USC Guarani Corpus

*Funded by NSF BCS-1917619 (2019-2024)

Funded by USC Emeritus Center (2024-2025)

*Part of the research project "The Evidential-Temporal Connection in a Language Without Tense"
Maria Luisa Zubizarreta (PI) & Roumyana Pancheva (Co-PI)

Our Corpus

Welcome to the USC Guarani Corpus. On this website, you will find a compilation of fifteen Guarani stories taken from 'Mombe'u pyre, Mombe'u pyrã, Káso ñemombe'u' by Domingo Aguilera Jiménez (see "Additional resources " page.) An English gloss of each line of the stories is found below the Guarani text followed by the English and Spanish translations.

Throughout the stories, we have highlighted a selection of searchable Guarani morphemes across the texts that contibute to the meaning and significance of the stories. If you hover your mouse over the words highlighted in purple, a small green pop-up box will appear with labels and notes about the indicated morpheme.

Children's Narratives

The website also includes a number of Children's Narratives. These were collected at rural schools from pre-k, kindergarden, and first grade children (ages 4-6), through the use of the picture books "Frog Where Are You?" and "A boy, a dog, and a frog" by Mercer Meyer, and the book "Pini and Kuri'i" by Feliciano Acosta.

This corpus is a work in progress.
Check back frequently to see more updates. Feedback is welcome!


In the search bar above, you will find two options for navigating this webpage.
1. If you would like to read through each story and discover each of the relevant morphemes included within each story, you can select the story you would like to read by using our 'Glossed Stories' tab.
2. If you would like to investigate the uses and properties of each indivdiualized Guarani morpheme, you can select the morpheme you would like to learn more about and navigate the corpus using our 'Search by Mopheme' tab. This tab exhibits every instance of the specified morpheme from each story and sometimes features additional, more detailed notes about its function in the story.