep one Def.Det rabbit

And it is said that she took the rabbit from under the basket:

Y dice que sacó de debajo la canasta un conejo:

——Te-re-ho ere nde rú-pe t-o-u ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' chupe,
——Imp-2Sg-go 2Sg.say 2Sg.Poss father-IO Imp-3Sg-come ——3Sg.say Report.Evid 3.Pron.IO

"Go tell your father to come," it is said that she said to him,

"Anda decirle a tu padre que venga," dice que le dijo,

Ha la Réi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-maña ñemi hese hína.Emphasis on hese. Event is not continuative.
Conj Def.Det King Report.Evid 3Sg-watch hidden 3.Pron.IO Cont

And the King secretly watched her.

Y el Rey le miró a escondida a ella.

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru o-guahẽ o-ú-vo la óga kupe guio,
Then Report.Evid Peru 3Sg-arrive 3Sg-come-Conj.Simult Def.Det house behind towards

Then, it is said, Peru was arriving towards the back of the house,

Y después se dice que Peru venía llegando de hacia detrás de la casa,

Oi-ke ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Peru ha o-ñomongeta Señor Réi ndive.
3Sg.enter Report.Evid Peru Conj 3Sg-talk.with Mr. King 2Sg-with

It is said that Peru came in and talked with the King,

Se dice que entró Peru y conversó con el Señor Rey,

Oi-potá-iterei jeý -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Señor Réi ha o-trateá -maAspect/Focalizer '-ma' voiFocalizer Particle 'voi' Perú-gui.
3Sg-want-Superl again -Asp Report.Evid Mr. King Conj 3Sg-deal -Asp FOC Peru-Prep

The King wanted it badly again, it is said, and he already made a deal with Peru.

Demasiado quería otra vez el señor Rei, se dice que, e hizo el trato otra vez con Peru.

O-ho ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' karai Réi o-guahẽ la hóga-pe,
3Sg-go Report.Evid Mr. King 3Sg-arrive Def.Det

It is said that the King went home,

Se dice que fue el Señor Rey y llegó a su casa,

——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Señor Réi.
——3Sg.say Report.Evid Mr. King

it is said that the King said.

dice que dijo el Señor Rey.

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la kuñakarai o-guenohẽ la i-japere’a
Then Report.Evid Def.Det woman 3Sg-take Def.Det 3.Poss-rabbit

Then, it is reported, the woman took out her rabbit

Y después, se dice que, la señora le sacó a su conejo

I-ladóse jere ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Karái Réi ha ne’írã o-u.
3Sg-twelve around Report.Evid Mr. King Conj not.yet 3Sg-come

And it was already close to twelve, it is said, and he still had not come.

Y ya eran cerca de las doce se dice y todavía no venía.

Ha upéi ae ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-guahẽ o-ú-vo.
Conj then just Report.Evid 3Sg-arrive 3Sg-come-Conj.Simult

And just then it is said he was arriving.

Y después recién se dice vino llegando.

Story #11

o-guenohẽ-vo ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ∅, o-sẽ peteĩ kuãirũ la i-kuã-re.
3Sg-take.out-Conj.Simult Report.Evid 3.Pron.DO 3Sg-come.out one ring Def.Det 3.Poss-finger-Obl

when removing it, it is said that a ring came out on his finger.

al sacar, dice que salió un anillo por su dedo.

Story #12

Ijypy-(gua)rã ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-guenohẽ hikuái i-konpádre ndive ra'eMatrix clause, narrator oriented
3Sg.start-Irr Report.Evid 3Pl-take.out 3Pl.Pron.Subj 3.Poss-friend with Evid

It is said that, to start with, they had taken out with his friend

Se dice que, para comenzar, habían sacado con su compadre, había sido que,

O-guereko ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' are h.óga-pe,
3Sg-have Report.Evid long.time

It is said that he had [the bones] a long time in his house,

Se dice que tuvo mucho tiempo en su casa [los huesos],

Ha peteĩ pyharé-pe ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' n-o-ñe’ẽi la i-káva
Conj one evening-Loc Report.Evid Neg-3Pl-talk-Neg Def.Det 3.Poss-urn

And one night it is said that the wasps were no longer buzzing

Y una noche se dice que no zumbaron las avispas

Ha peteĩ sávado ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-u hendá-pe i-konpádre,
Conj one Saturday Report.Evid 3Sg-come place-Loc 3.Poss-friend

And one Saturday, it is said, his friend came to his place,

Y un sábado, se dice que, vino junto a él su compadre,

O-ho o-sonda ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje'
3Pl-go 3Pl-explore Report.Evid

It is said they went to explore

Se fueron para sondear [explorar]

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' pe yvykuá-pe o-hetũ Leokádio la i-né-va.
Then Report.Evid Dem well-Loc 3Sg-smell Leokádio Def.Det 3.Poss-bad.smell-Rel

And then it is said Leokádio smelled something that smelled bad.

Y después se dice que en el pozo olió Leokadio lo que olía mal.

Upépe ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' i-serrado-ve ha’e.
There.Loc Report.Evid 3Sg-persistent-more 3.Pron

It is said that at that point he got more persistent.

Ahí, se dice que se puso más persistente él.

Ha upéi ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' hasý-pe, pe ónse metroha rupi,
Conj then Report.Evid difficult-Loc Dem eleven meters around

And then, it is said, finally, about around eleven meters,

Y después, se dice que, a las cansadas, a unos once metros por ahí,

Ha o-mongu’e ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ha’e
Conj 3Sg-move Report.Evid 3.Pron

And it is said that he moved the container

Y se dice que movió él [el cántaro]

ha pe o-sẽ-vo ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-mombo la kambuchi oká-pe,
Conj Dem 3Sg-go.out-Conj.Simult Report.Evid 3Sg-throw.out Def.Det container out-Loc

and it is said that when he came out, he threw out the container.

y al salir, dice que, tiró el cántaro afuera.

ha o-mbota ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la i-núnka peteĩ válde rembé-re.
Conj 3Sg-hit Report.Evid Def.Det 3.Poss-neck one bucket rim-Obl

and he hit his neck on the rim of the bucket.

y se dice que se golpeó la nuca por el borde del balde.

Upé-gui ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Vito nd-oi-kuaa-vé-i la o-japo va’erã
Dem-Prep Report.Evid Vito Neg-3Sg-know-more-Neg Def.Det 3Sg-do Mod

And it is said that thereof, Vito did not know what he should do

Y se dice que de ahí Vito no supo que tenía que hacer

Ha upe domíngo pyhareve ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje'
Conj Dem Sunday morning Report.Evid

And that Sunday morning, it is said,

Y ese domingo a la mañana, se dice que,

O-hecha ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la yvykua tuichá-va ha o-ñe-mboja o-maña upé-pe.
3Sg-see Report.Evid Def.Det well big-Rel Conj 3Sg-Refl-get.close 3Sg-look there-Loc

It is said that he saw a big well and he got close to look at it.

Vio, se dice que, el gran pozo y se acercó para mirar allí.

O-hecha ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' pe hembére
3Sg-see Report.Evid Dem border

It is said that he saw that on the border

Vio, se dice que, en el borde

O-jagarra ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ha’e peteĩ o-gueraha
3Sg-grab Report.Evid 3.Pron one 3Sg-take

It is said that he [the card player] grabbed one

Se dice que agarró él [el jugador de naipes] uno

O-puka-pa ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' hese hapicha kuéra la almacén-pe.
3Pl-laugh-Compl Report.Evid 3.Pron.Obl 3.Poss.peers Pl Def.Det store-Loc

It is said that his peers in the store laughed at him.

Todos, se dice que, se rieron de él sus amigos en el almacén.

O-guahẽ ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la óga-pe, ha o-mombó-vo la kosina ekína-pe,
3Sg-arrive Report.Evid Def.Det house-Loc Conj 3Sg-throw-Conj.Simult Def.Det kitchen corner-Loc

He arrived, it is said, at the house, and he threw [the bone] in a corner of the kitchen;

Llegó, se dice que, a la casa, y al tirar [el hueso] en una esquina de la cocina;

Upé-pe ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la i-patrõ o-u avei o-hecha
Dem-Loc Report.Evid Def.Det 3.Poss-boss 3Sg-come also 3Sg-see

And there, it is said, the boss also came to see

Y ahí, se dice que, el patrón vino también a ver

Story #13

NdajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' peteĩ garróte o-poi José Domingo
Report.Evid one big.stick 3Sg-throw José Domingo

It is said that José Domingo threw a big stick

Se dice que tiro un garrote José Domingo

Ha upé-pe ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' Agui ho’a-ite vera voi,Focalizer Particle 'voi' i-j-atáke.
Conj there-Loc Report.Evid Agustin 3Sg.fall-Superl suddenly FOC 3Sg-Refl-attack

And there it is said that Augustin suddenly fell; he had an attack.

Y allí se dice que Agustín se cayó súbitamente; le dio su ataque.

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la Agui irũ-nguéra o-u
Then Report.Evid Def.Det Agustin friend-Pl 3Pl-come

And then it is said that Augustin’s friends came

Después se dice que los amigos de Augustin llegaron

I-j-atake ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' sin poder o-gueru-ve la i-pytu ni mba’eve.
3.Poss-Refl-attack Report.Evid without Mod 3Sg-bring-more Def.Det breath nor nothing

With his attack, they say, without being able to recover his breath or anything.

Con su ataque, dicen que, sin poder recuperar el aliento, ni nada.

——Pe-rú-iko! ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' chupe-kuéra mama.
——2Pl-bring-Imp ——3Sg.say Report.Evid 3.Pron.IO-Pl mother

"You brought [it]," it is said that mother said.

"Trajeron!" les dijo mamá, dicen que.

——Imposívle! ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' mama ——hasy-peve piko pe-sẽ chupe.
——Impossible ——3Sg.say Report.Evid mother ——difficult-after Expr 2Pl-go.out 3.Pron.IO

"Impossible!" it is said that mother said, "finally you got it out."

"¡Imposible!" dice que les dijo mamá, "al fin lo encontraron."

Story #14

O-nase ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' -ko peteĩ mitã’i indio-kuéra apyté-pe,
3Sg-born Report.Evid -FOC one child Indian-Pl middle-Loc

It is said that a boy was born among the Indians.

Nació, dicen que, un niño de entre los indios.

Upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-ho oi-ke peteĩ tolderia tuichá-va-pe,
Then Report.Evid 3Sg-go one camp big-Rel-Loc

Then it is said that he went to enter a large camp.

Después dice que se fue a entrar a un campamento grande

Ha ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-sẽ-vo la tolderiá-gui la karai,
Conj Report.Evid 3Sg-go.out-Conj.Simult Def.Det tent-Prep Def.Det man

And it is said that when the man came out of the tent,

Y se dice que al salir del campamento el señor,

Ha ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' hembireko oi-kutu ryguasu o-ke -há-guiLocational Relative Pronoun 'ha' hína,Continuative
Conj Report.Evid 3.Poss.wife 3Sg-stick chicken 3Sg-sleep -Rel-Prep Cont

And it is said that his wife stuck a knife where a chicken was sleeping,

y dicen que su señora clavo una gallina en donde estaba dormida,

Story #15

Pe ovráhe Fassardi, San Agustín-pe ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje'
Dem lumberyard Fassardi San Agustín-Loc Report.Evid

At that lumberyard Fassardi, in San Agustín,

En ese obraje Fassardi, en San Agustín,

Ha o-sé vaerã ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-aperita petei kantína-pe la vía kósta-re.
Conj 3Sg-go.out Mod Report.Evid 3Sg-drink one bar-Loc Def.Det track side-Obl

And, it is said, he had to go out to drink at a bar on the side of the train tracks.

Y, se dice que, tenía que salir a tomar a un bar al costado de la vía del tren.

o-jupí-vo la vagon rehe ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje'
3Sg-get.on-Conj.Simult Def.Det wagon Prep.Obl Report.Evid

As he got on the wagon, it is said,

al subirse al vagón, se dice que,

Ha la i-ñi-rũ nguéra ndaje,Reportative Evidential 'ndaje' mitarusũ akã hatã,
Conj Def.Det 3.Poss-link-friend Pl Report.Evid youngsters head strong

And, it is said, his friends, hard-headed youngsters,

Y sus amigos, se dice, jóvenes cabezudos,

——Re’u pe húlano rye-kue, ——he’i ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la finado rehe.
—— Dem guy innards-former ——3Pl.say Report.Evid Def.Det Prep.Obl

"Eat that guy’s innards," it is said that they said about the dead guy.

"Cómele al fulano sus entrañas," dice que dijeron del finado.

Ha tio Anastacio ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' (upéva-ngo ore machúta memby,
Conj uncle Anastacio Report.Evid 2Pl.Poss housekeeper son

And it is said that uncle Anastacio (that one who is the housekeeper’s son,

Y se dice que el tío Anastacio (ese que es hijo de la machú,

Ha upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' peteĩ asaje-rei, o-karu rire,
Conj then Report.Evid one noon-random 3Pl-lunch after

And then, it is said, one random early afternoon after lunch,

Y después, se dice, una siesta cualquiera, después de almorzar,

O-hecha ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la finádo-pe o-guahẽ o-hó-vo, henda moroti ári
3Sg-see Report.Evid Def.Det 3Sg-arrive 3Sg-go-Conj.Simult mount white on

He saw, it is said, the dead guy arriving mounted on a white [horse]

Se dice que vio al finado llegar en un montado blanco

ha upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' la o-ndyvú-vo péicha ha o-maña jey
Conj then Report.Evid Def.Det 3Sg-spit-Conj.Simult that.way Conj 3Sg-look again

And then, it is said, as he spit, he looked again.

Y luego, se dice, al escupir, miró otra vez.

Ha pyhare ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' o-u jey.
Conj evening Report.Evid 3Sg-come again

And that night, it is said, he came again.

Y esa noche, se dice, vino otra vez.

Ha upéi ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' pyhareve, ko’ẽ-ỹ-re,
Conj that Report.Evid morning morning-priv-Obl

And then in the morning, at dawn,

Y después en la mañana, a la madrugada,

Ha o-pu’ã ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' ha’e, ha o-hó -taProspective Aspect -vo la i-kosina-í-me,
Conj 3Sg-got.up Report.Evid 3.Pron Conj 3Pl-go -Prosp -Conj.Simult Def.Det 3.Poss-kitchen-Dim-Loc

And it is said that he got up, and as he was going to go to the kitchen,

Y se dice que se levantó, y cuando iba a irse a la cocina,

O-jaivy ndajeReportative Evidential 'ndaje' upé-pe, o-moĩ la hova
3Sg-lean Report.Evid Dem-Loc 3Sg-put Def.Det face

He was bent down there, it is said; he put his face

Estaba apoyado ahí, se dice; puso la cara